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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by leiana777

  1. This is a new program FOCUSED ON PAY CASH FOR SURF!! son start surfing and earn money on their contest. Daily 0.5 usd for complete the average rewards 3 second timer promotion Free upgrade Pay thorugh payza and BTC Lot of contest -----> Splash Page with description <--- Ref: ID http://paying4traffic.com/?rid=74 Their FB https://www.facebook.com/Paying4Traffic/
  2. Those last days there are just a few sites to surf, the warning of no sites available show everytime. It seems that the fact that paypal stop doing business with them, left away some advertisers.
  3. The Sec its Chassing the owner.... So the owner could even go to prison
  4. leiana777


    ATM only the time will tell, ill just going to wait by the end of this month. if nothing happens i´ll search other sites to use.
  5. Darren, Thanks for the advice
  6. This site is like a revshare with lot of more earning options and debt reductors than the others revshares existing, or im I wrong?
  7. Pp could be the main problem here.... Also he close the sites without a good explanation, so theres a responsability from Mark too
  8. Maybe with the announce of the diamond tickets prizes he will update some news, that should be at the beggining on march.. maybe a few hours later this msg. (Hope i win with the diamond coin i get writing this )
  9. New administration restart, the site will get better with this
  10. Paypal is done for this kind of bussiness. The bitcoin and cryptocoins will raise their value when online bussines start using it massively. Start thinking and using btc as a primary processor.
  11. IT seems that a new rule to choice a site to purchase a lifetime upgrade or yearly upgrades is paypal availability. Most of the sites that get their Pp account frozen turn in a non sustainable state. That include ptcs too.
  12. Welcome to Marketingcheckpoint.
  13. Bitcoinker and Bonus bitcoin are good faucets. Bitcoinker has a senior bonus, similar to loyalty bonus on moon faucets. Get up to 100,000 Satoshis every 5 minutes http://https://bitcoinker.com/?r=3LowpswHGMwcc1WSTjbuVQASKPvcsAKL4D bonus bitcoin also a good site pay 100-125 satoshis every 15 min as average settings http://bonusbitcoin.co/?ref=9F01806F9294
  14. The admin is making changes every friday to the site. at the moment im just collecting zubees some minutes every day, awaiting the new changes to decide if i will continue on the zubee zone or not. Actually the use of the zubees is just buy credits and some upgrades on other site. Some new contest will start soon with better prizes than bonuses.
  15. others mails are as good as gmail. also some are even fast. and have good verification process
  16. I use this site from several months ago. really good traffic, but the problem is the timer. the site is still paying since they lost paypal few weeks ago. Its one of the most old trusted traffic exchanges, they never miss a single payment. Actually they paying via payza and stp, and will add btc soon.
  17. leiana777


    JB is taking this really slowly. some owners just stop trusting him.
  18. I also got mails saying tha the site will back again ........ Im confused. the site was closed and opne again several times
  19. timers should be low on the most sites.Some sites offer a timer turbo, or upgrades that make the timer slow, so is not necessary to have long timers. 8 secs max is enough
  20. I have never notice that feature, thanks for the info that everyone is providding here
  21. I use that site lot of time ago, the admin always change the minimun for withdraw, and then stop paying.
  22. smartphones are really useful for people thaat travel and whant to be connected with their jobs.. on some years phablets will be more popular than smartphones for people that use it for work.
  23. Hard promoting and then upgrade the sites with most refferrals actives you have.
  24. some btc sites and minners in grl stop paying because of btc fluctuations, etc.. its sad to see lots of sites closing without a simple answer
  25. I think it works, just watch tv marketing, they always do it, and they expend millions on that.
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