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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by LifeTransformation

  1. I've been hearing that too Darren, and I have yet to test it, although I should (perhaps I should do a split test solo with you...could you do this? We could post results/case study here.) Anyway, I once heard an old school motivational speaker....errm, perhaps it was Zig Ziglar, say that nothing sounds sweeter to a person than their own name. I've always understood that learning a person's name and using it throughout a conversation increases your influence...in person or over the phone anyway. In terms of Internet Marketing...well, I'm in the business so there aren't too many tricks that get by me (in fact some of what I learned, I learned from Jerry up there years ago ~waves~...love your blog!). Anyway, I typically ignore most of a webpage and email, skimming for the information I am looking for or to find the point of the page/email. In terms of personal preference, I might have to agree that less is more. Get to the point, or make it easy for me to get what I want, this includes purchases. I honestly do not watch videos longer than a minute, nor do I ever read long sales pages. I think the digital marketing era that we are in now gives us about 8 seconds or less to capture someone's attention long enough to get them to take action...Keeping their attention is tougher, and getting them to come back after they've left your site or email is even tougher! Perhaps collecting just the email would work in the short term, you can gather the rest of the info on a checkout form when they buy something, during a survey, or a contest. It's worth a try...
  2. That's odd, I know the owner, I will send you a private message with his email address. He always responds to that... I use the safelist and get pretty good results.
  3. Really depends on what your product is rpsmith. I've been a student and practitioner of marketing for 7+ years, and all of the greats in our industry all say the same thing.... Know thy customer. You must know where your customer lives, hangs out, how much they make, where they work.....everything down to what kind of clothes they wear. What books and magazines do they read? You also need to know what's bothering them that no one else has a solution for...or at least not as good as yours. When you know what's bothering them, and where they're hanging out at, you can speak right to them with your ad... I've laid it out in a nutshell, but once you nail this concept, you will never look for traffic again! Are you trying to build a list of your own? Or what are you needing traffic for?
  4. It always depends on your target customer. How much money do they have to spend? Are they new, established, up and coming? You really need to know your customer, and then test. I've experienced that a $1 trial offer works better than a free trial offer. I can only speculate as to why, but I'm really not sure...it could simply be 'perceived value'. So the flow that works best for me is 'lead magnet' (the free info that someone signs up to your list to get), $1 trial to your membership site (followed by regular monthly automatic rebills), then a profit maximizing upsell (maximizes customer value to me, also maximizes value to customer). After the $1 dollar offer, you will want to segment your list into buyer and non-buyer lists. A buyer will usually buy again, while a non-buyer will usually need to develop more of a relationship and see more value from you first. Both email campaigns will be entirely different. The goal is to always work on increasing the customer's value while increasing your value to the customer. Develop relationships like this, and you will never go hungry again!
  5. Karri nailed it on the head here, and even I am guilty of "shiny object syndrome" from time to time!! Once a person gets into the marketing space, he or she is inundated with one "next big thing" after another and it is easy to get distracted. I would definitely start out with a mentor, someone who is already successful, and learn then duplicate. Do this only for at least a year, as Karri suggests, and then take a moment to revel in your success! Then of course, proceed with caution if you become interested in another product/niche.
  6. They both have a lot in common. After "fees" you really do not make that much. The only way to really earn money is to sponsor A LOT of people.
  7. If you do the math, you really don't make very much with MAPS unless you do a LOT of recruiting. Each credit pack costs $49.95+fees...so they actually cost about $56. The most that you can earn back on each credit pack is $60, so you're up $4 per credit pack....but $3 goes into an 'Advertising Fund', so you can only cash out and profit about a dollar. All for surfing 10 sites per day for however long it takes to get the $60 back (Right now profit shares are around $0.50 per day). The max credit packs that you can ever own is 1200...which will cost you ~$67,200 and at most you will only be able to cash out $1200 - assuming you never sponsor anyone. Definitely not all it's cracked up to be.
  8. I am in agreement with the others, it looks like you have some sort of malware. A good anti-virus program should get you fixed up!
  9. I don't have any experience as a seller, but I have bought stuff from JVZoo via their various affiliates. What are you trying to do? I own lifetransformationacademy.com and the 'money' section is dead write now. Do you write? I could feature your informative blog posts with some native advertising that points to your offer... Also, tripleclicks is great (see my signature image below). 4 million members, and millions of SFI affiliates promoting it (I am one)...it's a bit of a hidden gem for selling right now
  10. Definitely agree with you Karri! I think that for a lot of internet marketers in the world, English is their second language. So, I generally give them forgiveness as they are at least trying. Native English speakers with bad grammar, however...
  11. As mentioned in a previous thread this is a fantastic concept!!
  12. First, the deal is a fantastic one. My ad was approved within five minutes and I already see it in rotation! And I second Karri's comments about concept here! I found out about it from an email that Darren sent to me, and was pleasantly excited to get signed up and going. I hope that it takes off too, perhaps we should get our affiliate links out there...what do you say Karri?
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