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Marketing Checkpoint


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Arlequin last won the day on July 29 2016

Arlequin had the most liked content!

About Arlequin

  • Birthday 10/12/1948

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  • Interests
    Internet Marketing
    Alternative Energy

Arlequin's Achievements

  1. Mr. Frank, your link send me to an: Oops! That page can’t be found.
  2. CaptKirk, thanks for the Free Pro Upgrade I will start posting right away Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  3. The Phishermen took out their cane and went to Phish a large fish. Messages like this one are sent every day by big scammers. Also beware of titles like "You have inherited..." or "I need your help to take my funds out of..." or even "I am a Refugee from XXX and need your help" As I said they took their cane to go Phishing and Scamming. CaptKirk, thank for remaining us of this. Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  4. I also started here with a USD1.00 wich was the lowest offer at the time, and after that I got a free upgrade to the USD7.00 Membership, and ever since I have paid myself to higher levels of membership. The lowest you can get it now is USD19.95 if you pay with SolidTrust or Payza. Here is the link if you want to join http://trackr.leadsleap.com/xw87xz91/MCPDiscussionPost To your success Carlos Arguello
  5. I want to thank you both QueenMa and Captkirk for your contribution, I will take a look at the sites mentioned by you. I also will be posting about other tools and SiteTools like LeadsLeap and... That will be for my next post Thank you again
  6. Hi Garret, thanks, and yes it is one of those sites that are worth using, over almost 2 years of membership, and about 6 months of inactivity after I signed in, I became an active ad viewer there and have earned my upgrades at about 14 of the 28 sites available. What I do is view ads there while I am surfing 4 or 5 TE, or while I am viewing ads for credits at my inbox. Using this method do not create anxiety and when I realize I have enough credits to pay for another upgrade, I am promoting the site in my emails and ads and have some leads that are beginning to surf and that earns me some credits which accelerate my proccess. God bless you all Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  7. Hi Tracy, in reply to your post about Traffic Exchanges and not having money to spend in upgrades, Have you tried a Site EarnYourUpgrade, here you can really earn your upgrade in about 28 sites Safelists, TE, TAE. Maybe you should take a look there. It is free to join and to use. Hope this help you. Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  8. Hello everybody, I know that most of you have a long experience in Internet Marketing and know about the tools needed and their uses to help you in your daily marketing shores. But not all of us know about them, specially if it is a newbie starting to his internet business. It is a long road to learn about. I invite you all today to share your experience with the Internet marketing tools you use and how to use them. Might they be: Autoresponders, trackers, mailers etc... Thank you to all of you that contribute Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  9. Really I must talk a little more about TEHB autoresponder, The site has 5 levels of membership. Each level is offered as a one time payment only in order to become a life time member. The smallest one time payment is $ 25.00 for the Silver Level, this is the only level where there is a limit of 1000 leads. All the other membership levels have unlimited leads. You can set multiple lists, and write the emails to be sent by your autoresponder. Some of the levels are offered also with monthly payment if you prefer that type of payment. Down is a table of these monthly payments. Platinum $ 7.00 and pays you 55% commission on a sale JV Partner $ 11.00 and pays you 62% " Ultimate $ 19.00 and pays you 72% " The difference between each level is the commission paid to you when promoting and selling it. You can make your own LCP or use the 40+ LCP already made, you only change your links there, by the way they are easy to make. Making a Lead Capture Page once you know how, can take you from five minutes to half an hour to set it. There are some other features but those are for another post. If you want some more information about please contact me at arlequin.contacts@gmail.com God Bless you all Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  10. Usually the first thing I check everyday is my TeamEliteHomeBusinesses which I use as my autoresponder, to see if there are any new leads and to what list they signed. Then visit Leadsleap to pick some credits so my ads keep on showing, I also take a peek at the links tracked there to see which ads and sites are getting me more clicks and leads. After that I check Gmail to click on emails for credits. Also frecuently check and surf at EarnYourUpgrades, with some other surfing sites. And almost everyday I go to ViralMailProfits to send my ads to many safelists etc... But some times I refuse to do all that or can not do it, but then I miss my routine and enjoy it Now I am starting to post at some sites, mostly here where I am practicing
  11. Hi to all, I am new here and my name is Carlos Arguello, I am trying to brand myself in Internet Marketing as Arlequin. I am from Nicaragua, a small but beautiful country with with volcanos, lakes, mountains, sea shores etc., and at the capital Managua a hot weather. I see that there are very nice people int this forum, where I hope to become a very active member with lots of friends. Ever since I started with Internet Marketing I have been first learning a lot, looking ahead and never quitting and that is beginning to pay off. Nice meeting you all Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  12. Hi My name is Carlos Arguello and... I have used some free and paid autoresponders but finally i found one very ease to use and with lifetime memberships with a low one time payment. It is not only an autoresponder but also a complete home business platform. It has very cool features and you can set your own lead capture pages in a few minutes. If you like to check this, here is the link see our TEHB platform Thank for reading, like to have your coments
  13. Hi, My name is Carlos Arguello, and I am from Nicaragua, I have been into Internet Marketing for about 2 years now, and yes I starting to colect comissions here and there. I have read all the posts on the subject of lifetime memberships, and I see that some are against and others in pro, and some owners of sites are kind of negative to this topic, but... I have been a member on a site where I have earned my lifetimes upgrades to many lists, and I think the owner of that site is not afraid of lifetime memberships, and is doing great. if you want to check this site, here is the link, it is totally free to join and to use. And yes I am having results with my advertising at the sites I am upgraded. http://www.12path.com/Arlequin/EarnYourUpgradesRU/ To your success Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
  14. Hi to all, I am new here and trying to learn and under a page Full Membership Detailson the topic Discussions/Forums Signatures I found that I can use 1 Image (240px height, max), 2 links (Free) My question is what type images and links can I put on signatures?, Will appreciate any hint or answer Thank you Carlos Arguello (Arlequin)
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