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Marketing Checkpoint

Darren Olander

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Darren Olander last won the day on January 3

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About Darren Olander

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  1. Hi Marian, good to have you here!
  2. Welcome to the forum, Jon!
  3. Did anyone else get their account just suddenly closed by Wise? I have no idea why they would close it.. but this feels awfully familiar to what happened with PayPal years back...
  4. No, you are not allowed to give it away.
  5. I'm curious to know as well if anyone has been restricted by PayPal within the last year or two?
  6. Welcome!
  7. Hey Quin, welcome to the forum!
  8. Working towards your dream is not work. Imagine having the very thing you are dreaming about: How does that make you feel? I'm feeling excited!


  9. Hello, please use the support desk: https://mymembersupport.com/ Thank you.
  10. Darren Olander  how long you been doing this internt money

    i ran a home biz in anchorage  alaska had success with it in 1995 to 1999

    remember little free for aLL ink sites THAT WAS MY EMAIL LIST BUILDER

    I had a young in pass away tore me up that I just gave up 

    here and there made a few bucks since then I'm looking for something to sell

    not sure how I'll put it together BUT I WILL I'M TELLING YA


    1. Darren Olander

      Darren Olander

      Yes, I do remember free for all link sites, that is very cool! I started in 2003, so not quite back then, but those type of sites were still used.

      Welcome to Marketing Checkpoint!



  11. Hi Tom, Good to have you here, I like your attitude!
  12. Yes, affiliate links only in the original post by the original thread starter. You can have a link in your signature, since this new version has just been set up let me know if you think anything is missing in the forums that should be there.
  13. No, there is expiry of any program threads, you must use the original thread.
  14. I will join this one, thank you for sharing.
  15. Once you earn credits you can use the email ads section of this site to send out email ads. Ads can't be posted in the forums. You may start a program thread only if there is not already a program thread for that domain.
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