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Marketing Checkpoint


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ckoch last won the day on December 9 2023

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  1. You will know where your traffic is coming from and you can guess the signups came from there. Makes sense to me i do see "action" as well and that tells you the number of optins. I hope you ARE using an optin page. I sometimes don't and is really a bad move.
  2. I have a lot of trouble being consistent with them. But the trick is to have repetition of your ad. Its like anything else. A Person needs to see your ad about 7 times to take some kind of action that is worthwhile. Get out there every day same ad over and over. It works!!! Usually what worked years ago still works today. We had very little back then I still remember the first credit mailer boy was that amazing to me. People don't realize that tho and they end their promotions, they say oh over saturated etc. Start reading the old copywriters ads, study subject lines. What works works always and these old guys where the masters of their trade. No you are wrong if you do sit on your hands you won't see any actions tho. move and don't stop moving till you see results then move some more
  3. you know now that i think about it someone i was working with months ago kept telling me she was adding 90.00 like 4 times or so and had nearly 500 but didn't get paid. Now I remember why i headed for the hills. Seriously tho that was awhile ago. I hope you can get paid tho it doesn't look great. you gotta be so careful on this web. all the time talk to yourself. Does this look like somehing that will work for me or does it seem too good to be true?
  4. Agree here 100%. And watch the owner in the adverts he just looks like he's saying come get ripped off and maybe earn if you are lucky. I see it fading since I wrote that! much less adverts out there and was waiting for that. It may just disappear soon. do you think anyone should spend 13k to start earning? thats rediculous. Exactly! you're mailing for the owner and he is getting all that extra cash as well before anyone earns. He is cashin in while everyone else cashes out. Smart people run before they put any money into this and hiding the truth is just dishonest imho.
  5. yes that is exactly what that looks like to me also 2 years later it still looks like that
  6. I wish i could say I care about this but I don't. Today people use ANYTHING as their pic. I've joined plenty of stuff without seeing a pic. Tommy asked "what do you think about an avatar?" Oh no you didn't go there. Nothing I think nothing and all those people who make a big whooptie do over it are a bunch of crazies avatars are fun.
  7. I guess I don't understand. I've had free list jumper account all along not really sure you mean't list jumper accounts
  8. clickbank wow. they have a reputation for getting rid of low quality stuff i thought.
  9. Update: List builder splash pages can easily disappear don't recommend anymore Leadsleap or build a biz (BABO) are great paid options. I still love create splash pages but you have to use HTML its not that easy Easyhits4u is awesome.
  10. This is an interesting thread, i disagree it is not simple till you do it and nearly give yourself a nervous breakdown. Serious it nearly did that to me. Here's how easy it is tho once you understand. Login to the wallet (COINBASE ETC) Go to the coin you want to use bitcoin, litecoin etc (just click on it and you are there). Look for the "send receive" just look up top. if you are giving money to the program use "SEND" (get the code from the program to send to and paste it in at the wallet at send box.) if you are getting paid use receive (You'll see a code there you need to copy and paste into the Program). Note: Check your codes in programs regularly (for receive) people who are bad change them when they can get away with it. Similarly sometimes the codes change at the wallets too. IF this sounds like jibberish to you just search in youtube for instructions. I don't know about warren but I did not learn a thing going in and looking around you NEED instructions
  11. Coinpayments is no longer available in the USA I use coinbase currently mostly litecoin have had no issues yet. But I have seen people complaining about Coinbase. You should research and make a decision. They are both wallets (as far as I know) tons of them out there you can use really.
  12. Update Easy 5 now is GONE! I recommend leads leap now. But you can also make a team splash in there which would be better then a rotator imho since some sites refuse to accept rotators. Leadsleap will let you set how many times a persons site will be seen each time. For example I get three views in a row and my team then gets 3 views in a row. The drawback with leadsleap tho is that you have to use their tracker links with the rotator and there are isssues with trackers now. The issue is cloaking i believe not sure yet but think you can solve the issue if you don't use cloaking. With regard to using rotators for individual traffic sites is that when they disappear so do your links (NOT FUN)
  13. Seriously there is no cons. It says right in the terms only use for personal transactions but I suppose they all would like you to do that. I just started it to be honest but was concerned about that aspect I guess I worried unnecessarily thats good news
  14. He's one on my mentors.
  15. The only thing I know of for this is link shorteners at this point.
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