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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. Thanks guys gonna check them out.
  2. Not at the moment but i was just wondering if there was any other sites like RF.
  3. What other sites are out there that works like referral frenzy, IE you can send solo's to multiple safelists, viral mailers websites from 1 site.
  4. Official Launch: 7/10/16 Program Admin: Mollie Woop CryptoNuke Presentation Video: https://www.facebook.com/BOSSYBISH09...4494275393688/ Admin's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BOSSYBISH09 CryptoNuke Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CryptoNuke/ Click Here To Secure Your FREE Position Now! Click Here To Secure Your FREE Position Now!
  5. Admin Update!
  6. Attention Everyone ! The launch has been put back a day due to DNS propagation issues.
  7. Attention Everyone ! We have decided after over an hour of battling with our current hosting provider to switch to a new provider.. We have just purchased a new cloud service and our programmers have started migration... This however will take a few hours, so we have decided to set the launch time to 24 hrs after the original launch time, this will give our programmers more than enough time to migrate and test the server.. and also give people time to adjust to the new launch time.. We sincerely apologize for any conveniences cause by tonight`s postponed launch and hope that everyone understands that the issue was out of our hands and that we have no choice but to move forward.. New Launch Time : 1:00 PM LONDON GMT+1 13th September 2016
  8. GIFTOBIT LAUNCH UPDATE! GIFTOBIT LAUNCH DAY INSTRUCTIONS: 1) When we go live on 09/12/2016 @ (1:00PM GMT+1 London)...You will login in...A POP UP will be on the main screen (Like what's there now)... You will see a Purchase Button ..Click Buy...The system will then generate a Bitcoin wallet address for you to send your 0.06 Bitcoin payment ...Copy & paste that address to in your external bitcoin wallet to send the payment. We all know that Bitcoin payments take a bit of time to receive enough confirmations to complete the transaction. The positions will be time stamped & entered into the matrix upon full confirmation of the BTC payment (will not take anymore than 6 confirmations). 2) PAY IT FORWARD feature will be activated upon official launch...If you want to use Bitcoin from your external BTC wallet to purchase the Education package for a referral...You need to click on the Pay It Forward tab in your back office next to the members name that you want to pay for...A POP UP box will show with a Bitcoin ID number...Copy that...Then go to your BTC external wallet & select send BTC...Paste the ID code you copied into the send ID field...Then put in the amount of 0.06 BTC & hit send. The system will automatically activate that persons account & once all confirmations are received they will receive their position in the Matrix. 3) When will the bonus positions earned from referrals be going into the matrix? When we go live and their referrals pay the system will automatically add bonus positions as each 5th referral pays.. so the quicker their referrals pay the quicker their bonus positions will be activated.
  9. ATTENTION! You can now add your Bitcoin Address in the members back office, to do this simply click on the "menu" link at the top right-hand side of the page. Then click on "Bitcoin Wallet id" and add your Bitcoin Address. Over 4000 Members have already joined since the program was publicly announced 4 days ago, and we still have 3 days to go until the official launch. If you have not joined yet i suggest you take time to check out this very interesting opportunity
  10. Admin Update!
  11. Official Launch Go's Live On: Monday 12th September 2016 @ 1:00PM GMT+1 London Click Here To Join Now!
  12. http://www.poolinvestors.com/banners/728x90n.gif Click Here To Join Now! http://www.poolinvestors.com/banners/468x60n.gif
  13. http://www.entrepreneurunified.com/banners/728x90c.gif Click Here To Join! http://www.entrepreneurunified.com/banners/468x60b.gif
  14. Paying!
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