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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. But anything in place to "catch" someone not filling it out over and over? Having captchas only sometimes, isn't really a deterrent, you have to be able to flag repetitive fail attempts - which would be difficult since most users would probably just close the window anyways if it was a pain (high volume safelists for example) - this one seems low flow, so should probably add them to all links. It doesn't build any trust with the advertisers to allow "free" clicks like that imho.
  2. Hi Darren, Really should put more security around your links for tokens in email for this site .... See my post in "Done with TE" thread
  3. Plus - it also looks like this very site is using tokens to "surf" their links ... with a timer .. *sigh*
  4. Wouldn't this work much better? :-p https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/selenium-ide/
  5. I'd just like to add to the point that not all TE are created the same. Point in case would be these scripts -> http://www.amcswebs.com/ These scripts are highly prone to cheating, and it is not even hard - No team in India required - I can get on the top clicker list in minutes. The key to running a cheat free TE is the captcha - For sure it is required, and mouseover is not something that is a captcha AT ALL. I know that most of the people that run these sites are not very knowledgeable with running websites, but these scripts provide 0 value to all involved. The same goes for Safe Lists for credits. Easy to collect your credit links with no captchas. I have collected 10's of millions of credits, doing nothing. Even if there are decent captchas, if the payout is great enough, one could even use a solver service. To date, I'd say 80% of TEs are vulnerable to some form of automation. And yes, it is against TOS, but if you aren't greedy, nobody ever notices, or even seems to care. (have been doing this for a decade now?) Here are some hints at finding bad TE's: 1) Mouseover enabled - easy to automate 2) No captcha at login 3) "Match the picture" TE's - usually the src of the images match up, and is easy to automate the click 4) Side games with no captchas for credits - There is a pretty large TE with a "grid" game, easy to collect $$ 5) Safelists with no captchas on credit collect link - timers are not enough 6) Older sites, that have not been updated in a decade - usually haven't updated captchas But, don't Captchas discourage users? I'm sure they do, but without them the site is useless. How is all this possible? Using software designed to test websites (QA) that will automate the browsers just as if someone was sitting there clicking/mousing themselves. It's not even hard to setup. Download a browser plugin, hit record, surf one site, copy the generated commands, paste them 100 times, and press play. But .. I have pages that try to catch the person that if they click the captcha instead of collecting the reward they get flagged for cheating! Not so ... even easier to catch (hint page is served from your own domain and easy to read the page code in the iframes to determine if its a page the script must react to) Safelists? Scripts read emails, collect links to surf to, and open a new browser window for 20s, and then close. So, how do you feel about TE and Safelists now? p.s. It was nice of AMCS scripts to provide a whole list of sites that bought the script
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