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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by vhicks

  1. Choosing and Using traffic exchanges to build a list and promote products. Are there any tips and tricks to getting the most out of these marketing resources?
  2. Thanks I appreciate that...
  3. That's what I'm looking for mrclean.. your comments, suggestions and insights are well put and are accepted. I realize that it was not at all where I want it to be, I want get input to see exactly where I am and which direction I needed to take it. A lot of it's content is still in the works and some of the points you hit on such as the About page has some work still to be done on it. I welcome any other comments you may have and hope I can get your comments on it after I make some improvements. Thanks
  4. Thanks captkirk,,
  5. Hello everyone, I was hoping to get some input from all who can offer their help advice, opinions and or services to make some improvements to my website I'm putting together find it here: WebNetBizPro.com I anxiously await your responses... thanks
  6. ok, thanks Darren...I did a test opt-in and the message that is sent to subscriber,, I can see why. so off it is I appreciate the info
  7. Hi all, Kinda new to this,, I use getresponse autoresponder, and when setting up my opt-in form I referred to a youtube video but got a little confused when it came to this setting In "Forms setting" under "subscription settings" "confirmed opt-in" should this be set on or off? any help would be appreciated thanks
  8. Similar to viral commissions, using the OTO you get to add a lot of different programs with banner ads, text ads, solo ads etc also get a whole heap a mailing credits set and forget #2
  9. Something you're just gonna LOVE! It's traffic and commissions gone viral with the new viral exchange Viral Commissions! They've gone to extreme lengths to make this site as viral as possible, which means more leads, subscribers, and sales for you! Viral Commissions - viralcommissions.com It's a Set-and-Forget concept.. I love it...gotta go find more...
  10. NEW and better way to get subscribers hands-free. Claim your free list building account here: Traffic List Pro - trafficlistpro.com Excellent OTO (one time offer) when signing up..$27 Lifetime Must see...
  11. As a 5FD member you get a whole suite of special, ready made sites, with a new one added each month. these are NOT just "normal" websites There's special software "underlying" each site/funnel that makes them far more powerful than your typical email capture page followed by a backend offer.. proven potential to send you both direct AND autopilot leads and commissions.
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  13. The Promocodes given to you upon joining provide valuable credits on some 30+ sites 1k, 2k, 4k, 7k one's at 13K...nice.. advertise what ever you like with that..
  14. Easiest '$200 a pop' ever. The easiest way to make $100 to $200+ cash in 10 minutes online, is blasting out an email to a list of people. But um, first you need a list! Here's how to get one for FREE: 5FigureDay - 5figureday.com Go now, and thank me later!
  15. Get the control back over your inbox with... ViralinBox! Sick of being a slave to your inbox? I was..and took action to resolve that.. This new, unique email solution is REVOLUTIONARY! ViralinBox is an email, list building and marketing solution designed with online business owners and marketers in mind! Viral Inbox - viralinbox.com * Manage ALL your emails from a single dashboard * Create new email addresses with 'MIND CONTROL'! * Permanently stop spam with a single click * Email up to 60,000 random members every month! * Build a HUGE downline FAST! Down to 8 levels! * Get FREE, targeted exposure for your products! * Advertise your products and services, FREE! * Earn above industry-average commissions on upgrades! Does your current email provider offer you all these features and benefits? ViralinBox does... This is the holy grail of productivity and marketing... FOR YOU! What are you waiting for? Join NOW and get MASSIVE, targeted exposure TODAY! Organize your emails like a pro, and permanently forget about spam and inefficiency! viralinbox.com
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  17. DON"T spend a fortune on Advertising Develop your advertising muscle ! Simple Safelist's "THE PLAN" will do that for you Simple Safelist - simplesafelist.com Generate a stable online income 12 Specific steps, makes THE PLAN very simple to follow. Keep it Simple..Join Today!
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  19. Have you got hours and hours a day to send all your emails? Me neither! Viral Mail Profits - viralmailprofits.com * It saves you time * It builds your downlines * It builds your list And bottom line... * It makes you money
  20. Thanks for the Opportunity Darren An Advertising Program for Advertisers AdvertisingPromocodes.com
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