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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by genuinelyable

  1. I see GDI is still using the old Ferrari capture pages. Same as the William Shatner promo page. My main beef with GDI is the $1/mo affiliate commissions and the lack of long term retention (from what I hear) Sure it may be converting well to his Organic Prospects but I guarantee you he will have issues growing it in safelists and traffic exchanges. It’s fairly burnt out there.
  2. You really have to have a milti pronged approach imho. A variety of different pages/looks to be able to rotate through as you deem necessary. You could start off with promoting the basic website page, let that run for a certain length of time before offereing up something new and intriguing next to play off of. Flashy graphics or some type of auto play with a strong call to action might be a good idea to change it up. From my experience, the most important technique I believe in is constant change. Always be presenting something with a different look, a different feel, a different angle or what have you. Keep your viewer interested and engaged....and on his toes!
  3. I joined just recently and I’m impressed with the service. I have tested the mailer they let us use against Mail Chimp (I imported the leads) and the stats are fairly similar for each mailing. I didn’t want to trust the Organic Mailer until I tested mailing them myself. Testing a chunk with Mail Chimp I didn't get any bounces or spam complaints which is good. One thing I’ll have to live with though, is the 24 hour mailing limit when using their mailer which unfortunately doesn’t let you mail multiple times per day. I can live with this. One mailing I sent Monday to my most recent leads, I introduced myself while promiting a new program I just joined (scriptures4us), and have got quite a few replies from that one mailing alone. In terms of sales, 2 in scriptures4us from just that first mailing which is a decent start. I'm definitely going to continue testing a few new programs going forward into September to see if they can convert even better.
  4. I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with email marketing. Yes, it can be effective if you have enough ad sites to make a dent in the industry, but it is also so very expensive to join and upgrade PLUS the costs go even higher when you start looking at login page ads, banners, solo ads, etc. Another downside is the consistancy and repetition required before you even think about turning a profit. From my experience it is an absolutel MUST to mail at least once a day over and over again, to not only get your message out, but also brand your name and build some trust. What advice do I have? Join different ad sites, test, hopefully make a few bucks, and then allocate a decent size chunk of those profits back into testing new ad sites.
  5. I can offer some input into this service. I have been on one of Greg Stinton’s personal lists (one of the owners of Organic Prospects) for over a year now as well I’ve talked to him on one occasion when he posted his phone # in an email ad. Nice enough guy and didn’t try to sell me or anything, just shared some ideas and opinions on the industry. This is his first time running his own lead type program which is quite different from his traffic exchange involvement. What I like about this service is the Organic Mailer tracks clicks for you as well as all the other important stats needed to analyze a campaign effectively.
  6. I have found the most success using sites and services that allow me to message people are their contact email addresses. Namely, credit mailngs, lead generating sites, as well as various solo ad merchants. I have dabbled in Facebook PPC ads but those are fairly cost prohibitive, so I keep a very close eye on those types of campaigns. As far as keeping tabs on what's new coming out, I'm always on the lookout for new launches in my main email inbox and also check this new safelist alert site from time to time: http://topviralmailers.com/index.php?prolister
  7. Hi there Paul. I was wondering what experience you have had with Herculist to believe that it is not legit? I know they have cheap packages at around 5 bucks with much larger Mega Mail packs for 300+. I've been thinking about trying one of their traffic packages for awhile now but would be good to hear a review from someone who has used them.
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