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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by willmanuel

  1. http://bestplacetoget.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/USI-728x90.gif USI-TECH IS IN MY OPINION THE MOST PROFESSIONAL, STABLE, HONEST AND TRANSPARENT BITCOIN COMPANY AND PROGRAM THAT IS ONLINE TODAY!!! USI-Tech has changed my life and I know they will do the same for you. They offer only one bitcoin investment package which is only $%0, so it is super easy for anyone to get started making and earning bitcoin. Each package earns 1% a day in daily passive earnings so obviously the more packages you start out with and aquire overtime the more your daily passive earnings will be. Another reason why I love USI-Tech is because they offer you the option to compound up to 100% of your daily earnings!!! REMEMBER THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK BITCOIN!!! THIS WILL EXPLODE YOUR DAILY PASSIVE EARNINGS IN 12 MONTHS. IF YOU START WITH 1 BITCOIN YOU WILL TRIPLE YOUR BITCOINS IN 12 MONTHS IF YOU COMPOUND 100% OF YOUR DAILY PASSIVE EARNINGS!!! http://bestplacetoget.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/USI-Tech-FrontPage1.png USI-TECH IS MY #1 BITCOIN PROGRAM ONLINE!! GO HERE TO VISIT AND JOIN FOR FREE http://bestplacetoget.com/Bitcoins
  2. "ANYTHING OVER 1% A DAY YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY"!!! Here is a great little phrase that I have learned to judge which bitcoin programs are real or fake. I do not risk any money with any program promising more then 1% a day in earnings. "It is just not possible"!!! I DO NOT JOIN BITCOIN HIGH % MULTIPLIERS, BITCOIN DOUBLERS or BITCOIN SOFTWARE BOTS!!! I ALSO DON'T WASTE MY TIME AND MONEY WITH ANY BITCOIN CROWD FUNDING OR MATRIX PROGRAMS! (I'm not saying they are all fake or scams but I just don't personally like these programs) I have a lot of experience with losing money with bitcoin scams because a year ago I jumped head first into many scams promising huge daily earnings because I believed all the hype when these programs first came out. Since then I have learned how to take one look at a program and know if it is a scam or if it is even worth my time to join. Many of these scam bitcoin programs are nothing more then "automated website scripts" that are automated and have "no real bitcoin mining or investing" going on at all. Many of these sites pay a very high daily percentage on your investment and after a few weeks no longer exist and are history. I joined 3 of these programs over this past year just hoping one of them would be legit and everyone shut down after one month. So I learned my lesson the hard way, and I took what I learned and searched for a legitimate company that I could begin with a small investment and gradually gain my money back. Well I found that company and program and I am now am in profit despite the $1000 I lost during this past year on the scams I joined. The program I joined only promises a maximum of 1% a day in daily earnings, but it gives me the ability to compound up to 100% of my daily earnings. So I have been compounding 100% of my earnings everyday and I have been able to grow my bitcoin very fast. So before I go another great way to see if a program is real or worth your time and money is to go on YouTube to see any reviews and to see what good or bad results people were having with this bitcoin program. This is how I found my present bitcoin program because when I looked up review videos on YouTube for this particular program I couldn't find one negative review on YouTube. I If you want to know what this program is and a few of the other bitcoin programs that I know are safe then just email me at williammanuel3rd@gmail.com and I will reply back to you to offer any help you may need.
  3. Thanks for the warning!!! I am a member, but never put any money in the rev-share because I got a weird vibe from Jeremy. I am currently in MyPayingAds which is the longest running rev-share to date, and is only getting stronger. They just started a second rev-share called MyPayingCryptoAds which is completely dedicated around earning Bitcoin. So they are only getting bigger, better and more stable as time goes on. I hope you get your money back with Zukul and I wish you the best in whatever you decide in the future. Thanks, and if you want to chat more just connect with me!!! William Manuel
  4. I FEEL YOUR FRUSTRATION AND I FEEL YOUR PAIN, I HAVE FAILED WITH THESE WEBSITES AGAIN AND AGAIN. UNTIL ONE DAY MY FRIEND LED ME TO AN INCREDIBLE WEBSITE, AND NOW I MAKE MONEY FROM MORNING TO NIGHT!!! I honestly love Traffic Monsoon and I make money every hour of everyday without having to worry about sponsoring a single person if I don't want to. I am going to refer people eventually but I wanted to show people that it is possible to make money without having to do so. Here are my results after 5 weeks: My balance is so small because I used my earnings to buy more advertising and eventually overtime I will be making more then what I need to spend on my advertising. This is not a get rich program but it does work and with a few referrals your income can grow very fast, Thankyou! https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=williammanue http://bestplacetoget.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/trafficmonsoonresults3-2.png
  5. My favorite by far is Traffic Monsoon. I am having great results with them, and the company has been online for over a year. I stopped using TE's over a year ago until my friend online told me the great results he was getting. I am going to include a photo of my earnings and you will see that my total amount made is $190.75 and as you can also see this is with no referrals. Affiliates get 10% of their referral purchases as well so I will be starting to refer people soon. I just wanted to see if it was possible to make decent money in the short 5 weeks time I've been with Traffic Monsoon just from the ad pack earningS, and as you can see it is possible. Here is the link if you want to check it out https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=williammanue http://bestplacetoget.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/trafficmonsoonresults3-2.png
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