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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by KylterEnter

  1. Hello Everyone, I was very skeptical of this system because of some flags that's I noticed with this so called system However, the first month, there were actually people who DID get paid from (MEM) My Email Mentor, which I seen proof of, So I figured it was going to be legit, I was WRONG! My Recommendation, My Email Mentor should NOT BE JOINED! I am Not sure if it should be called a scam, but rather a system that fell apart! I joined MEM in May 2015 within the first few days it launched. I have continuously uploaded my email list weekly and as of this date 09-18-2015, I have almost 10,000 subscribers in the auto responder that they require you to use, which is another point I will make shortly. Anyway, to this day, almost 4 months later I still do not receive more than 25 clicks a day, which is the same as the day I started. According to their diagram, I should be receiving around 450 a day! So thats issue number one. Second issue is I sent a support ticket to the auto responder about an issue I was having. I received a response from an MEM email address. I called them out on it and they tried to tell me that they shared support tickets. I give them the benefit of the doubt. I continued with the program and once I hit my $400.00 cash out mark, No Money. I sent numerous emails with no response. Someone finally responded and they told me I had to wait till next month to receive the funds. This was incorrect, as I had $400.00 the month before so I should have received it this month. They are trying to put me off because they are out of money is my guess. So to break all of this down for you, from my point of view, goes like this: They set up an auto responder, which is how they make there money, even though they say its FREE, you are paying them through the autoresponder. They actually paid out money the first month, I seen Proof. Results from the payout = Ponzi! They ran out of money and are now putting people off to avoid paying. Reason I think this is, about a week before pay out day which is the 25th, I received an email from them promoting a upgrade that allowed you to purchase larger email lists to be added to your auto responder instead of the 500 they give you every week. (Trying to make some quick money) = Ponzi So being pissed off, I started digging and found Bobby B, is a pretty famous guy. Hi name just happens to be on another website called www.76seconds.com. Also just so happens the same so called business has registered both of these domain names, www.76seconds.com and www.myemailmentor.com. The font on both pages is the same and so is the wording. Don't believe me, check it out yourself. So with my investigation over, I say avoid My Email Mentor and 76seconds.com like the Plague! Once again, if it sounds to good to be true,.........................it probably is!! Shawn Butler www.homeincomereview.com
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