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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. yes i think it would been good to call it PET PEEVES
  2. Referring will be easy and earning can grow very big. it could be worth trying
  3. I ONLY use FREE advertising but other members PAID for the same members that I use for free. The same exact members you have the option to use for FREE or PAID, I prefer to use the FREE version. Now that said, I do upgrade in most of the programs that I use to get more benefits and a higher commission. Frankly, it always for the... Higher Commissions for me to upgrade! the more you put in the more you get out
  4. I can surf hundreds even thousands, but I dont do it every day. The thing is to try to promote a selected TE along with your other programs in all the traffic exchange you use. Let's say you promote your business on 10 traffic exchanges, you should promote your business and one traffic exchange on all the exchanges. The trick is to build yourself a team of surfers below you for each traffic exchange. At some point you could be getting residual traffic without having to surf.
  5. Free traffic that also offer paid traffic for those who don't have time or don't won't to surf for Traffic.
  6. I think the main thing is building a "list" of fans or followers just like you build a regular email list. the more you have the better you
  7. To me, I think that it's important for some people to be able to connect with me if needed. The thing about phones these days is that the call you make these days is directly to the person you need to talk to. It used to be, not that long ago really, that you called a Land Line and hoped the person you wanted to talk to was there and available! Now, who you call, with cell phones, is only the person that you're calling! Things do seem to change quickly these days compared to say, 10 years ago! I, myself, prefer to talk to somebody directly if I need something. If I have to leave a message I can only hope that they will respond, but I know that it went to them and not someone else! Oh, and by the way, I do not go online through a phone. I only return calls or answer calls with my cell phone. Everything else happens through my computer.
  8. I surf 20 -70 site at least 3 day aweek
  9. I use TEs as one way to get referrals and build downlines. It's slow but it works. TEs are also a good way to see what's new and drawing interest.
  10. I'd like to see more pictures because I think that if it's about building relationships, why not try to be more personable by including a picture and being able to put a face to who you are dealing with
  11. In many cases, the numbers of your referrals plays a very significant role
  12. Is there already another online company that does what paypal does, but is affiliate-friendly?
  13. sm62


    thank for all the great info wish all a happy holiday
  14. thank you have been looking for a way to get bitcoin
  15. a penny save is a penny earn they all count
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