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Marketing Checkpoint

Matt Koshko

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Matt Koshko last won the day on November 5

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About Matt Koshko

  • Birthday October 8

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    Boston, MA

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  1. It's not, nor has ever been, 100% commissions - it's misleading. When you make a sale that is passed to someone else who earns the commission, that means a 0% commission for you. This is one of my biggest gripes. And Math doesn't lie!
  2. Many have used POWTOONS to create videos, and one of the elements is that 'hand' drawing. I agree, it's a bit overused. Some do it well, others have made it rather painful to watch.
  3. Steve, not sure if there is more specific information you're looking to find out. Unique visitors, depending on your definition, can vary. Google Analytics typically calls a unique visitor someone who visits your website/page once in a 24 hour period. Tracking can help break this down automatically if you pay attention to such details. As mentioned, AWstats (inside cPanel) can give you some basics, but Google Analytics does a much better job detailing your visitors, repeat visitors, page views, and more.
  4. There are a number of applications that making building websites and webpages very easy. Compare them to writing code manually, having to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc., the time and effort saved is incredible. Recently it has become quite evident that CMS platforms, tools, and web development SaaS platforms are the way so many people will move towards, reducing the work required that would otherwise take nn-nnn hours to build from scratch. Do you prefer to build websites/services using your proprietary code? If so, why? Does using tools to build websites/services align more with your strategy? If so, why?
  5. Let's ask some important questions: - What are you good at? - Do you have specific skills? - Where are your interests (beyond 'making money')? - What does "make bucks quickly' mean? (time frame, amount, etc.)
  6. How are you doing with Optimize Press?
  7. You are correct in saying that SEO is not scaleable - you have no control over the outcome. However, can you gain traffic through organic traffic by having keyword placement and saturation within your pages? Absolutely. Like you are saying, it's impossible to say 'Let's target XYZ [keyword] to get 1,000 hits a day through organic search'. You and I have no control over how many people will search for the keyword tomorrow, the next day, or any other day. And, we don't know how search engines will rank a specific page for that keyword tomorrow.
  8. Depending on that Internet Marketer's business model, they likely discovered the time he was investing in TEs wasn't worth the revenue, or maybe he spends his time closing deals rather than in the advertising stage.
  9. Hmmm, wish I could say I've used 1 or 2 in the past year. Before you ask for recommendations, it's important to know what you are looking to accomplish. Are these banners you manually add? What size banners and/or does size vary? What kind of banner placement? (sidebar, top, bottom, all, etc.)Let's start there.
  10. When looking for an eCommerce solution, I personally recommend Shopify. As a business owner, it's important to focus on what you do best in your business, and that usually does NOT include worrying about the technicalities of an online commerce store. Instead, you're time is best spent marketing, selling, innovating, and refining your processes. As someone who has worked with a few brick and mortar companies to get them moving forward with eCommerce, I can say that Shopify has been a well-received solution. The simplicity of the order process, order management, and product inventory control, puts you in the driver seat without 'feature overload'. If you're considering selling physical products, you may want to consider Shopify. The 3rd party extensibility allows you to add functionality that may not otherwise exist. As a partner, I can hook you up with a free development shop on Shopify (otherwise you only get limited trial period), and help walk you through the setup process. Just give me a shout and/or reply with your questions.
  11. There's no question that SEO is important but how much attention & time you should spend on SEO is certainly arguable. The ever growing mass of content has become a commodity - we are no longer in an information age. Depending on the content format or medium, SEO may not apply. Any public facing web page should include the basics of SEO - meta tags, image tags, keyword saturation, search engine friendly URLs, and heading tags.
  12. Depending on your strategy/plan, knowledge of Wordpress & coding, and how much time you want to spend developing a website, there may be less complicated solutions. Do you want a social network? That's what Ning is designed to provide, but in terms of content delivery, drip feeds, and the marketing capabilities...I'd be surprised if you'd be happy with Ning as a solution (depending on your plan).
  13. We're happy you've joined, Kathy. We've been working on making MarketingCheckpoint a solution that helps teach and educate than it has been the past couple years. There's a lot of work to get there, but we're pretty confident the entity as a whole will be well received!
  14. John, another option is to scan your computer for malware. You can use a service called Spybot to help clear your computer from harmful injections that you likely don't realize are infecting your computer and potentially tracking the websites you visit (among other more sensitive data).
  15. I'm not saying you have to be born with entrepreneurship. Instead I mean it should be part of your heart beat, that you feel it living inside you with passion. Depends what you mean by "key". I'd say passion, focus, talent...in that order, talent being last because you can always learn and improve. Focus is a matter of discipline that *really* comes down to the level of passion. If you're passionate about your subject matter, you'll have no problem focusing. Facebook is only a distraction if you find it more worthy of your time.
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