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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by craigbeddow

  1. I can start you with something that will make you an average of £2 with a max of 3 hours input: should lead you to do better too.
  2. I would like to share something with you. I have come through paid-to-click, I have been very cautious and felt obliged to keep on clicking, though have found that nothing tends to draw me to it as fantastic or a bargain. During my ten months, I almost gave up with the whole market and then I stepped up to affiliating (not just rotating PTC sites between each other). I have found lots of sites to use as tools and currently click all the time, because my turnover isn't enough to pay for a tool where I don't have to earn credits. I am familiar with Payza, they didn't just allow me in to use an account but I am now with them. There have also been times that I have looked for a specific program/site relating to this work and have thought now that if I see something when I need it, I will probably sign to it. What is 'MAP' I would guess that the best way to use a site is to try it for free, get used to it, forget all the promises and see what it does for you. You won't be shown how a site is different, you will find difference as it suits yourself. I would advise in relation to Payza, that if you have too many issues or the issue is large, just complain, if they don't accept your complaint, move. There are lots of payment solutions though Payza weren't perfect for me at sign-up but I want to give them a chance.
  3. Any file conversion program is great as long as it is lifetime and not yearly subscription. I find that I only get stuck once or twice a year with this issue. I have image to PDF software/freeware and Doc to PDF conversion though there are a lot of image formats. Certainly 2 or 3 less problems per year. I wouldn't doubt their format promise though I only know of an approx. 10 GENERAL formats so they must convert specific software formats too. How much do they charge?
  4. Did you have to pay for your advertising too? Were they not reasonable with you in relation to your payments?
  5. I daily click PTR sites as a basic member and send out links whenever I obtain a new one.
  6. I might be able to convert them into a doc. format for you, send them to you and if you want you can send them back when you have finished for me to convert to PDF again.
  7. Passwords can be over-written with some software too. People forget and it always allows a way through, just takes experience with different programs.
  8. How was this spam unless you sent something directly to a persons email?
  9. I can help you make some money. I currently average £10 a week for a couple of hours a day and every day, have built this up over the last year and am still rising. I didn't buy any products either as I didn't plan what I was going to do, I just found my way, chose what I thought that I could do and maybe try. Too many hours for my money still but if you want to keep what you have and then do what I set you (if you are not doing this already), I think that I might be able to help you add to your fortune rather than lose it and waste time looking for it. You are welcome to mail me.
  10. just had a quick look at your shop. Interesting, notice some useful stuff.
  11. I would like to add that there are many times that there are LTD issues now. Doesn't matter how much time or how hard you work, you will only succeed so far and not know that this is an issue. Thanks for these posts.
  12. What do you actually sell and what kind of marketing are you looking for? I am currently starting to affiliate and am looking to sell and earn commissions.
  13. what are backlinks? I am accessing lots of different tools to send links out, if that is what you mean and can put some links into my system to flow through over a period of time.
  14. I can refer you to this site though don't know if it gets much traffic. I have just joined and have a few sites that I don't pay anything to; use at a basic level. I think that a common issue is that so many fly through these sites and quickly gain and then move on, leaving sites sitting with minimum referrers. I like to think that my products are common and mixed with what people are definitely interested in. Get to know a couple of sites and stick with them and then play with others. Try not to spend until you make or stay with what you have already spent on and use everything within it as much as possible. Remember, just throwing out lots of marketing tools and endless sign-ups to other sites, is not always the answer, everybody just clicks. Haven't time to read that, haven't time to listen to that......... all generally says the same. Stay with me, if you can and want, I have some things that are of use and am looking for what is of use. Don't know if I am allowed to do this but I have a site that has some free tools, a very organised dashboard: once you get to know this, very easy, won't even need to go to it: http://vur.me/autoviral I don't know how long you have been in this business but I also have something else that might be of use, claim codes that date back years that still work. Use my referral link: http://trafficcodex.com/?ref=craigbeddow Don't expect to make anything off this in the next 3 months, if you do, you are on a run to more.
  15. A lot of places with promises will try to say 'it's your opportunities', in many areas. In a way, some are correct, you need to find the tool that is right for you and use it properly in the right direction. Sometimes things seem great but are not that good. Trying and testing is always best. Personally, I try to stay away from what blocks with payment (e.g. 30 days free trial.) Usually it is too fast unless this is the only thing you have to spend time on. Careful, these things are legitimate and sometimes automatically subscribe you after the period. Do you have time to read all the t&c's that are not highlighted? Do we always get told what is vital that we know? We also have to be careful what we call a scam. In private markets, it's a dog-eat-dog world.
  16. I guessed that you are looking too fast for too much. The best to do is set up routine and hold onto them.
  17. How long is all your spare time? This can be a waiting game and a searching game. Don't give too much effort. I know that too much advertising stops me noticing things. Probably do better by putting in less and letting people notice you. Everyone likes free, if they catch-on, they will buy. People that are not already in the game with tools, are not going to just spend.
  18. 2 hours a day directly I spend working on different tasks, approx. 10 hrs a week.
  19. I have experienced issues with browsers, this isn't necessarily always the browser though need to be a technician unless you are just going to switch on your browser and use what is available without making any changes to your computer. Using as a user basically. Even as practice, you need to know what browser will support lots of tabs open, media programs, settings that make this light and security on your computer. I have spent the last 12 months with issues that I thought were my browser and my downloads and 75% of my problems, I think were due to my provider; possibly due to keeping the network secure...... I will add you as a friend and you can message me and I will help if I can, to resolve this. I am using this site quite frequently at the moment so can answer you quickly.
  20. Just chat in here every day or two, click on emails that are sent to you, after reading them or reading what is useful to you and then send a mail; with your links (affiliate links/personal links) through the email. You might make money and/ gain traffic. The rest will come to you as you spend time over time. Enjoy
  21. 12 months ago, I didn't know what social media was. I have found this along with my marketing experiences and have recognized the potential of this personally and for work reasons. Finding free social networking is best for me while i am building my lifestyle up; this is taking some time, along with work, same pace, work a little faster. In relation to Marketing Checkpoint as a social network, this suits me greatly but the commitment to 72 hours is too quick especially for rotational advertising. This is fine now but I won't hold to this on a day-to-day basis unless I have friends/acquaintances to answer. I have phases and when I go to something new, I tend to let things sink into masses of information, especially if it doesn't show me productivity. I like Marketing Checkpoint, great.
  22. I just stated in a post within this topic, that i don't watch video marketing at all. I would like to reply to you by stating that I am always using affiliate links, I am just through a free climb and finding sites that sell that aren't PTR..... and receiving responses though no sales. I notice from my own usage and by my responses that people mainly click (90%?) to gain little rewards and possibly don't sign to nothing (I have signed and unsigned to a couple of sites; and still have an approximate of 20 affiliate sites) though my plan of thinking is to allow people to follow, show them that I am not obtaining and sustaining rubbish (things that people don't want or stick to for very long), things that I would use myself and sometimes these are what I find by accident that I probably wouldn't find if I searched. We have to be different and we do these different tasks at different eras giving ourselves a wide market of variety, deals, interests, tasks to keep our market alive, enjoyable, profitable and as much as exciting. Following this comes determination and stamina. Might see you later with videos though not now for me.
  23. I don't like video marketing, doesn't matter what this might contain, I will not watch.
  24. Thanks for my recent referral, helped me organize my journey into affiliating
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