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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by rpsmith

  1. Hi, This question is mostly one of curiosity as I have heard them mentioned a number of times in material I have downloaded. I did not know they existed as such and was curious to know about them. i realize that may sound silly, but I have not had a great deal of luck in social media marketing.
  2. I should probably qualify my earlier comment: The site is pretty interesting. I have had sales marketing through them. I guess I don't spend enough time there to get the results I had hoped for. They offer free advertising which, to me is a pretty important thing on a shoe string budget. :-)
  3. Hi, I am working on a pdf and have a question. I am using adobe as the software. How do I password protect this? Also, can anyone tell me how to allow it to be rebranded without allowing the contents to be edited? THanks. Ryan
  4. Hi, Let me start by saying this approach to marketing is new to me, but I am willing to try anything to build sales and a list. That being said, I could use any help in creating a good one. I have a number of templates for the landing pages, but need help with the conversion page end of this. any ideas, tips, nything that can help me get this started? P.S. where would be a good place to host one? Thanks, Ryan
  5. I tend to avoid this as much as possible. I got burned a few times by "services" like this. Most of the time, I was getting hits, but no inquiries or sales. Learned later that the service I was using employed bots.
  6. I use this service/site but don't seem to get the results I need. Still use them, but am looking for new ways to get traffic.
  7. I don't really pay that much attention to pop ups, especially the ones on Got safelist. I wasn't really aware that the pop ups I saw there were from admin. But, that explains a few things.
  8. Used them for awhile. Have been able to use their services and built up quite the credits without too much trouble. My result have been ok, but can vary. hope this helps.
  9. Hi, I don't know how to find lists/goups on twitter, can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks, Ryan
  10. Hi, I am looking for a free/low cost autoresponder service, or script. Many of the online services offer free as long as the subscriber/membership stays low. Are there any others? Thanks, Ryan
  11. Hi, I need a lead capture page. Recently, I downloaded some free ones and tried to use them, but something went wrong and it looks like a crushed beer can. Can anyone recommend a good services, or software,etc. to set one up? Thanks, Ryan
  12. Hi Guys, Thanks for the input. Can I get your thoughts on JV offers? Thanks.
  13. Can you tell me where to go to post in forums?
  14. Hello, I'm trying to build traffic to my site. I could use any and all helpful suggestions to help me do so. I am currently active in safelists, some traffic exchanges, some social media, and other ideas that may come to mind. BUT, the traffic and activity is not really where I need it to be. Can anyone help? Thanks
  15. Guys! Thanks! I had recently been in touch with 4CAG, or their mailer anyway, and honestly considered joining. Thanks for letting me know the truth!
  16. Thanks everyone. Having seen the ads a number of times, I had wondered if it was worth getting involved in.
  17. I remember seeing them when they got started, but couldn't get interested in them. Although I can't really remember why, it always seemed a bit odd. I think it was something in their ads that left me wondering.
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