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Marketing Checkpoint

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It’s all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to do those basic things that create real results in our lives.





While posting video and Twittering are all fine and good, we MUST use the basic and proven methods of marketing if we want to survive and thrive.





And email marketing is one of those basics, one you might be overlooking right now.





It is undeniable that the MOST powerful form of marketing online today is email marketing.





If you look at any major product launch you will see they are done with email marketing. Even these silly “email is dead” desktop delivery products are sold using the medium they claim to be replacing … email!





Ever wonder why?





The reason is simple. Email marketing works!





Recent studies show that over 40% of people surveyed buy things online based on an email they receive. I know I do, and I’m willing to guess that you have bought products too that you learned about in your email inbox. And who hasn’t visited a site and filled in a form to learn more about a product they were interested in?





These things are now a part of all good marketing. The President uses email. Your bank uses email. All online marketers (every single one) uses email. Isn’t it time you experienced the full power of email marketing too?





While video might be replacing long written sales letters (it is) nothing will replace email. In fact, every sales letter you see that is done with video contains that ever-present “sign up for the next video” box for you to fill in.





And then it’s the email follow up that sells us on taking action.





I know you know this because you, like me, get all those “act now” messages!





So now the questions is this – how can YOU use ethical, permission based email marketing to promote the products or programs that will help YOU earn a full time living online?





Here are five ways you can use email to do more. To sell more. To keep more customers happy. I hope you use each one.










Whether it’s a simple as a one-time ‘thank you’ or as elaborate as a 50 message follow up system, customers love to know you care.




At a minimum, send one message thanking customers for every order.





To power up this idea, create a follow up system using your favorite autoresponder and offer your customer more chances to buy. Share neat ways they can use the product they bought from you. Be helpful in every way you can.





If you do nothing more than give a hearty recommendation for the products you use and like you will sell more than ever AND help your customers too. They are likely having the same problems you face. If you have a solution, share it.





Keep messages short and they will always be welcome.










Do you offer a product that takes a bit of learning to use? Most products do take a bit of instruction to master.





Teach your customers how to get the benefits they deserve from your product or service via email.





Keep messages on topic and separate your follow up series into bite-size learning pieces. These follow up messages can bring your refund rate to near zero … a good thing indeed.










This is what most people think of when they think about email marketing. Sending emails to sell a product. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, statistics prove it works!





Think about this – if even the best websites out there only convert 2% of visitors into customers on their first visit what happens to the 98% of people who don’t buy?





Sadly, this is what happens.

They leave

They never come back

They buy from someone else




Bummer. The good news is that all of this can be avoided if you just capture their name and email address so you can remind them to return.





After all, they didn’t land on your site by accident. They were looking for something and the odds are YOU have what they want.





They just weren’t convinced the first time around. And that’s perfectly natural. How often do you buy the first thing you see? Comparison shopping is the way of the Internet, and getting prospective customers to return to your site is the challenge.





A pre-sale series is the answer!





This is actually very easy to do. Just write down the top ten reasons why someone should buy from you, then put each in a follow up message. Send one a day until they are all delivered.





Offer the series to everyone who visits your site and let time do the selling work for you!





Our experience has been that up to 60% of visitors will take your free information if you do a good job of selling the idea.





In my 12 or so years online there have been a handful of things I have learned that are absolute. One of them is this – every website can sell more if they use email marketing well. End of story.










Use email to deliver insider information on special bargains, limited time pricing, and more.





Much like a coupon sheet in your local newspaper, selling advertising in this type of email is a breeze.





The idea here is simple – YOU do the research and prove the value of products and then report on that to people on the list.





When they buy they buy from YOUR affiliate link and everyone wins!










Want to know THE secret to building a loyal mailing list? Give the people what they want!





People love offbeat news, especially when it has a connection to their lives.





For the best example of this on the Net today visit this site. You’ll love it! I’ve been a subscriber for years and suggest you subscribe too.





Even more ways to make money with email marketing.






More ideas about how to use email to sell more could include:

Announce Special Events

Do A JV With Someone Whose Product Compliments Yours

Sell A Message In Your Follow Up Series

Teach Affiliates How To Sell More FOR You

Create A Discussion To Research Your Next Product




Email is everywhere and tremendously effective. But it can be one of those methods that gets overlooked in the rush to find the Next Big Thing.





Don’t fall into that trap – make sure your email marketing is rock-solid and then experiment all you want with the “next big thing” as time allows.





Start to USE email in your business today and I can guarantee you will make more money with less effort in the months to come.





And THAT is a beautiful thing indeed!




Rudi Vanhaecke
Bronze Team Leader SFI
Inrernet Marketing Professional



Waterstraat 59
8730 Beernem

Mobile: +32496292333
Phone: +3250791910
Skype: rudi.vanhaecke



  • 3 months later...

Hello Rudi.


I couldn't help noticing that you've posted quite a lot of material here. From what I've looked at so far, most of it appears to be really good information.


However, I also notice that very few of your posts have any replies attached to them, which isn't a good thing in a forum.


If I may, I'd like to offer some constructive criticism, if you're still monitoring this forum (hopefully you've received an email notifying you of this reply).


  • First of all, I would recommend that you don't post too much information at once. I've found that it's a good idea to give people a chance to digest what you have to offer before giving them more of it. In spite of the valuable information they contain, the many posts you've put up here are most likely contributing to that dreaded situation in many people known as "information overload."
  • Second, since we're in a forum, I strongly recommend finishing your posts with a "call to action" - something to provoke the readers to contribute their own opinion or experience on the subject. That can be accomplished by asking them a direct question, or perhaps by making a provocative statement that spurs the reader to respond.
  • Lastly, I would recommend injecting some "white space" into your longer posts. Many readers, when confronted by a single huge block of text, will be "scared away" and not read it at all. With large blocks of text it is also sometimes difficult to read because the width of the page is such that it's hard to determine where the next line begins - it's hidden amongst all of the other lines of text. Even using some of the rich text features of the editor (such as Bold, Italics, Underline, etc.- as well as "bullet points" such as I've used here) can help the reader identify the next line more easily, by giving them an "anchor point" to use as a reference to navigate to the next line.


These "tricks" apply equally to the emails you send, with one additional piece of advice: Don't make lines of text more than about 60 characters long. That way, the beginning of each line is still within the reader's field of vision as they read to the end, making it easier to locate the beginning of the next line once they reach the end of the current line.


There's much more to the art of copywriting than just the informational content alone (which is still very important, don't get me wrong). As marketers, we also must learn how to "package" the information we put out there, making it as easy as possible for our readers to actually receive - and to digest - the information we offer them.


Best of luck to you, and may you prosper in all of your endeavors!

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