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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by chrystalia

  1. I would LIKE a digest email. But as desharp38 pointed out, I have had them glitch out in the past and it's really annoying. The best compromise for me would be the digest email in my email inbox (with the other 1500+ I get a day LOL) but the individual emails still available in my on site box, with some sort of update program so that when I open my mailbox here, any links I have clicked on in my email go away. My email issue is getting so bad I have taken to only opening 1 or 2 emails from a given site in my inbox, then deleting the rest, logging onto the website, and opening them there. I wish all mailers had an onsite inbox only option, and would just send me an email once a day--something like "you currently have 1054 emails waiting to be read". I know it'll never happen, though *sigh*.
  2. My personal record was 15,000 pages one day--tournament at Traffic Swirl plus 2 other sites. NEVER AGAIN LOL. I had a headache for 3 days from the eye strain.....
  3. Remember the old magazine ads about the couple quietly making 1,000.00 a month at their kitchen table? And BTW--I remember that manual--but I have no idea what ever happened to my copy . And then there was making big money reproducing the information you get from the free pamphlets the Feral Gov't used to mail out of pueblo, Colorado.....And I do remember the 8 Baud modems as well. I still have a TI99-4A (with all the casette tapes full of BASIC programs) here in the house. Those were the days, weren't they *sigh*. And we ARE old--at least, I am. I cancelled my birthday years ago, due to lack of interest .
  4. It can take some time to get the hang of Wordpress--but there are some really good video walk throughs on You Tube, Wordpress itself has well done tutorials, and I also have learned a lot going through the tutorials on wpbeginner.com. I've tried every blogging platform known to man king since the days of windows 3.0 and 56k dialup access, and I always end up back at Wordpress these days. I will say that using wordpress on a Wix premium site is a LOT easier than using it on the wordpress.org, though for the life of me I can't figure out why. FYI, SiteRubix, like Wix premium, makes building a Wordpress site very easy. So if you're finding Wordpress on its own frustrating, try it through SiteRubix or Wix premium, the difference is really something. Whichever you use, I would grab SEOPressor for your SEO, and Hotjar for your UE. Hotjar is one of the most amazing plug ins ever created.
  5. With all due respect, I LISTEN to music, and I see only one person who says they watch other things, or do other tasks requiring eyes on while surfing (and they point out you can get a lot done while sites are loading). And for the record, I can both knit and crochet without staring at my work, personally--so even knitting/crocheting wouldn't significantly impact my surfing. Listening to anything certainly doesn't stop me from watching ads, signing up for programs, or spending money.
  6. In terms of faucets--the "moon" faucets. Moonbitcoin, Moon litecoin, moon dogecoin. The loyalty and mystery bonuses are amazing, and if you can build refs it gets even better. For earning, I like BTC Clicks, always a good number of ads, easy to use, and you can get signups for your sites advertising yourself. Their ad rates are really reasonable and I find the ads actually work well.
  7. I have the other computer on, and listen to crystal toning bowls, as a rule . I also have every recording ever produced by the Monroe Institute--for those unfamiliar, look up "Hemi-sync, Monroe Institute". My favorite for surfing is the SO Chord, personally, and Einstein's Dream for writing.....I often will layer a Hemi-Sync recording over the toning bowls, they go well together. As an off topic, I have been playing with binaural beats, 432 HZ tones and other things to create some useful music myself ......
  8. It can be tough to break into academia, but when you do, the sky is the limit ;-). I consider tutoring the young folk to be my personal cross to bear, my toll for rolling down easy street. But yes, they are a serious chore at times, as are all the young people at Reddit I counsel when I hang out over there. There are times when I really feel like hunting down their so-called parents and tarring and feathering them for unleashing their utterly useless offspring on the world. And when it comes to the Cracker Jack Box degrees---Oh, I know exactly where you're coming from LOL. Back last year I finished a 2 year stretch of suffering, a PhD dissertation on feminist influences in early Christian religion, as evidenced by the Grail Mythos etc.. Another one of those deluded feminazis "proving" that the Da Vinci Code was real (it most categorically isn't, not as portrayed), that Christ had been a happily married man ( probable, if he existed, though he would NOT have been married to someone like Mary Magdalene), and that without Mary's feminist influence on the apostles the fledgling Catholic/Christian church would never have existed at all. That last is because according to the feminist view of that time and place, Mary was doing most if not all of the preaching after Christ died on the cross, and she, his mother, and a bunch of unnamed females gave him all his really good ideas in the first place. This stunning example of academic inanity also proved that several popes were cross dressing females, and that Pope John Paul the 2nd was the last descendant of Christ and Mary Magdalene. It could have been worse, I suppose--though i'm hard pressed to produce an immediate example of "worse" at this time of the morning LOL. The whole cross dressing pope theory literally left me speechless. After all, how in the heck are you supposed to produce acceptable citations for a crackpot hitherto unheard of theory like that?!? That stage of the dissertation from H*ll was in my opinion, the nadir of my researching career--and also my greatest triumph. Being reduced to such circumstances is humbling. Actually pulling that assignment off was a serious adrenaline rush :-). but believe me--I tacked an amazing idiot surcharge on that invoice. And just in case her crackpot theories ever escape academialand, I have already written several absolutely devastating rebuttals, and I have friends in the right circles who owe me--big time. At the first sign anyone other than her delusional review board is actually reading that pile of pure unmitigated B.S., I will torpedo it, and keep doing so until it disappears for good. Whenever I write a piece of soaring B.S., I ALWAYS write the rebuttal along with it for my records. If I'm writing for the liberal/leftist nuts, I don't even offer them notes on the rebuttal--as no liberal thinks anyone can effectively counter their devastating genius. If I'm writing for a sane or relatively sane person who just doesn't have the time or the ability to slip a little mustard into some deadly dull pile of useless nonsense, I provide rebuttal information, typically written from a liberal viewpoint, so they can practice countering the insane ones. Of course even the relatively sane paranoiac professors are nuts when compared to normal people. Last week at the gym I had to show a couple of college freshmen how to open a Master Lock Combination lock--despite the presence of the nice sticker with the pictures on the back. I told the girl to turn "clockwise" (silly me). She didn't know what it meant. So I told her "right"-- and she turned LEFT. Like any good parent, the first thing out of my mouth was literally "no, dear--your OTHER right". And her friend hadn't corrected her. When they finally got it open, not once but twice, you would have thought they had won a Nobel or something. It turned out this was all her mom's fault, as she had asked for a combo lock expecting one of the new push button or electronic ones. I told her to get a nice lock with a key. The saddest and scariest part of the whole thing was listening to them arguing over who would get o drive home as they left the locker room.... I go to a Chuze Fitness center. There are analog clocks on every wall--but I have had probably a few dozen young people, both a) complain about the lack of clocks, and ask me what time it is, though I don't wear a watch. Our tech will truly be the death of us, as a race. I figured that one out a long time ago--which is why I made collecting information of all kinds my hobby. I read Canticle for Leibowitz-- and I believe it's true. So I and a motley collection of tin foil hatters, librarians, and shut ins collect and archive things. Somebody has to keep track of the knowledge that is disappearing, as well as the new stuff. But it is depressing, indeed.....
  9. We shall see--- I have no doubt it will be back when it's needed again--which given all my other irons in the cyber fire at the moment will be a while LOL. I still have to set up my IBOToolbox, put some more energy into Topsurfer and Funguppy, and keep a close eye on Leads Leap! Not to mention the day to day running of Fortunes. Sadly, Fortunes is making entirely too much money. I fear I may have to do something drastic during the holiday season to insure the Feral gov't and the civil serpents at the IRS don't get any of it. It's getting tougher and tougher to legally avoid paying the kleptocrats thanks to all the new taxregs they have conjured up in the last few years. But I shall find a way--I always do :-). And yes--we have met again :-). Which is, by and large, a fairly improbable circumstance, but a most welcome one IMO.
  10. Glad to be here, Darren--it has turned out to be old timers' reunion LOL. The Capt. and I go back about a zillion years or so, so now you'll be stuck with me ;-)
  11. it's saying 404 at the moment--I probably need to do a DNSflush again *sigh*. One of the drawbacks to having a few dozen tabs open at once. But I will save it and when I flush at the end of the night I'll check again
  12. I told him, but knowing my son, he's probably lurking around here avidly reading anyway LOL. He just went back on the road after 5 days at home. He leaves the running of our joint venture to me, as he knows NOTHING about clicking, or TEs or internet marketing. But he's a good boy--and the only person in the family who doesn't run screaming when I begin talking about my online activities LOL. My other half hates all things technical, so he leaves managing his websites and You Tube, and our offline business' Facebook Page (Kettle corn company) to me. My younger son thinks I'm nuts, spending my entire life online. But Ryan has always been there for old Mom when I want to go off on some harebrained new adventure--because he understands synchronicity. Around here, we call it a "quantum thing", and it applies to all the strange coincidences that happen in our family over time. He and I have had our share of adventures both online and in the real world over the years :-).
  13. I currently use Maryanne's PTC Wings, Blaster.guru, and of course Webstars2k--Would that I had time to use ALL her programs still! And I get results from all of them. Nothing like the oldies, at times. I'm also still a member of EmailPaysU, I click the little dancing penny dude every day.
  14. LOL--do I ever! That list was the first thing I always looked for whenever I hit the forum--I knew I would find it somewhere :-). I don't even have a link to Linkscout any more at the moment--this is my newest computer, a custom build less than 2 months old, so I haven't moved any of my moldy oldies into it. If you have a link I'd love it, so I can log in and see if my site is even still there LOL! We have indeed stood the test of time, Capt. :-). Miss Cleo's empire is long gone (a real shame, since I am actually a very good Tarot card reader), probably 100 or more of the original sites for marketers have disappeared, hundreds of forums and thousands of old timers gone--yet here we are, meeting again, just as I am getting ready to embark on yet another new adventure, Star Trek Style LOL. My, it has been a long and winding road, hasn't it?? This should tickle you: My oldest son's middle name is Tiberias--and when he was learning how to read, he used to sit on my lap while I read forum posts to him. I'm chatting with him on Facebook right now, as he's a long haul trucker--and my business partner in Fortunes Digital Media Group. And when I sent him the link to this forum, he FREAKED OUT! This was his reply ---->>>> "THE STAR TREK MAN, THE STAR TREK MAN MOMMY!" "OMG MOM, is it really the SAME GUY??? WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND SYNCHRONICITY???? I haven't even been gone a day and your life is like a LOST episode again...." He said that because he always used to look for usernames he recognized--it's one of the reasons he was reading at a third grade level when he started school. And every time he saw your name, he would see if he could yell it out before his younger brother. We made a game of it--I would tell them to look for a certain name,and the first person to find it got a point. And he calls my life LOST, because every time I turn around I am running into someone I have some sot of connection with--in my house, it really IS a small, small world :-). I'd share his actual FB post with you, but he is a real security freak--he's my networks security manager, and he has fits daily over my laissez faire attitude towards personal data LOL. I get lectured daily about security breaches, because he has my Symantec Endpoint set to email him when I go anywhere odd--and I go a LOT of places Endpoint hates, like Bitcoin faucets and TEs. At any rate, back to the back ground: I told him that when James Tiberias Kirk, whose middle name was HIS middle name, had retired from star fleet, he traveled back in time to help found the internet. I made up a whole pile of bedtime stories about the continuing adventures of James Tiberias Kirk in our time :-). Both my boys would pester me every day for a NEW Captain Kirk story, as a matter of fact, and they are both Star Trek nuts today. I told him that some day, when he was a big boy, he could have his own website Just like Captain Kirk. As a matter of fact, when we founded Fortunes back last November, we joked about Capt. Kirk, and about our new 5 year mission LOL. I used to make up all kinds of tall tales about people based on screen names.....
  15. I believe it was actually directly under you--and it would have been as Chrystalia, because at the time, I was a tarot card reader on one of Miss Cleo's tarot card 900 lines, and a military wife with 2 kids under 3 years old :-). On your forums I would have likely been posting as Chrystalia as well. Though I might have used my other favorite name, Fortunesfavorite, in either or both places. I remember when you used to post daily about how your Linkscout down line was growing, so I jumped in--then I got like 80 signups by advertising the site for one week on Cashlotto and Boxlotto. Cashlotto has since disappeared, but Boxlotto is still going strong--and still, BTW, an amazing place to advertise LOL. I got so excited I immediately took the lifetime subscription the very next time I saw it. That site made me money for years and years.... Come to think of it, I still make money and get signups from all of Maryanne's oldest sites as well!
  16. ROFLMAO--Small world indeed, old friend and Mentor-- I joined Linkscout through your link on your Forum :-). I lurked around ALL of those at one point or another, reading everything everyone (especially you) had to say! I still have my linkscout site, I think--though haven't updated it in forever and a day. One or Two data failures ago my lifetime subscription was a casualty, and it never got fixed.... And it was Your advice on inventive marketing of yourself that led me, indirectly, to my writing career AND to my career is a researcher and information broker LOL. Ah, the good old 56K modem days, and the very first iteration of Clickbank *sigh*....
  17. Yes, information is subject to what people feel it's worth to a great extent. But it's also possible to sell it over and over again in different forms. Freelance writing, for me, was a stepping stone (at least in the typical form). I used it to find my initial clients, and get some good clips for the resume. It got me to where I am when it comes to digital products--a nice steady client list always looking for updated sales material, articles, newsletters, and other easy stuff at fair prices. For years now all my projects have come from word of mouth, or in the case of selling information and research services, repeat customers. I prefer it to freelance websites because I get paid what I am worth, and I know what my clients like and want. When you work with the intelligentsia, or the paranoiac professors as I like to call them, once they decide they can trust you not to out them, trust you to do good work, and trust you to do ANYTHING for a big enough pile of money in terms of the subject matter being written about, they will stick with you through thick and thin. The professional and college crowd are my offline bread and butter, along with tutoring idiotic college freshmen (typically athletes) in basic English Grammar. If anyone had told me 30 years ago that there would come a time when you could get into ANY college without being able to effectively write, I would have told them they were delusional. Sadly, I see it all the time now. You know things are bad when you have to train your real world employees on the addition and subtraction of fractions--but I do. I even made a set of the old fashioned "pie" pieces to do it with. The Post-grad, the doctoral, and the gov't grant addicts are the bread and butter of the information world. I once told my other half, only half jokingly, that if he handed me a trash bag full of miscellaneous fast food receipts I could have the information sold to 4 people in less than 24 hours. Despite the apparent lack of actual education occurring on college campuses around the country, the teaching staff, the research fellows, the masters' and doctoral candidates, the adjunct professors, and all kinds of other goofballs are always looking for data on something, and they will pay top dollar to get it. It's an ever expanding market. But more than that, for me, it's a deeply satisfying hobby. I like collecting information, so the income is merely icing on the cake, so to speak :-)
  18. You just gotta love those LOL. I will admit I have a group of programs I recommend together, but they are all free to join, AND you can make a decent income as a free member. I don't ever recommend programs where a free member can't earn money in a reasonable period of time as "free" programs--I rarely tell people to join those at all, unless the paid service is really worth while. The reason some of my long time down line members have been with me since the year 2000 (literally, since the days of Linkscout and the very first Maryanne Myers advertising sites) is because they know if I say it works for free members, it does-- and that my advice about HOW to make it work as a free member and the time involved will be as accurate as possible.
  19. I have taken to labeling some of my personal sales materials "swipes" for my various down lines, and specifically labeling anything else with a copyright and a "don't steal" notice--because many people don't realize that the sales material is mine, and subject to copyright laws. I believe in protecting my intellectual property now that the feral gov't is tightening up on the standards for awarding damages in lawsuits and I am writing for myself again. One of the things I teach my down line is that modelling my success is different than taking and using my tools without my permission--I try to teach them how I do what I do instead, for several reasons. 1. If they learn how to think like marketers and write like marketers, then they own their accomplishments--and those accomplishments mean more. 2. If they learn #1, they can spot scams far more easily--and because they have been empowered with information, they will also be less tempted by the "shiny" stuff. 3. If they learn #1, then the odds of them committing plagiarism and getting sued are vanishingly small, and in this lawsuit happy country, anything you can do to minimize your risk of seeing the inside of a courtroom is a good thing! I may never sue anyone over stealing my work--but if I do have to sue, then I want to make sure the other guy has NO wiggle room in the courtroom..... I am still surprised that I have apparently developed a possessive streak, or an ego streak, at my age. It really caught me by surprise at the time. I'm hoping I can eradicate it before it gets any bigger. As I see it, a ghost writer that is possessive of their work is probably not going to be working much..... PS--Are you by chance the same "Capt. Kirk" that started a sort of small alt Bulletin Board Way way back around the mid 1990s--around the time Maryanne Myers began her web empire? Way back then I belonged to Linkscout--back when a lifetime membership was like 49.00 and their marketing platform was considered revolutionary--and I advertised a lot on Maryanne's original FFAs as well. And I forget the name of it, but there was this pokey little alt BB type forum for internet marketers that had been around since the mid 1990s when I found it, and it was run by a Capt. Kirk.. You could post an ad once a week or something, and have a sig. file, and it was a great hang out spot in that time before the WWW even really existed.
  20. I had indeed seen you in "The Nettle" and always enjoyed it--and wished I could see more of you on blogs and websites around the web--as you are one of the few people still selling common sense in cyber space LOL. I am liking this forum already, it's been a very relaxing night compared to my usual work load. Heck, I deserve a day or two off occasionally!
  21. Typically, they harvest emails--but not necessarily for spamming. Far worse than spamming. Of late, those email harvesting programs--at least the ones being run out of the Russian Federation and the Middle East--are using the emails to create "hacked", spoofed, or otherwise throwaway Paypal accounts and spoofed Western Union accounts. It's a really nasty new wrinkle that is exploding on the darknet these days. For a hefty fee--typically 10%--you can wire money in any amount from anywhere to anywhere using one of these fake PayPal or Western Union portals. We're talking about 10s of thousands of dollars, well above the legal limits everywhere. So you pay someone in one of the darknet markets a few thousand, you get 10 times that wired to you from your friendly customer, to a faked verified paypal or Western Union portal. Then you log in from a vprn, using a spoofed account, collect the cash, convert it to BTC, and POOF. Things were a lot more civilized before the gov't managed to crack TOR and begin making it tough for criminals to conduct business *sigh*. The emails are also used as drop points for people to transfer information anonymously. Most people have no idea how easy it is for someone other than themselves to use their email to bounce information around.... All kinds of strange things happen behind the curtain on the internet, so to speak. And the stuff you see in the shadows on the black hat forums is the tip of the cyber iceberg. Just one of the 10 million reasons I avoid any program that offers to pay me just to collect emails or street addresses, unless I can figure out exactly who is behind them and where that data goes.
  22. Yep, and that's just the beginning.... According to the Feral Gov't, all of the "direct crowdfunding" sites that pop up occasionally are actually gifting--hence, illegal. TM violated the Ponzi rule for a bunch of reasons, but the big red flag is in giving you back more than you spent for your "product". Under FedRegs, something is only a "product" if it costs you tangible money, or you have traded/bartered time or something else of value for it with no expectation of receiving your money back or profiting. If you get it free--either as a "bonus" or through a purchase with the expectation of resale (like the 100% commission programs like Leased Ad Space the IRS is gearing up to shut down now)--it's not a "product". It then moves into a really grey area called "incentives", that also includes unregistered securities of all types. (can we say "royalty positions", anyone?). When the feds can go into the forum on one of these rev share sites and record hundreds of people flat out admitting they are only buying the ad packs to "win" 100.00 a day, and find thousands of strategies all over the place for creating an income buying ad packs or "royalty positions", they tend to be less than impressed. When they surf many of these sites like TM, or view the ads on other well known sites of this type and find that site being advertised dozens if not hundreds of times, it's pretty obvious that while the WEBSITE may claim they are "selling a product/service", the "common man" isn't BUYING a product/service--they're investing in a glorified Ponzi. And the feds, and all courts, do take note of the established legal principle of the "common man". From a business model point of view, none of these revshare sites are sustainable, and none of them are legitimate business models. None are legal in the USA either as you so rightly pointed out, which is why I don't advertise them myself, don't recommend them, and want as little to do with them as possible. I have not been successful yet in banning them all from my TE, but I am working on it. Sites with "rental referrals" are also a big no-no--illegal in the USA. Remember when the Feral Gov't won their anti-MLM cases some years ago? That was one of the things they won on--the MLMs were "renting" down lines to people--most notably Nutrition for Life international, but they were far from the only offenders. I know the AZ state Ag is looking very hard at PTCs with even 1 level down lines that rent referrals, as well as every rev share on the planet--and they are also looking harder at the commission structures and upgrade structures of TEs as well--mostly at the behest of the IRS, since they can't survive on 4 trillion dollars a year..... We shall see what happens. For the moment I am only promoting one thing outside of my own TE, and I am also working very hard to get myself out from under Paypal now that the feds are leaning on them hard when it comes to our industry. better safe than sorry.....
  23. believe me, when they go live I will be tracking the time carefully as part of my data collection, just as I do at any site new or old--and if they don't pan out as a direct income source, then I will, in all likelihood, be dropping them. But-- All websites aren't necessarily "direct" income producers, but can produce income none the less. In the case of You Tube, Vimeo, Uvioo, and now this one, there's a wealth of data to be collected, archived, and analysed, and a world of people who will pay for the information. For instance, I have been getting paid since 2014 for tracking the propagation of Memes--specifically pet related memes--by one group of enterprising cultural anthropologists at a big university getting a grant from our dear Feral gov't. I have been keeping the data and running semantic analysis on it and breaking it down in hundreds of different ways for my own records, as a "hobby"--and have already sold piles of data for piles of money to three or four sociologists, a few psychologists, and a rival group of cultural anthropologists as well. Which means that every minute I spend lurking on Reddit, or posting on Reddit, or lurking on 4chan or 8chan or FB or Twitter makes me money.... The single most valuable commodity in the universe is information. Writing is a good income, affiliate programs and direct sales can be good income. But year in and year out, the best income is found in information. And since every single website offers information of one kind or another, EVERYTHING can translate into money, sooner or later--even scam programs and memes ;-)
  24. ROFLMAO--I sure know that feeling. What did it for me, though, was seeing a project I found highly embarrassing at the time (a book of the funniest fart stories) selling like crazy on Amazon. I actually had worked hard on a couple of those stories, not because I liked the subject matter but because I couldn't resist stretching the old creative writing muscles (something I almost never get to do, I rarely get to write short stories *sigh*). For some reason, seeing somebody else's name plastered across one of "my babies" really upset me. It was different then wading through the thousand+ safelist and viral mailer emails I get daily and counting how often one of my sales letters pops up, or going through the pile of PLR articles on a popular content site and finding a few dozen things I wrote. Seeing my short fiction under another name seemed more....Personal? Intimate? It was some flavor of resentment and violation, though I had willingly done the work. It's entirely illogical, of course. But it was enough to tell me it was time to take a few years to feed my own bank account and hopefully dispense with the unwelcome ego that had appeared :-). I have never taken as much pleasure from affiliate sales as I have from writing--I can earn very well either way. But writing is more satisfying. As someone once said: "I write because it hurts less than not writing". And he was right about that. And since I am decrepit enough and have enough savings to indulge myself for a few years, I'm going to do it writing :-).
  25. I'll tell you, that DNS hack made life really miserable for all of us with TEs of our own--especially those of us with big promotions going on for the holidays (like me *sigh*). It probably cost Jim an arm and two legs to get it cleaned up, also. Of course he is going to be reporting this to the FBI Cyber crimes division this coming week, but who knows whether that will do any good..... At least it's back now, so my favorite relaxation site is available LOL.
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