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Marketing Checkpoint


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nyraymac last won the day on August 8 2016

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About nyraymac

  • Birthday 12/20/1952

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    New York
  • Interests
    Love Helping People Help Themselves and have a passion for internet marketing!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. My first was Melaleuca, great company, awesome products, and fantastic support, It was just something of a fad, at least that was how I seen it then. My up-line wen on to become a millionaire and if I am not mistaken is still with the company today and in addition authors Several Books on the topic of MLM His name is Russ Pailey. Although I never stayed long enough to do anything with Melaleuca, I whole heartedly endorse them and still use their all natural products and tea tree oil http://www.melaleuca.com/?mobile=no. As for me I'm into MLM and recruit on demand http://www.mlmrecruitondemand.com/?id=nyraymac
  2. Stop your both right ! How can that be ? Well I guess it involves ATTITUDE, different strokes for different folks. If you have money and can afford it not only are you buying qualified customers, and clients but you are buying time. Think about it your not searching the web for Free Advertising your spending a commodity that is very hard to come across it's called Free Time. How free is it when your losing it searching, reading emails at safe list sites joining so call free Rotors etc. Did it help save you time ? I don't think so. Is it worth exchanging time for advertising ? YES and NO. When your just starting out, with little money a family to support and bills up your establishment it's a great way especially if you've been lured into a business which cost you monthly fees, membership dues, and all sort of optional upgrades. The sad thing is most people start this way achieve enough success to expand and in the course of doing so go broke when they start looking for ways to short cut their way to riches until they realize that they took a wrong turn somewhere along the road to success. What road if any gets them back on track the free advertising road but if they tell you, then you might become there competition, so what could be better than say how bad free advertising is and what a waste of time. Me I use both and must say it is very successful again there is a cost it's called time. When I first started out I could only afford free advertising building my downline solely on free advertising I was averaging forty (40) new members per month and it is still working today as it did then and more so actually works better, why because if your an affiliate you have other members promoting the same products and service as you are. Some do it better than you some do it worse. Example; The two of you advertise the same item you have your name phone # and a picture of you, they have their nae tel # and a picture of the company logo unless that logo is of international fame Coke Pepsi, Walmart etc who is the buyer likely to give their money to you or the guy with no pic or some logo they just hade made by there friend in high school that dreams of becoming a professional artist. I am no guru nor do I claim to be sipping martinis wth Donald Trump, but I can tell you I am living a lot better than some of your so called gurus. oh and by the way do you think I am writing this article because I have some free time, no this article is to pay for my free advertising I just came across a business that has huge potential. It's absolutely free, offers everything you can think of.. We earn not only for what we already do, but from an array of legal and financial services that pays you up to $1,500 and more per sale. It's simple and totally free! For anyone looking for a simple way to earn online, without investment, this could be it!Looking forward to working with you. http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi/RM30391/signupb3.htm Raymond V. McGrath1+(518) 291-8440nyraymac@gmail.com
  3. If your not reaching your goals, maybe there not worth it, perhaps you have to set higher standards, its ok to want something, but getting goals is not a want it's a must have.
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