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Marketing Checkpoint

Frank Bauer

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Frank Bauer last won the day on September 8 2022

Frank Bauer had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Greg just pointed out this treat to me. Wow. I just tried to check my accounts with him... well, they got all deleted. So... I guess it's all ok.
  2. One important thing to keep in mind is that the number of clicks you get with any mailer are a lot less important then the number of conversions (signups or sales) you get with them. A lot of mailers that give you a high number of clicks are incentiviced mailers and the majority of people just click to earn credits are not interested in what you are offering. At ViralURL.com & ViralHosts.com we don't inventivice clicks to give you a true way to e.g. test mailings before you use them for paid solo ad mailings. Colin made a video where he actually tested the conversions rates with several mailers... What other mailers do you know that don't inventivice clicks?
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