I hired a Romanian programmer from Freelancer to write me a custom rotator script that I could use in my Organic Prospects mailings to rotate my clicks to not only my own, but my downlines links as well. He programmed it so I could change the “weight” on each link (ie. I give my own link a weight of “2” or higher and always give my downline members a weight of “1”) By just increasing the weight of my own links I can direct more of the clicks to my links any time I please. This way I can reward downline members as I please. It’s really quite impressive and apparently the US dollar goes a long ways in Romania as he definitely undercharged me compared to what a US programmer would charge. Anyways, he has a fairly detailed stats page in my admin panel that lets me track opens and clicks. I really like OP’s easy-to-use backoffice and mailer, but since I’m running a rotator for a few people with my one account, this is a bit more customized to my needs.