Only one discussion thread (topic) will be allowed for each program. Use the search function in the top right to make sure no discussion has already been started for a program before you start a new topic for that program. New programs must use the following Title Format without your affiliate link: Program Name - URL For example, if I was listing Marketing Checkpoint it would look like this: Marketing Checkpoint - Only the first post (topic starter) can include an affiliate link in their first post. Affiliate links in replies are not allowed. If you are posting a new program, make sure to include at least one paragraph explaining the program. To be fair, do NOT post programs that are not open for accepting members yet. The first topic starter after the launch will be accepted. NEW TOPICS in this part of the forum will be moderated and must be approved first. If a topic shows (Archived) in the title then it means the program is closed, you should not attempt to join or make payment to such programs. Thread Bumping is Not Allowed Due to users generally feeling negatively towards "bumping", the act of replying to a thread with no significant news or discussion just to bring the thread to the top of the discussion list, it is no longer allowed. If you are unsure if you are "bumping" a clear indicator is that you are replying to a thread where you are already the last person to reply, creating a chain of replies yourself. This is NOT allowed.