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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by celiacoach

  1. I am finding it useful to network, although people are obviously trying to sell things to me! The press releases do show up on google, so that is great.
  2. I have had the same problem and, like Darren's experience, I have sent the email anyway and it all worked OK.
  3. Suggest you look at the hosts which offer a free start up, such as Bravenet, Wix etc but where you can upgrade later if you want - check their upgrade fees first before starting your free site. I don't know of any to avoid - after all, if they are free, you can always move your sites somewhere else later. Think JVZoo are offering a free month but that may not be long enough for you. Time seems to fly when you are playing at building websites!!!
  4. Thank you everyone for presenting both sides of the story and particular thanks to Darren for pointing out things I can check for myself in the future.
  5. I have just noticed a site called Organic Prospects which seems similar to USA Leads Club in that you pay a $30 set up then $29.95 per month, except you get 70 leads per day instead of 135. Anyone tried it yet?
  6. Oh dear Margot! I am so sorry to hear that! I have always found Joe helpful, so I don't know what's happened there.......
  7. The only downside I have found is when using it for a different niche, I couldn't find any record of the newsletters I had sent, although I could see who had opened the email, clicked on the links etc. But other than that it seems brilliant for IM stuff. The owner Joe often gives lots of promo credits away too.
  8. Slow? You and me both Joel. Sometimes I have trouble getting my head around this internet marketing stuff !
  9. The amount of work in setting up a new mailer is pretty enormous.
  10. I suppose I do 4-6 hours daily x 7. Not much to show for it yet but I have only been going a few months.....!
  11. I found this thread interesting because I had not even looked at the Tasks section on Traffic Swirl before - I can see how useful that section could be...... Sorry i cannot help with your problem Karri.
  12. Thank you for the clarification, Garrett.
  13. Ah, I don't know Worldprofit. Whenever I have ended up on their websites, the live agents frighten me off!
  14. Oh dear, I had already joined before seeing this. So far in over 2 weeks and 2000 leads, not one person has clicked on a link in my emails for the free gifts, despite the USA Lead Club saying the open rate is around 15%+ Have to cancel within the next 2 weeks then and take this one off my review site.....
  15. Ah, it is now called TeamEliteHomeBusinesses and I love it! It is a complete home business and lead capture system with multiple autoresponders and lots of the main affiliate programs already added, but you can use it for any site you want to promote. It comes with a large downline builder of safelists, traffic exchanges etc. So, think of it as an autoresponder system complete with lead capture pages,(and page maker) and tons of promo codes for free traffic and much more. If for example, you wanted to promote GDI, All In One Profits or Team Elite Home Businesses itself ( and lots of other sites) - the autoresponder messages are already set up for you to capture leads and to see exactly what those leads are doing - did they click on a link or view a particular page etc. Also the owner Joe emails everyone with hot tips and runs teaching webinars, all free of charge. In my opinion, this is one of the best complete systems for a very small investment. You earn commission on referrals of course. Hope that helps. Any more questions, I will be happy to answer as it is one of the few systems I am happy with!
  16. I noticed Bobby B. was signing a different name at the bottom of his letters....
  17. I am told that there is a payment to be made to the emailing company but I didn't get that far. A couple of things (change in the person's name on the blurb etc) flagged it up for me as a scam but I could be wrong....
  18. If no luck, let me know as I used to run a safelist and may remember where it was hosted.......
  19. I agree with Jerry that an email with my name in it grabs my attention more......I don't think the general public understand about autoresponders etc.
  20. I was taught that it is best to aim for a downline so that you gain extra credits from their surfing....so, to promote traffic exchanges first to get downlines. Then to move on to promoting your product, otherwise you have got to rely on SEO or Facebook or something like that....but I am a newbie.......
  21. I have just joined, seems pretty interesting.
  22. I like to separate the points in an email in different colors. Somewhere I read that all the links should be blue and in bold for better click through rate.
  23. I am glad to see this topic - I had just signed up with them so won't take it further - thanks!
  24. Well, I sometimes feel like I have been around forever!
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