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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by davepilgrim

  1. I've emailed admin to find out... Will let you know.
  2. If you're familiar with CashInOnBanners but don't like passing up your commissions, or worry that CIOB is getting saturated, then you'll LOVE this new viral traffic/instant cash program. http://www.buildabizonline.com/viralbanners/splash.php/?davepilgrim It's from the BuildABizOnline platform but you don't need to be a member of BABO as this is a stand-alone program. The basis is that you must view 5 banners to join and pay your sponsor $10. Then you add your banner to the top of the list. When you refer someone new, they pay YOU $10 and your banner moves to position 2, etc. If each person refers just 10 others, that's 1 MILLION views to your website! Plus, of course, you've already made $100 from your 10 referrals - what's not to love? http://www.buildabizonline.com/viralbanners/splash.php/?davepilgrim P.S. If you get in fast, the price is just $5 right now...
  3. After getting poor results from TafficG and others, probably because having a longer surf timer people are 'powersurfing' those sites along with others simultaneously, I am now using Dark Hits almost exclusively as far as traffic exchanges go. I've yet to find a better TE!
  4. Couldn't resist joining just to have a look around and see what programs are in the downline builder... and there are some good ones
  5. Yeah, there's a lot there to explore, especially if you use several social media sites.
  6. This is a really good way to get highly targetted visitors to your website via social media. http://skylnk.co/FHGJXL Personally I use it to drive traffic from Twitter. The way it works is you earn points by visiting websites, liking posts, watching Youtube videos, etc. In my case, I then use those points to reward people for tweeting about my site. I write the tweets, so I can include relevant #hashtags and a link to whatever site I choose. People then post these tweets on their own Twitter accounts in order to earn points for their own promotions, so it's a little like a traffic exchange, but because your tweets are all over Twitter, as I said the traffic is highly targetted, and the hashtags mean it can be found by anyone searching for those topics. It also works for Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, MySpace and more. I highly recommend this traffic source... http://skylnk.co/FHGJXL
  7. I know, but I'd hate to have started promoting this everywhere without testing it out first.
  8. The seller fully refunded the money within hours of me contacting him but with no note or explanation, and the site is still up in the Payspree marketplace. Make of that what you will...
  9. Another valuable lesson... better to join free sites then upgrade when you see that they work.
  10. Good for you! We should always be suspicious of people trying to tell us theirs is the only way, especially when they stand to make a handsome profit from us following their way.
  11. Well, I was hoping someone would be able to give this site the thumbs up or thumbs down before I spent my $4.99 but since no-one seemed to have tried it and since Troy was awaiting my verdict I decided I'd just pay for the package and see... So after making payment, I clicked the 'Return To Merchant' button... and was told the page doesn't exist! Ho hum. Like I said, if it seems too good to be true... Have emailed seller and awaiting reply.
  12. GFA Sites is no longer in operation, this thread is closed. Has anyone bought the 25 Million Banner Impressions package that's promoted via Payspree? Here's what the salespage looks like: http://payspree.com/16515/pilgrimmarketin I'm always looking for low-cost banner advertising, but this seems too good to be true, and as we've heard many times before, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Nevertheless, wondered I anyone had tried it and what sort of results you had... http://payspree.com/16515/pilgrimmarketin
  13. I joined... always happy to find new sites to place my banners
  14. This is a useful little nugget - thanks, Darren
  15. How important are aesthetics to you when coming across a new website? To me, the visual appeal of an affiliate site is crucial when I'm considering whether or not to promote it. Yes, you can look beyond first impressions to how well the site performs its intended function, but if you look at marketing throughout society, people will almost always choose products based to a large extent on their appearance. I'm not suggesting for a moment that we should put form over function, but it's a fact that first impressions count for a lot and people will, even if unconsciously, make value-judgements of a new site within moments of laying eyes on it. I've certainly seen some websites that have been so ugly I click off them almost immediately without wanting to know any more, and if I'm deciding between two sites roughly equal in what they offer, I'll usually promote the more 'beautiful' one, knowing it's likely to pull in more affiliates.
  16. When I first started building lists I lost a lot of subscribers by bombarding them with too many offers. Even though I was genuinely enthusiastic about the products/programs I was trying to share, people can still feel irritated. Now I mail my lists a lot less often and try not to come across as too 'pushy'
  17. I agree. If you use traffic exchanges, you NEED Pageswirl!
  18. Welcome! Have you decided what programs you'll be adding?
  19. To a lot of people in the internet marketing game (myself included) this will sound way out radical, but it makes a lot of sense. People talk a lot about targeted traffic - I guess this is taking that targeting idea and running with it. It's easy to get so caught up in traffic generation that the quality element can very often take a back seat. This mindset of 'one action-taker' a day could really turn that around. Thanks, OldBuddy.
  20. Not yet... This program gives me a lot of benefits even as a free member.
  21. I understand a lot of people are doing very well using Youtube, where you can build up a relationship of trust with thousands of people, and talk to them directly and indirectly as often as you like...
  22. If you're promoting, or looking to promote, one or more MLM or network marketing opportunities, then Max-Downlines is a great tool... http://www.max-downlines.com/?davepilgrim As a free member you can showcase two of your opportunities to your Downline 20 levels deep, while pro members can showcase 5. Free members can also email their entire downline 3 levels deep every 7 days while pros can mail down 5 levels every 3 days. As well as your own opportunities, there are three 'core' programs which you can join if you choose, but this isn't compulsory. http://www.max-downlines.com/?davepilgrim If you choose to upgrade it costs just $19 and this is a one-time payment. As an upgraded member you'll earn $10 from each of your personal referrals who upgrade, while free members earn $5 To summarize: - Build your list virally - Mail direct from your back office - Promote your favourite MLM opps - Option to join extra opportunities - 20 level downline - Generous commissions from referrals http://www.max-downlines.com/?davepilgrim
  23. Totally. I can't think of any other downline builder which lets you add 100 of your own sites! DTB Rocks!
  24. Here's some free ad sites I recommend... http://www.emoneyspace.com/davepilgrim
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