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Marketing Checkpoint


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About adjpropel

  • Birthday 03/15/1988

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  • Location
    Kansas City
  • Interests
    I like to travel, party,...and party some more! oh and grow my business :)

adjpropel's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I do regular Udimi solo purchases, and MLGS has delivered 65.5% Higher Open Rates, 143% More Clicks per the same amount of people mailed. This is in consideration of the 10% kickback I get from Udimi by placing my orders under my partner.
  2. I am discovering that my Organic Prospects tend to open and click my links at the highest rates before 9am EST and after 6pm EST. I believe this happens because most of the prospects are working during the day and either click before work or after they get home. The fact that my Sat+Sun stats are usually higher as well coincides with this theory. Not to say that business hour results are drastically lower, I’ve just noticed a small difference and believe this is why.
  3. Although I’m big into tracking (note my previous post) and OP has passed my test, the bottom line is ROI. I could read reviews for hours every day on the dozens of programs I’m involved with but for me it comes down to turning a profit. If I can make more than I spend with a program (regardless of the good/bad reviews) I’ll keep using it, period. I have no reason to quit Organic Prospects because I’m heavy in the black (profit). The moment I’m in the red (loss) for a full month I’d simply cancel it and put my money elsewhere and repeat the process.
  4. I hired a Romanian programmer from Freelancer to write me a custom rotator script that I could use in my Organic Prospects mailings to rotate my clicks to not only my own, but my downlines links as well. He programmed it so I could change the “weight” on each link (ie. I give my own link a weight of “2” or higher and always give my downline members a weight of “1”) By just increasing the weight of my own links I can direct more of the clicks to my links any time I please. This way I can reward downline members as I please. It’s really quite impressive and apparently the US dollar goes a long ways in Romania as he definitely undercharged me compared to what a US programmer would charge. Anyways, he has a fairly detailed stats page in my admin panel that lets me track opens and clicks. I really like OP’s easy-to-use backoffice and mailer, but since I’m running a rotator for a few people with my one account, this is a bit more customized to my needs.
  5. I was introduced to the OP owners Greg and Aaron at the Affiliate Summit West in Vegas back in January. Pretty nice guys. Wish I could have made the East Coast Summit in August but was tied up with a family reunion.
  6. As much as I can lol. In terms of a number? ummm probably at least a couple hours six days a week. More if I have a coffee in my system hah.
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