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Marketing Checkpoint


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troysavary last won the day on October 10 2017

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  1. Check the reviews on the Play Store. You makes pennies per day and are shown a ton of ads. Not my idea of time well spent.
  2. I hadn't realised this wasn't posted yet.
  3. There is almost no money left in mining BitCoin. These guys are making more money renting the services than the cins they might find would be worth. Otherwise, they would jut be mining for themselves. They have an investment in mining gear, and it is no longer profitable to mine, so they are trying to recoup the costs by getting gullible people to pay them to mine.
  4. When you post a million programs in a couple days, one gets the impression that you are committed to none of them.
  5. All they are doing is aggregating videos from other sources, like Wochit and Newswire. They don't have their own content. There is no way they will be able to pay viewers any significant amount.
  6. Well, when it collapses, we'll try not to say "we told you so".
  7. After doing research, there seems to be far more reviews saying it works than not. The product has been sale for quite some time, but the distribution rights were picked up a few years ago by a new company who decided to switch to a network marketing sales model. My cats are indoor cats, so the isn't really needed for them, but if I had an outdoor pet I would buy it.
  8. Ok, so I joined and started surfing. The only pages that come up are ads for Your Web Base. It seems that Just Ten Time and Your Web Base are from the same people. Page after page of fake review sites giving glowing reviews to Your Web Base, some of them making blatently false claims such as Your Web Base being the only app that allows you to play games for free. Or the claim that Your Web Base much be amaing because it is a leading download on Google Play, which it is not. The 5 star reviews on the Play store are all by people who want to sign people up under them. Anyway, some research showed that Wemagine (which is a copyright by another company, by the way, an art app on iOS) was founded by Jennie Menn. If you don't know who she is, Google her. She has run at least a dozen illegal Ponzi schemes in the past, including several paid to autosurf sites. They always shut down after too many people were awaiting cash outs. But since she lives in Turkey, there is not much the US government can do to prosecute her for her scams without the co-operaton of Turkey. She is also vicious to anyone who criticizes her way of doing business. She makes lawsuit threats regularly to people who expose her scams. She also promotes a cult like mentality among her followers, where they go to forums spewing vitriol on anyone who dares to criticize her. One of her favorite tactics is to accuse people who criticize her of doing so out of misogyny. If Ms. Menn is involved with Just ten Time, run away now.
  9. I'll join to check it out, but I expect it will either shut down when the owner runs off with the money, or when the SEC shuts them down.
  10. They don't actually give out the money. It goes into your virtual account, but always says waiting to mature before you can actually withdraw it. They were called FanBox before they changed to Empowr, and people had 10's of thousands of virtual dollars in FanBox that never got transferred over with the name change and were just wiped out. I have an Empowr account that was made during "pre-launch", although I fail to see how a name change is a "pre-launch". I have done absolutely nothing with it, but it has "earned" a couple thousand dollars. But cash-out is never actually available. This is just the same as my old FanBox account. I had it for years, just sitting there generating fake money. By the end of FanBox I had over $10,000, but it never "matured". It always stated 90 days until maturation, no longer how long I waited. Luckily, I never put much effort and no money into it.
  11. Didn't people learn from Traffic Monsoon? Or My Advertising Pays? These "revenue share" sites are Ponzis. The site also makes claims that it can not back up. Exactly how does traffic from this TE raise your search rank while other TEs don't? Since it is in pre-launch, it hasn't actually had time to have been tested to see what it does to page rank. Just stating that it raises rank does not make it so. It may very well be huge. The number of people looking to get something for nothing that fall for these over and over is staggering.
  12. She was asking about how to become a consultant because she said it looked fun. But I had to tell her that she needs to be 18 before she can join.
  13. Another successful party yesterday. Everyone who attended, except one, bought something. The one who didn't is still a teen, and says she will convince her mom to buy something.
  14. I posted an add for this on a bunch of Facebook MLM groups and have 7 in my team now. Just need to get some of them to buy stuff.
  15. Slow return or fast return, Ponzis always eventually collapse. If the only reason to join a program in the pay plan, it most likely is an illegal pyramid. Unless there is a product worth buying even if there was no comp plan, it cannot sustain itself.
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