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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by richardmoyer

  1. I confirmed that christmasthanks21.com is a Matthew Graves site. Please add to your blocked sites lists. Rich Moyer
  2. New site added to the Banned List: heatwavemailer.com You can get the complete list at http://spahoconsulting.net/images/YSAbanneddomains.txt Rich Moyer
  3. His newest site was added to the Banned List. maximpactmailer.com Download the complete list http://spahoconsulting.net/images/YSAbanneddomains.txt Rich
  4. Got it. Emailed Dan. Thanks. Rich Moyer
  5. The captcha has been broken for days. Error message:The captcha code does not match. Click Here to try again. If I cannot login, I cannot submit a support ticket.
  6. I just updated the banned list with his newest site limitlessmailer.com http://spahoconsulting.net/images/YSAbanneddomains.txt
  7. Well, it seems that he has gotten away with some reasonable explanation in response to my fraud compaints to CapitalnOne and VISA on the Guaranted Income investments. I was just REBILLED the $2000 plus interest that was refunded when I submitted the fraud complaints. Looks like my 17 pages of documentation was insufficient to warrant any in-depth investigation.
  8. New site added. TrafficBoostMailer.com I signed up under John Worsham. According to the terms of the Lifetime Pass, I SHOULD have been upgraded to Premium. I was not. I confirmed my email, logged in, and went to link my sites when I received this message. The account you are trying to link is marked as Bad Email Address, Removed, or On Administrative Hold. I added TrafficBoostMailer.com to the Banned List file at http://spahoconsulting.net/images/YSAbanneddomains.txt
  9. Here is a way you can put A LOT OF PRESSURE on Matthew Graves (or any similar program)... If you have paid for a Lifetime Pass or a Lifetime Premium Upgrade to any of his mailers with VISA, and your accounts have been deleted or suspended, call your credit card company and submit a fraudulent charge report FOR EACH. YOU ARE BEING DENIED ACCESS TO A SERVICE YOU PURCHASED FOR LIFETIME ACCESS. Immediately after reporting the fraud to the fraud line on the back of my card, they CREDITED my account with the interest that would have been generated since the date of purchase, and no interest is being charged going forward for the amount of purchase as long as it is being investigated. VISA creates a CHARGEBACK REPORT to the merchant. HE MUST RESPOND TO THEM VISA is sending me a form to provide details. If he does not resolve the issue, he will incur chargebacks, penalties, and interest. I made my first report as a trial balloon for Lifetime Pass, but I had paid for many Lifetime Premium upgrades on individual sites before purchasing the Lifetime Pass (my break even was 5 new site launches - I've well exceeded that). I will be submitting individual fraud reports on each of the Lifetime Premium upgrades I had purchased if this goes well. If he gets enough of these...
  10. His newest site launch happened, and I'm shocked that even though I have paid hundreds in Premium memberships, then a thousand to be a Lifetime Pass holder, and as a Site Partner and Inner Circle member, apparently my money (which he kept ALL of) is no good because I did not get a membership at all, let alone a Premium membership to which I am entitled with the lifetime pass. Here is a link to the list of domains I have banned from my sites. >>>>> http://spahoconsulting.net/images/YSAbanneddomains.txt 6/3/2023 I just updated the list with the following domains: c.100clicksolos.comc.242traffic.comc.fasttrafficmailer.comc.level4marketers.comc.safelistmastery.comc.sidehustletraffic.comc.viralcreditsmailer.com I looked at the other posts that gave info about new sites, but I could use some help confirming the following sites (or some variation of the URL) that are allegedly owned by Mr. Graves. Once verified, I will update the list at the URL above.Clickthrumailer.comhomebiztraffic.comlistbuildtraffic.compowerhourtraffic.compremiumtrafficmailer.comrocksolidmailer.comscaleuptraffic.comsmarttrafficchecklist.comtrafficboostmailer.comtrafficboostmailer.comultimatetrafficfreedom.com
  11. Frank - an observation: Matthew is at the top of the leaderboards for ViralURL(he has 1853 points in the all-time top 200 board) and other sites that appear in his "Best Sites" reports because he never implemented the "promised" functionality of allowing members to update those sites with their OWN affiliate ID's, so in effect, Matthew is also STEALING MEMBER REFERRALS to all the OTHER sites that appear in "Best Sites", and collecting all the commissions that members should be generating from downlines for THEMSELVES. I, and several others I am aware of, had started sending out our OWN pages to referrals on Matthew's sites with links to our OWN affiliate ID's for the "Best Sites".
  12. I have filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, Halifax NS Consumer Protection agency, Amazon Web Services, and his Merchant Account platform provider. This morning I filed complaints with his domain registrar, WildWestDomains, and the Orlando, FL Better Business Bureau. His business address is a rented mailbox at the UPS Store in a strip mall in Winter Garden, Florida. Through the BBB site, I also have found his home address in Winter Garden, FL. However, my wife said she is NOT willing to trade my commissions for a vacation at his NICE place near Disney World ...
  13. Please Do Not Get Scammed By This Guy I have paid literally THOUSANDS of dollars in Founders memberships, a Site Partnership, Lifetime Pass, Premium Memberships (before Lifetime Pass), etc. I have been at the top of the Leader Boards for most of the launches in the last 3 years and have EARNED HIM THOUSANDS in revenue. Matthew Graves Suspended All My Accounts Not only does Matthew Graves owe me over $1,200 in commissions and refuses to pay me, but in retaliation for suspending his domain names on my safe list sites, he suspended all of the accounts I have with him. I can't even find out how much he owes me now. The last partial commission payment I received was in December 2020. He tells me that I am the 3rd highest commission earner on his sites. I cannot even use the 25+ MAILERS I PAID PREMIUM MEMBERSHIPS FOR. I have NEVER received Site Partner Revenue Sharing nor a portion of the Partner Referrals for 100 Percent Mailer and CANNOT REALIZE THOSE PARTNER BENEFITS BECAUSE 100 Percent Mailer has been OFFLINE since AUGUST. Is it a coincidence that only AFTER he suspended my accounts, did 100 Percent Mailer come back online? I will say that the YourSuccessAdvantage system does work. I think it is hilarious that, even though I am not PROMOTING anything by Matthew, and my accounts are suspended, I am still getting emails announcing new referrals (that are being added to my Aweber) and that I have EARNED NEW COMMISSIONS. I just cannot see my member area or email from those sites. No Payment AGAIN in February. His Explanation... See my video rant. See the rest of my blog while you are here. https://wp.me/p4ibIZ-15z Rich Moyer
  14. Matthew Graves owes me over $1200 in unpaid commissions.
  15. Grab Those Leads is new concept in List Building. There are Five Sections to Grab Those Leads, Four are Free. Each section provides the opportunity to build your business and strengthen your downline. First, you formalize your business, set your direction, and set up your business to take advantage of Business-Friendly Tax Benefits. Do You Have A Business Plan? Without A Business Plan, You Have No Direction. We provide you with the training and tools to build YOUR Business Plan.You Have the Opportunity to use, and resell the next generation business and marketing tools needed by every business. A 14 day, fully functional trial is offered for $1.00 You learn how to organize your business, get traffic, and expand your business with multiple streams of income A Complete Business Package... That Helps YOU Grow Your Business... Grow Your List... Grow Your Income. Grab Those Leads TODAY >>>>> http://av.id.ly/gtl Rich Moyer Owner and Admin484-902-8819.richard.moyer.1953@gmail.com
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