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Marketing Checkpoint


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About ngrimshawe

  • Birthday April 22

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    London On.

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  1. You have to have a plan to make mailing from safelists and mailers if you want to get results. First off you need to track so you can see what sites are converting and which aren't. That means you can focus your efforts on sites that are converting and spend more time on them. You need to be consistent. Mail every day where you can. I have my mailers organized so I know which ones I can mail to every day and the ones every two days and so on. That's a start. You need a plan and you have to do the work. Nick
  2. I've always been able to login to AdTroopers and there was a time when it was on my best-converting list. I'm hoping it comes back as I have tons of credits there and I've used the site for years. Nick
  3. Good stuff. It takes daily work to do that, and many people find it hard to get that committed, but if you post every day to your top producing sites, you will get signups no, ifs or buts! You've laid out the formula. And it's easy to follow. Nick
  4. I like the new look. It took me a minute or two to find my way around but I'm getting there. The updating was really needed as that old look had been running for years. Nick
  5. Steve I felt just like you until very recently when I talked to Justin Ledvina, who, if I understood correctly is the new sole owner of Trck.me. He has hired a programmer, updated the servers I believe and is dedicated to getting it back on track. I'm back to using it because I just couldn't find anything that worked as well for a reasonable price. Nick Grimshawe
  6. If you are still trying to decide between Aweber and Get Response. I did a lot of research on the two and there are good articles out there. The reason I finally chose Get Response it was because they have a bit of a technological edge and slightly better pricing.
  7. There are lots of ways to build your list. I agree with the idea of Youtube. There are several methods to use and it depends on your budget. How much do you want to spend each month or how much work do you want to do if you want to start our free and work up. You need to have a lead capture page that offers something to subscribers in exchange for their name and email. You need to have an autoresponder. It necessary. Then you need to work consistently every day. It's not something that happens overnight. The biggest challenge I think people have is not the technology of list building but the sticking to a consistent daily plan of action. Nick Grimshawe Nicholas Grimshawe . Com
  8. Yes I mute sound, as you say the babble that occurs when multiple tab are open, especial in Safelists mode, can get a little overwhelming. I love the idea of the muter, and thanks for the video on how to set it up. I've done just that. Nick Owner Learn with Nick Beautiful Summer Morning, Nicholas Grimshawe.com
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