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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by counzila

  1. when it comes to online business you need 1000% focus so you have to be smart when u choose what u promote..like me i looking for only one with inbuilt 50 different income streams.... that the best way you can focus and earn multiple streams income,, check my signature links to find out what i m talking about hehheheh hope that helps
  2. my 2 cents... so yes as weblord said to see hits working or not at least you need good quality 500- 1000 clicks to that page you can do like create 2 variations of landing pages/squeeze pages and then send each 400 clicks use track able link like bitly or what ever tracking tool then add those 2 tracking links to a button or form after thank page then see if they opt in and click buttons with tracked links..if they not do what u expect then somthing wrong with traffic or your ad copy
  3. According to you words look like coinbase nothing done wrong but i agree with one thing generally crypto based companies support sucks but they not out typicale software comoany right..they got better things to deal with in your words 1. eventually you was able to verify 2. you were able to withdraw your money 3. for their reason you not eligible for deposit money ( if they are scam they can take your money and run,,but they not they did not take your money so all your side faults and coinbase a good old crypto based company so there is little chance they do something wrong... its way they treat as they are crypto currency companies not genral sites we pay for get great support so far i think they are great company... be aware with companies that start like mushrooms and go ico every week like bitconnect type scams so like i know coinbase, coinpayment,blockchain are great companies..
  4. This what we want i finaly found way to get targeted traffic you will see it below
  5. Right now Maps is a place that can find bunch of like mined people if you are into list building just use maps to get leads that might join you one day if you offer a great biz opp or value.. right now anyone can join maps and use their platform for advertise if they dont like rev share concept,,, yes only invest as much as you can afford to lose thanks to everyone who brings this up
  6. Same old same old i think it is kind of old fashion social media group but have good amount of active members Results not that great but if you like you can make it happen there Everything start from a relationship
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