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Marketing Checkpoint


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celiacoach last won the day on January 6

celiacoach had the most liked content!

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    Portugal and UK
  • Interests
    personal development, nature, internet marketing

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I like your posts bestleads (Luis Antonios)!
  2. Can you try Classified Ads, I believe there are free ones. I am going to explore that avenue myself.
  3. Sorry to hear that, Tracy. Making money online can be very difficult, even without all the scams.
  4. I think you could get a lot of interest if you made a course that taught people 'How to Smell the Money', oldbuddy!
  5. Thanks for looking at my recently acquired shop, craigbeddow! I am still trying to get all the products, 1400 of them, moved over. I only just found that I had something on backlinks so if anyone wants it, contact me through my signature link and I'll give it as a gift for Christmas!
  6. Thanks for the article, old buddy. I am a bit clearer now whereas the cloud was 'over my head' before - lol! One staement says, "Cloud-based storage companies have security that protects your data from intrusion, viruses, accidental deletion and other loss", so I guess it is more secure?????? Seems like hackers can get it to most anything these days......
  7. Social Monkee is a backlink builder
  8. Rebrandable Traffic has been acquired by IBO Toolbox and they obviously believe in it. I tried it once and was disappointed with results, but the traffic was cheap so obviously not going to be targeted.
  9. Also Team Elite Home Businesses have lots of preloaded emails ready for many of the big-name sites.
  10. I just stopped a current campaign when the CPC shot up suddenly........hmmmnn
  11. Libre Office for making pdfs and slides and keeping notes on traffic exchanges Coffee Cup for ftp Skype
  12. I have just found an added bonus after discovering IBO URL, which basically gives you a tracking bar, but the neat thing is that it shows your pic and profile on the bar too and your video link, if you have uploaded them to IBO TUBE - absolutely great for branding!
  13. Oh dear, I didn't even realise there was that requirement......I have certainly gone over 72 hours.....
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