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Everything posted by ltd017

  1. New program builds 10+ income streams 1 program 10+ income streams This new downlinebuilder is called Teamway and it's full of features that you haven't seen before in any program out there: - Free Spill-Over from your upline - Random Referrals directly from Teamway - Programs that have proven to work well (they even give you their tracking stats for the traffic sources they test) - You can join every new program 2 days before your referrals can join it (this one is big!) Join Teamway now and start to work with the best downlinebuilder out there. http://www.teamway.info/?af=135
  2. Ahead-hosting - Turnkey and custom made websites http://bit.do/cvfhJ Ahead-Hosting....Ready made websites Three services: .. websites (either ready made or custom made, all made with WordPress, and mobile apps), website customization, and hosting (we recommend to host with us but it’s not mandatory). These services work in synergy which is what makes us the best choice for running online businesses. == >Ready made websites: All our ready made sites are meant for affiliate marketers; they all have adverts (e.g. AdSense etc.) and/or affiliate links to products for sale (e.g. Amazon, Clickbank etc.). When visitors click on the ads (CPC), or purchase a product following the affiliate link, you get a commission, directly from the publisher (none of these sites actually sell anything). They generally pay you via cheque, bank transfer or even Paypal, depending on the affiliate. What do you have to do to enjoy this passive income? http://bit.do/cvfhJ == >Custom made websites: These can be for affiliate marketers, or NOT: we’ve made corporate sites, e-commerce sites selling tangible items, blogs, portals, local directories etc. etc. (see Custom portfolio). These sites, despite being made custom for you, generally cost very little ($150 to $200), see more details from our custom sites information page. Obviously in order to have a custom site you need to get in touch with us via email and explain clearly and concisely what are your requirements. http://bit.do/cvfhJ == >Hosting: This service is ‘similar’ to many other hosts on the Net, but not quite the same because specifically tailored to our sites and ideal for affiliate marketers. See our hosting page for more details on this. P.S ''Much more content in our blog and obviously in each of our sale pages. Please spend some time on this site browsing our offers and websites for sale. If you give us a try you will be pleased to find out that it is pretty obvious that we offer the best ready-made websites on the market, and that our pre/post sale support and service are second to none.''
  3. Today i have 2 new affiliate signups for Adminder
  4. ClickMagick - Track And Optimize All Your Marketing, All In One Place It's the next-gen click tracker, rotator and link manager that not only tracks all your clicks ... ... but it makes them an average of 56% more profitable! http://bit.do/cuzbT - It cloaks & tracks all your links, traffic & conversions - It has 3 different kinds of advanced link rotators - It lets you setup and do A/B split tests in seconds - It does some real "ninja" geotargeting stuff to help maximize the value of ALL your traffic - It provides insights into your traffic "quality" & helps combat clickfraud and "scammy" traffic sellers http://bit.do/cuzeb BUT that's not even the best part because ... It also lets you add custom pop ups, timers and other content TO ANY PAGE to help you make more money. Even affiliate links and sites you don't control! http://bit.do/cuzf6
  5. SuperTips ClickBank for Newbies . . . and oldies . . . Free guide, no sign-up needed The author: Harvey Segal is acknowledged as the world's top ClickBank expert. Owner of The Complete Guide to ClickBank (the only site devoted completely to ClickBank) SuperTips http://bit.do/cuoBx P.S You'll see how to get commission on ClickBank products you don't promote. Commission on products you've not even heard of !
  6. BEKANADA.....One System - Multiple Programs - Fully Automated ! Business opportunities, How To Manuals, Internet Software and more - everything you need to become successful on the net - visit today. Do you want to do any or all of the following: Increase and/or automate your marketing results without it costing you a PENNY of your "ad dollars" ? Easily and automatically promote/advertise an unlimited number of products, services, opportunities, websites and more at the same time using state of the art automation that only increases your advertising reach over time - from 20 times to up to 200 times faster than you can do by hand? Take unlimited advantage of free advertising opportunities worldwide on unlimited number of websites using state of the art automation on a repeat basis - daily, weekly, monthly...? Increase your profits by reducing ad costs AND Labor costs? Not to mention any sales you make cost you zero profits... Instantly send your ifieds ads to 1000s of worldwide and local ifieds websites online everyday free and have your ads seen by millions of people worldwide? http://bit.do/cukLt ..Automatically Promote online 20-200 times faster, reach more people and save 100s of hours... ..Website Replication: "Risk Free" Sales? Cut Costs, Increase Profits and Run your business 24/7! ..Shop, Surf and Search FASTER ... Save $1000s! , Save 100s of hours of time! ..Power Submitter V10.07- 200 Times Faster than typing! ..Hosting ..Automated Leads Followup Systems ..and more... == > TRAFFIC MORGEL Build immediate and long term traffic to your websites - any type of website: personal, business, forum, hobby or affiliate plus increase sales and leads generation with guaranteed results - all in one place! http://bit.do/cukNK == > PERFECT TRAFFIC Perfectraffic’s packages provide a variety of traffic from different sources for immediate, mid term and long term traffic growth. http://bit.do/cukNb P.S. == > General Features of Power Submitter Advanced Submissions Technology: Easy to use Interface: Huge Database: Multiple Automated Ad Submissions: Re-submit system: Automatically adds more websites 24 / 7 / 365 : Automation Operating Systems ["AOS"] software added: 128 Categories with "Top10" Matching technology:
  7. ...Promote the top traffic generating sites and programs with only ONE referral URL! ...Promote your own favorite affiliate programs with only ONE referral URL! ...Promote your personal website or blog, your Facebook page and Twitter pages! ...Explode your sales, the personal touch is proven to increase sales! ...Members promote programs that MAKE MONEY, join the sites they use! Join free http://www.promoteadspaypro.com/me/ltd017 p.s. Benefits of Upgrading ..Earn DOUBLE points on all ads clicked! ..Get over TWICE as much commissions when your referrals buy advertising! ..Get some great features and bonuses you will only find on this site!
  8. Simply Surfing is designed to build your downlines in multiple sites increasing your earning potential as it does. New sites added to the Downline Builder every week ensure that your business continues to grow. The BEST part is you can earn great commissions just for promoting Simply Surfing. The Master Reseller upgrade even offers 100% INSTANT commissions on all upgrades! There is also a fully operational Traffic Exchange for you to promote your other offers. No games and promos just great, quality traffic for your sites and affiliate links. Try it for yourself, I am sure you will love the results... Hope to see you there! http://simply-surfing.com/?rid=192
  9. This site is programmed, designed and owned by Maryanne Myers. Who has been in internet online business since 1998. Inside you have email ads,banner ads and very atractive different upgrade options which cost $10 for lifetime each. You may take some of this upgrade only if you find usefull for you. Take free account,advertise your programs and refer other member http://www.10buckblast.com/ltd017 p.s. The Upgrade Station This WILL get you GREAT advertising for your programs and a GREAT opportunity to make some cash while doing it. PLUS, I made this extremely low price so everyone can get this. THIS UPGRADE IS FLEXIBLE! Here is the best thing, you only buy the things you want! No need to pay for the items you do not use or are not interested in.
  10. The OptIn.... a Credit Based Safelist. http://theoptin.com/safelistprox/s.php?ltd017 == >Simple to join credit based safelist with an easy to maintain area to allow members to get EXACTLY what they need. == > Up to 50% commissions for upgrades and purchases. == > Mailing Ability Basic /Free/...every 3 days Advanced ...every day VIP...3 Times Per Day visit here: http://wx.cm/LCh PS: Pay special attention to the OTO offer you will see as this will NOT be repeated on site and is simply GREAT
  11. Easy to use interface and set up in seconds. Rebrand and build over 30 Downlines at once. http://mobile-views.com/?r=67295 It includes a quick surf feature where you can surf direct from your browser without having to login etc and this means you can set it for bookmarks and for your browser homepage to make the most out of thecredit earning potential. You don't even have to be logged in to you account to earn. Go have a look and grab your free accounthttp://mobile-views.com/?r=67295 p.s.==>This site is VERY straight forward and all you have to do is viewother members promotions and then they will view yours andhopefully you'll get some subscribers/sales/signups. ==> Once you have added promotions into the rotation youcan also promote them TWICE by promoting your FREE website rotator that is available at no extra cost.
  12. New Frank Salinas site Create Your FREE Downline Builder Account And Build Your Referrals In The Top Traffic & Marketing Sites! Earn Commissions with Our Viral Downline Builder System!" Free To Join Downline Builder Private Access To Members Only Tools Cool Members Profile Box with Favorite Links Earn & Setup Advertising With A Few Clicks! Instant Affiliate Access to Earn Instant Commissions! http://mytrafficdownline.com/index.php?r=ltd017p.s. Promote your favorite affiliate programs with only ONE referral URL! Promote your personal website or blog, your Facebook page and Twitter pages! Explode your sales, the personal touch is proven to increase sales! Members promote programs thatMAKE MONEY, join the sites they use! Join Free: http://mytrafficdownline.com/index.php?r=ltd017
  13. GEO Targeted Text & Banner Ad Campaigns ==>Over on GEO-Adverts they've simplified the wholebanner & text ad process but having one site thatyou can list all your adverts and they'll take care of the promotions for you on multiple locations ==> There is NO surfing and is set up as a finished system and all you have to do is add your promotionsand let us do the hard work for you. Join Free: http://GEO-Adverts.com?r=59985
  14. No Surfing, Just GEO targeted advertising. Promote to over 25 Countries with a few clicks. ==>Basically this site will be targeted to ALL types of users and not just focusing on traffic exchanges and this will have the same type of presence as a pro only site as there is no direct surfing etc (a bit like te-jv.com) BUT this one will be a set up and go type of site which will use the power of the rest of the sites .==>There is NO surfing and is set up as a finished system and all you have to do is add your promotions. http://geo-views.com/?r=10988 p.s.You can use Viral Credit Earning Rotator Link Simply add your promotions and use THIS Rotator link in other traffic sources to promote YOUR sites and earn credits HERE It's REALLY simple... You get credits for promoting your OWN sites!
  15. It's a Traffic Exchange owned and operatedby Steve Ayling, A guy with over 12 yearsexperience in the traffic exchange business. You can earn 100% cash commissions as areseller and really rake in those cashcommissions. With 0.5 credits per click for free members andreal downloadable prizes, this exchange canearn you more rewards for your time surfing. If you want to dip into your pocket then thisexchange is not expensive either. You can gogold for just $5 per month or only $37 for awhole year. Credits cost from $1.50 / 1000 too so you can stock up on traffic wheneveryou need. You can even earn cash by selling back yourexcess credits. Yes sell your credits for cash.. Check out this great exchange today byclicking the link below. http://justgoodtraffic.com/?rid=9809 p.s. Check Out This Great Free To Join Traffic Exchange That Focuses On Quality http://justgoodtraffic.com/?rid=9809
  16. Pulsating Banners is a banner advertising site where your banners can be seen by thousands every single day and your banners will get noticed as we make them pulsate This is also an AMAZING funnelfor you to build over 20+ downlines at the same time and even free members will earn commissions . You can join Pulsating Banners for free byclicking the link belowhttp://pulsatingbanners.com/?rid=1505 You Have 1,000 credits to get youstarted and you can even add your banners straight away if you choose to remain a free member (with no obligation). p.s.Pulsating Banners Get Noticed.You Can Have Your Banners At The Heart Of The AdvertisingJoin Free:http://pulsatingbanners.com/?rid=1505
  17. See what you get by signing up... - Lifetime Hosting (50MB storage and 500MB bandwidth (much more for upgraded members) - A free subdomain name (or you can use your own domain name) - Easy to use technology to set up your hosting and website - Option to promote your website on other members Viral Top plus get get for others promoting on yours as well as your direct referrals websites! - 40% commissions (up to 60% for upgraded members) - Email downline depth of 5 levels (up to 7 levels for upgraded members) And you get all this for life! http://vh.cm/ltd017 That's all the tools you need to have to speed up youronline income: A website, a list and lots of traffic! ViralHosts provides you with all you need: From web hostingto traffic generated on auto-pilot. Marketing is action, so join now, build your website, yourlist, mail it and start speeding up your online income! http://vh.cm/ltd017 p.s.....Even if you already havea web hosting system, ViralHosts still deserves yourattention! The downline builder and mailer system (alone)are worth joining. ..........The referral system allows you to earn commissions onupgrades, and even on lifetime upgrades. Join Free Today ...http://vh.cm/ltd017
  18. 4:3 Traffic Exchange300 credits for join ==>Get free credits from your referrals on 3 levels: 8% of credits earned by your 1st level referrals, 4% of credits - 2nd level, 1% - 3rd level ==>If you Upgrade Account, you'll receive free credits from your referrals on 4 levels (15% - 8% - 3% - 1%) ==>We reward you 200 Credits, 500 Banner Impressions, and 500 Text Impressions for every person you refer. ==>You will earn up to 30% commissions from all purchases of our Easy Splash Builder and Promote toolsmade by your first level referrals (10% as a free member, 30% a paid member). http://www.surfers2u.com/?rid=7845 ==>You can earn Cash and Credits for Promote Text ad Link. Earn $0.025 Per 200 Hits! ==> Programs Splash Page To Promote 10 Programs At Once Join Free:http://www.surfers2u.com/?rid=7845
  19. Top1surf.com is FREE to use, and delivers targeted traffic 24 hours a day 7 days a week, non stop ==>Advertise your Websites, Banners, Text Links, Splash Pages, Lead Capture Pages, and Affiliate Sites, but most importantly advertise YOU for even better results! Promote Affiliate Programs Generate FREE Leads Build Downlines Promote Network Marketing Opportunities Get More People Reading Your Blogs ==>This site is a 4:3 traffic exchange system. ==>Recruit Affiliates 10%-40% Cash Commissions Paid to ALL Members We have five-tier referral program (10%, 5%, 3%). It means that you'll receive 10% of hits earned by people whom you've directly referred, 5% of hits earned by people referred by your referrals and so on through 5 tiers! http://www.top1surf.com/?rid=27113 ==>Easy Splash Builder Here you can create, update, host and track your own splash pages for any website with the Easy Splash Builder tool. As a free member you can store up to 3 splash pages. For only upgrade members per month you can store up to 30 splash pages. ==>Program Page To Promote 10 Programs At Once Join Free: http://www.top1surf.com/?rid=27113
  20. TrafficG -Targeted Traffic Exchange Become a TrafficG member and you'll be able to drive free, guaranteed visitors and traffic to any website of your choice! And the cost of this great service? Absolutely NOTHING - NO catches! http://trafficg.com/index.php?member=krasi1331 1:1 exchange ratioPromote Unlimited Sites5 level reward programGeo Targeting ContestsAccess to the best banner exchange on the InternetPromote Unlimited BannersFree Listing in the TrafficG directoryYour own special promotions page100% Free to Join100% Free to Use10 Free Visitor Credits1000 Free Banner ImpressionsExcellent Upgrade Options from just $4.66Buy Traffic from as little as $7 See your hit counter explode with targeted traffic! Join Free: http://trafficg.com/index.php?member=krasi1331
  21. 1M Hits To Your Site, Any Site, Anytime! 1M = One Million 1M Hoopla = Generate One Million Hits Your 1M Hoopla = More Than One Million Hits To You How This Works ==>Visit each of the 7 links for 15 seconds, fill in the ad codes for each site you viewed, fill in the rest of the sign up form and read the Terms of Service. ==>You will than receive a website exactly like this one, the only difference will be that your link will now be in the #1 position. ==>You will be instantly sent an e-mail with your unique site URL and login details. You need to promote your unique site URL for your prospects to see your link in the #1 position. Banners are located in your members area to help you promote your page. ==>People signing up from your website will now be advertising your link in the #2 position. People joining on the next level will advertise your link in the #3 position, and so on, and so on. You can see how your network will begin to grow very, very rapidly. Join Free - The Most Productive Viral Marketing Onlinehttp://1mhoopla.com/?krasi1331 p.s.InstructionsVisit Each of the 7 Links Below for 15 secondsFill in Ad Codes Received for Each Site ViewedThen Complete Your Registration Form Below p.s.s. When viewing your referral page, you may need to first clear browser history and cookies to view your ad
  22. How Does it Work? ===>It's quite easy, Just Add Your Sites, add some Credits to Sites and it will start Rotating on HUNDREDS sites Automatically, once approved by Admin. ===> http://ViralTECoOp.com/ltd017 How do I Earn Credits and Money? ===> Here at ViralTECo-Op there are 4 different ways to earn Credits: 1. The Best way to earn Credits - Go to this page and set your Rotator to earn Credits. Add Your Unique Rotator To some Traffic Exchanges advertising sites Most of them give You free Advertising startup, or you can get some promo codes for free advertising at TrafficCodex.. and Your Unique Rotator will start earning Credits for You. 2. A Good way to earn Credits - Promote Your Referral URL and Banner And when You get new Referrals You will earn Credits and Cash! 3. Another way to earn Credits - Click on the Link "Browse Solo Ads" within the member area and You will earn Credits and Cash by visiting Sites from our external Advertisers. 4. You Also earn Credits - Every time that You login to ViralTECo-Op. Join Free Here: ===> http://ViralTECoOp.com/ltd017
  23. Traffic Exchange combined with a Viral List Builder and turned it into a highly efficient advertising and profit generating machine! http://admasterplus.com/?rid=37302 What do You Get? ==>Unique Lead Level Targeting We offer you something nobody else can, and that is our unique Level Targeting system, this allows you to target your ads to Guaranteed Buyers! Not just people who bought once, but twice, 15, 30, some of the leads have made over 50 purchases, you get to target the leads of your choice to maximize your opportunity to generate a sale, skyrocking your ROI while practically completely eliminating your risk. Most advertising services just throw your ads out in front of untargeted, unqualified buyers, only AD Master Plus lets you choose your lead quality with every ad. ==> Full Page Website Distraction-Free Page Views We offer a one of a kind surf area that minimizes distractions and provides you with the most advertising real estate in the traffic exchange industry while still providing high quality real human pageviews ==> Targeted EMAIL MARKETING Email our targeted, segmented lists as often as you like, we've split our leads into groups based on their purchasing history, maximizing your chance to generate a sale ==>Real Cash Bonuses Earn Real Cash BONUSES just for being an active member, promoting, or referring new members to Ad Master Plus ==>Big Commissions Refer new Members and Earn 30-65% Commissions on Credit Sales & Upgrades, Forever! Join Here: http://admasterplus.com/?rid=37302
  24. Tezak Traffic Power... 114,000 Members A most Unique traffic exchange.A Top Ranked traffic exchange by all the major TE Rankers! A traffic exchange that PAYS...Daily Cash Prizes!Up to 50% COMMISSIONS!We Mass Pay every Monday!YES, We pay FREE Members! Traffic out of this world...You get fast free traffic in 11 different waysResidual traffic from personal referrals! Check it out, it's free...http://www.tezaktrafficpower.com/?referer=krasi1331
  25. THE BUX is a big advertising network, where members worldwide - from all countries of the planet Earth, can earn money by clicking advertisements, and a lot of other earning possibilities like: PTC Advertisements (Surf ads and earn) The Grid (AdGrid) Virool Video Offerwall (Watch videos and earn) Many Offerwalls (Complete offers and earn) and many other earning opportunities.. Advertisers can also register and buy the advertisement types they prefer: Advertise your website for only 2$ for 1000 views Advertise your website on The Grid for only 7$ / 1 month Advertise your banner - starting from only 1$ for 10000 views Advertise your link on the login ads panel for 3$ / 7 days Buy your Featured Link Ad for only 10$ / 1 month Advertise your website with Fixed Ads starting from only 5$ / 1 day Take Your BUX Here: http://www.the-bux.net/?ref=krasi1331
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