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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by oldbuddy

  1. The problem with that is there is virtually NO barrier to entry, so the volume is going to be oversaturated in a hurry. I advertise more than one opportunity by having a blog and advertising that, The barrier is slightly higher, since a lot of people don't think they know how to set up a blog or won't take the effort if they do.
  2. THINK ABOUT YOUR EMAILS TOO! I have known about this problem for some time, but it concerned me more from the mailing side. If you have an autoresponder that sends emails from their server with your return address on another server, this message gets generated. My All In One Profits system solves that problem, because I can set up an email address at my account on aiop-hosting and use that as the return address for all my autoresponder campaigns.
  3. The problem I see in your questions is the word 'Quick' combined with the amount you need. It takes time and education to make significant money online and it changes all the time. So just dig in and keep trying until you reach the point it pays off.
  4. I know it sounds crazy, but my actual goal is ONE (as long as it's an action taker). Hits, visitors, traffic and such don't add anything to my image, value or especially income and that old story about it being a numbers game doesn't work for me. I would rather practice and preach the value of ONE.
  5. Of course the offshoot of this free strategy is give them something that is free and remains free forever, that just happens to produce more and more income for them the longer they use it. You can bet the next time they see an email from you, they are going to at least read it.
  6. As long as you don't hard sell with affiliate links (or referral links) you can do well. I like to post helpful tutorials and link them back to my own website, then it's not so likely to get flagged (but still possible).
  7. My magic method is to post here and get more credits to mail with. The other list I mail to, I earned a lifetime platinum upgrade years ago.
  8. You don't need any ad packs to make money there. All you need is a free account so you can grab cash links every day and surf 10 pages (less than 10 minutes) to get a bonus from every referral you get equal to all the cash linke they each click. It's that simple and you bet it works. They are paying me about every week now and it keeps growing. Sure it may blow up some day, but I have already spent the money.
  9. These errors are generated by the server they are using as a result of the script that drives the website and there is nothing you can do but wait to see if they fix it (like they did before).
  10. The first "Good Stuff" I would suggest is get your photo showing on here. This is a social networking site and making friends that can help you is much easier with a photo.
  11. Steve I believe your assumptions are very accurate, excapt the last one. I am retired and doing well, so there is no way I would take a job at McDonalds or be a Walmart greeter or any other brain-dead job for minimum wage. I would rather sit in front of my computer killing ime by clicking on penny ads. I would venture to say I am not alone.
  12. Small world. I sang Barbershop for many years, but finally gave it up a few years ago when it started being too much time and money with all the travel and time away from home. I still enjoy getting on YouTube to listen to the new videos they recommend to me. https://youtu.be/T6HM-oLG_cI
  13. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I saw a page that said this link is BROKEN for some reason. The advertiser had no idea his effort was wasted and was probably over there making more links with the same redirect service. I am NOT talking about little fly by night services either, but the big names everyone sees daily. If you have your own hosting (or are willing to pay $1 a month plus the domain name fee) it's simple to set up your own private service for free with Yourls (a free script) and not depend on anyone else.
  14. Most seminars (webinars) are designed to get you to buy or subscribe to something so they make money, not to teach you what you need and let you walk away scott free. I started out buying everything I found that I thought would help me, but most of it didn't work for me. I can only share what I experienced after that first hand. I continued to hang around forums, watch webinars, join free communities, opt in for mailing lists and talk to people I met online. I saved up the free gifts I got and applied all this to numerous Google searches to find how I could do the same things myself, without paying all the high fees. Sure it took time, but I'm retired with nowhere to go and all day to get there, so it added up in a hurry. Now I take what I learned and freely share it with other people experiencing the same dilemma I had and we both win. It just takes patience.
  15. Garrett you hit the nail on the head. In my limited experience SEO serves to keep people like me paying Wealthy Affiliate $45 a month to teach me stuff I never did master. Now that I quit, I have a couple of pages at the top of Google just from doing what comes naturally and promoting with my own free methods. I get to keep all my earnings too.
  16. I only promote Traffic Monsoon and I use my own splash page. My total focus is on getting referrals, because it pays me a matching bonus of their entire earnings from clicking, so it adds up fast. I only click the 10 required ads each day and grab all the cash links in respect for my sponsor. I also promote another opportunity and include Traffic Monsoon in my autoresponder messages for new people to use as a feeder income to afford the low monthly fee it requires.
  17. Just a thought, but could you ask new members to enter their sponsor in a box during signup? Then we could offer a bonus if they do it that they can't get anywhere else. As a sidenote, the length of the referral link is horrible! I thought about using a shortner, but that can also cause problems with some links.
  18. The bottom line for me is learn a little (very little) HTML to create your own page, hook it to the AIOP responder for ten bucks, use the included rotator to feed referrals to your own referrals and it builds your list and income just like it always has, Since your referrals are already making money, they almost never quit.
  19. If you are new and have nothing else, 2% to 3% open rates is PHENOMINAL!
  20. My goal would be to reach fewer members, but make them be the most active ones. So if we mail only 1,000 and repeat it, the active ones will see our message more often.
  21. Absolutely, unless you have an endless series of messages they will run out some day and without broadcasts you lose all your contacts in a very short time after that happens.
  22. I can vouch for that statement and it doesn't just apply to Ponzi Schemes like Empower Network. Never upgrade to a lifetime anything unless you have earned enough money to pay for it from the program you want to upgrade. Then all the risk melts away!
  23. I have only been here for a few days, but it's quite a surprise that this hasn't generated more activity on the forum. Not only to you reward us with more mailing credits, but the forum is an excellent place to enhance your brand and profide value, so I would post even if that was the only reward offered.
  24. It sure beats watching a talking head in my opinion. If the creator did his job with interesting copy and entertaining music that conveys a compelling message, I think doodle videos are an attention grabber and isn't that what we are trying to accomplish?
  25. Probably at the top of that list would be: Firefox to work on remote websites and in the cloud Libre Office to create PDF files for ebooks and reports Notepad++ to edit text files Arachnophilia 4.0 (old) to edit web pages and templates FileZilla to transfer files to the Internet Camtasia to create tutorial videos for YouTube Windows Movie Maker to create slide shows SKYPE to communicate with associates X-Notifier to keep up with my many email accounts Easy Sketch Pro to make doodle videos (recently) I am sure there are plenty of others, but these are most of the main ones.
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