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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by rpbizzz

  1. I would think someone was playing a practical joke!
  2. Well, I have given up on autoresponders myself. I have found that even the people who actually join me in programs, do open their emails. They do not want to know the little tips and tricks of the programs. I can not figure this out myself. Maybe only 2 out of 10 open them
  3. That describes the majority of people in this world.....
  4. Well, if people ask, you pretty well have to link with them. I try to find different people on the different sites myself.
  5. Agreed. Unless you keep in constant contact with people, meaning at least once a week, you will lose them.
  6. I agree, one person taking action from all my emails makes me happy!!!!!!
  7. Yes, I like this idea...
  8. What are your stats for having people join you in your programs?
  9. I was thinking of joining Organic Prospects. Thanks for all the imput. I will be following this thread
  10. I have to agree with this point of view. It takes a long time to learn all the skills required. You cannot just join or just read a few books.
  11. Yes, reaching as many members as possible is the whole idea. If you mail to 1000 at a time, and are able to mail to more, then your risking mailing to the same people twice or three times.
  12. I have been looking for a way to record videos without putting my face in there, although I know I should. Maybe after a few I will have the nerve...thanks
  13. Everyone says "The Money is in the List" What they do not tell you is, people go and get a gmail account that they send their capture page sign up info to and never go and read it. I have people who have actually joined a program with me and never ever open a single email!
  14. Must try this out...thanks
  15. Good, I am glad to hear it's back...
  16. When I get into a program where free members are only allowed a few mailing credits...I always leave. After all, it is the free members that actually read the advertisements. Full members don't bother.
  17. Hi...New here. Where do we send the emails from?
  18. I think I have tried over two dozen programs. I can recruit referrals but you cannot make them participate or invest in the programs. I have given up on the whole idea! I am now doing "paid to advertise" programs. With these type of programs, you purchase advertising packages and make a return on the amount you buy. You don't really need referrals although I still recruit and am actually doing better with this type of program! Wishing Everyone Success, Ruth Plant http://easysplashbuilder.net/83902/
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