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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. What about ad swapping sites? Has anyone tried those? ie: safe swaps thats the only one that is coming to mind right now....LOL
  2. I have gotten into a wonderful company called Safe ID Trust. Alot of people don't realize that their ID is stolen until its too late. Through this company I have learned that an ID is stolen every 2-3 seconds! its not just your Credit/Debit Card info either. Its your medical info, your bank info your social security info and the list goes on. This company in just the past few months has grown by leaps and bounds because of all the ID breaches that are now being reported. They restore your ID back to pre-theft status 100% and then help you protect it so its not damaged again. Alot of people say well my bank will take care of it..... NO they won't! Once your info is stolen it is sold multiple times, and it can cost you multiple thousands of dollars and become like a full time job to restore on your own. If you would like to learn more about it and how it has helped families like mine just message me at https://www.facebook.com/momjarvis or leave a reply here and I would be more than happy to talk with you. Hope you find what fits for you
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