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    Internet Marketing, Football (soccer), Cars, Sport

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  1. Today is pay day! First commission run, smooth as a baby's bottom... http://payspreesniper.com/Screen%20Shot%202017-06-07%20at%2021.16.40.png Learn more here ==> po.st/icp1
  2. Hi Health, Thanks for your enquiry. [1] The basic cost for the upgrade is the $39.95 monthly subscription and a one time signup fee of $40 (so $79.95 for the first month). All subsequent months are billed at $39.95. There are 2 other payment options - they are shown in the screenshot below.. http://payspreesniper.com/Screen%20Shot%202017-05-26%20at%2022.45.10.png [2] I paid via credit/debit card, but there is also the option to make payment via Bitcoin. Commission payments are made via direct deposit to US residents, and I am advised will be available to International residents (and US) via Payoneer debit Mastercard from next week. I would anticipate being able to receive payments via Bitcoin also (seeing as this is a Bitcoin/crypto-based opportunity, but at this time I've not had word that this is the case. This is the pre-launch phase, so I anticipate many such questions will be addressed in due course as well as any bugs being ironed out and materials being made available before the June 21st official launch. Should you have further questions, do feel free to ask. FYI: Current status details below... http://payspreesniper.com/Screen%20Shot%202017-05-26%20at%2022.55.25.png
  3. The momentum within iCoinPro is IMMENSE! This was my account shortly after joining.. http://payspreesniper.com/icp_108.png And this is my account at the time of writing this post (less than 18 hours after joining).. http://payspreesniper.com/icp_1487.png I'm now working on a custom full screen video capture page to distribute to my team as a marketing tool. It's free to take a look, so why not secure a spot while you look the opportunity over. Its already EPIC!!!
  4. iCoinPro is forced 2 x 14 forced matrix based income opportunity. It's key product, the Micro Profit System, is a training system which enables even the newest of newbies to operate a profitable cryptocurrency trading account. Distribution of the iCoinPro system enables upgraded members to earn from several different parts of a HUGE compensation plan, with the first commissions being earned from simply being an active member. Being a Powerline based system, everyone who secures a position after you remains in your downline (as long as you upgrade before the cut-off date). These first commissions are called Powerline Bonuses and because this is a subscription based income opportunity, Powerline Bonuses are paid every month. Another great feature is the basic matrix based commissions that you can earn whether or not you bring anyone into the business. It's even possible to earn over $4,000 in commissions without one single referral. All compensation plan details can be reviewed by entering your info here ==> http://po.st/iCoinPro The official launch date is 21st June 2017 and it's completely free to reserve a position while you look this over. But don't delay, the longer you wait the further down the line you'll be.
  5. ** BREAKING NEWS ** for Bitcoin Lovers iCoinPro is now officially in pre-launch (25th May 2017) and the paid members are flying in! Go watch the video below NOW and immediately secure a free spot.. http://po.st/iCoinPro (DO IT RIGHT NOW) This, right now, this instant is your chance to secure a possition before the masses! iCoinPRo operates a Powerline system with a cut-off date (next Wednesday 31st May), so right now you have time to look it over for free. What makes this Powerline system interesting is the fact that unlike others, you earn the Powerline bonus every month as long as you remain "Active". PLUS.. The cryptocurrency micro profit system training will show you how to successfully accumulate Bitcoin and other cryptocurrecnies. Go now, secure a free spot and review all the onsite info! This is going to be HUGE!!!
  6. Over 200 new subscribers in less than 2 weeks - now that's what I call list building. But.. as the viral effect starts to kick in the numbers keep growing.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/2017-01-10_stats.png All 682 people are sending new visitors to my other income opportunity!
  7. Such a simple yet powerful system! Share it consistently and you those instant Bitcoin payment will keep coming.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/Screen%20Shot%202017-01-10%20at%2011.26.32.png
  8. Appreciate the sentiment Jordan, thank you. Much is owed to the completeness of the system - I just provide the consistency in sharing the service(s) and let the system take care of the rest.
  9. My subscriber list reached over 100 people in under a week. Hits Monkey, albeit relatively new (December 2nd 2016) is already attracting significant interest.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/2017-01-05_FB.png And.. Social media is proving to be a great source of subscribers! Share your link on Facebook and watch your email inbox start filling up.. Click here to start ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR
  10. Oh and let's not forget what Hits Monkey is all about.. viral website traffic! Directed Hits Monkey traffic at my Skinny Body Care capture page for 2 days and got signups.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/2017-01-05b_SBC.png Start delivering more traffic to your business now ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR
  11. The beautiful thing about Hits Monkey integrating TrafficWave to build your list, is that it also encourages your subscribers to become "Active" TrafficWave members.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/2017-01-04_TW.png Have you seen the TrafficWave compensation plan..? 100% FastTrack bonuses for every newly upgraded member. Monthly residual income thereafter up to a maximum $88,500+ per month! Even a fraction of that would make you a nice full time income as your Hits Monkey subscribers follow your lead. Get started with Hits Monkey Today ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR
  12. Looking to grow yourself a considerable email subscriber list? Hits Monkey will help you achieve that too.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/2017-01-05b_subscribers.png Click Here Now to Claim Your FREE 1,000 Hits ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR
  13. Hits Monkey can deliver instant Bitcoin commissions like these.. http://payspreesniper.com/hitsmonkey/2017-01-03c_btc.png Click Here Now to Claim Your FREE 1,000 Hits ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR
  14. Want FREE website traffic for your business? How about 1,000 REAL human visitors for FREE?? Welcome to Hits Monkey - the viral website traffic platform that simply delivers! Click here ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR Benefits.. [1] FREE Traffic - you can claim up to 1,000 free visitors at ZERO COST [2] Unlimited viral traffic - Go PRO and receive unlimited visitors as your link goes viral across the network [3] Instant Bitcoin commissions - PRO members [4] Unlimited subscribers - Build an unlimited email list directly from the Hits Monkey system with the integrated autoresponder [5] Residual Income - Benefit form the autoresponder residual income compensation plan to grow your monthly income. Hits Monkey does exactly what it says on the tin.. - It delivers real human traffic - It builds your list - It pays you instant Bitcoin commissions - And grows you a residual income downline in the integrated autoresponder system But.. Don't just take my word for it, test drive it 100% FREE today and make up your own mind. Click Here Now to Claim Your FREE 1,000 Hits ==> goo.gl/mP6EQR It's simple, it's powerful and it pays!!
  15. I'm going to spell out the Medicus Global below and you can decide if they work for you and if you want to make life-changing money with us.. [1] MASSIVE compensation plan - bigger than you have ever seen (for several reasons) [2] Increasing monthly commissions [3] Paying downline built for you (corporate spillover) [4] Valuable and desirable service to the general population (everyone wants/needs it) Have you ever been in a business where the service has mass appeal to ordinary people (not just marketers) and where you get paid from everyone of those people who use the service that are in your downline, regardless of how they get there? Have you ever been in a business where the advertising is done for you and you can benefit from the growth in your business as a result of that advertising? Have you ever been in a business where you know your income will never stop or disappear because there are just too many people in your downline who are happy to continue paying for their service? MyMedicus Gives you:►Access to Board Certified Doctors 24 hours a day! No more appointments or waiting rooms. ►Everyone is eligible – No age limits or restrictions. ►Your whole family can be covered by our family plan. ►No need for a doctor’s office visit. Save time and money, getting the medical information you need from your home (or anywhere) 24/7. ►Nurse followup on every consultation. ►Referrals to specialists! ►Prescriptions called in for immediate pickup nationwide, regardless of where you are! (Non DEA-controlled prescriptions only. When sufficient medical information is obtained.) ►Talk directly (and immediately) to Board-certified and licensed doctors and nurses. Maxiumum call-back time for a doctor is 3 hours, but the average is between 30-45 minutes. ►Not tied in with a specific doctor or insurance company. ►Pre-existing conditions do not matter. ►Prescription discount card, Diagnostic Lab Test and Imaging savings plan all included. ►Secure HIPAA-compliant storage and retrieval of Electronic Medical Records (EMR). 24hr Access24-hr, nationwide access to physician consultative services to our members who are unable to obtain medical care from their primary physician. Protect Your FamilyIf you apply in the family program, immediate family members residing in your household can use your membership card. Anyone Can Join!No matter what your age, anyone can join Medicus – even if you already have another medical insurance plan. Pre-Existing Condition?No Problem! If you have a pre-existing condition, you can still join Medicus! Once in a lifetime opportunities are rare and many people don't recognise when they see one. This IS one!
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