There has been a lot of great advice on this topic. Especially from Mr. Clean. I would like to address one more item. The website. Does the website do a great job of selling the idea? Does it make a good case for upgrading? Listen, you were sold on the idea and I'm betting you were sold by what you saw on the website. I try to choose websites that do these two things. I figure my job is to get people to see the site and it's the website's job to do the selling. Of course once people join I stay in touch and encourage them to get people to see the website. There are plenty of go-getters out there. They may not be on your 1st level, but they may show up on your 2nd or 3rd level. When I see someone doing well in depth, I stay in touch with them. As a famous person once said, "People don't care how much you know; they want to know how much you care".