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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by leiana777

  1. My odds for payments procesors are BTC, prepaid cards (amazon, wallmart) , and a couple of more procesors, like PZ ,STP ,
  2. Hmm i use that site with no problem a few months ago. Maybe a misktake on the payment i guess.
  3. Wow there are lots of sites that i never hear about... good topic
  4. Mypayingcryptoads is a btc revshare https://www.mypayingcryptoads.com/ref/5452/signup Is owned by the Uday nara same admin than Mypayngads an old trusted revshare. Im giving a try at those two Revshares
  5. hmm thank you for the advices
  6. another site its gone xd, that admin has no business sense
  7. thanks for those updates =) alwais try to avoid suspected sites and google them before sign up
  8. This site is one of the most old bitcoin sites. its really easy to use, and also a trusted one. 100% recomended! =)
  9. Merry christmas for everyone here.
  10. One more site to avoid, Thanks for the last update =)
  11. Thanks for share those sites =)
  12. also those asking popups that generate those dialogs may be disgusting, some times that popup make more than 1 answer, I really hate that, they ask if you want to leave, and after that another popup asking if you are sure.. disgusting
  13. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
  14. The case of those paypal problems is really interesting, most people could be worried, because paypal accept do business with some advertising companies, and later they decide to stop and froze accounts. Pp should try to undesrtand the bussiness they acepting to work with, their risk apartment should be more cautelous.
  15. Bitcoin its growing really fast those days. Some payment processors like payza, neteller, solidtrustpay, adv cash,etc are operating with bitcoin cashouts. so you can caonvert your usd/eur ,etc into bitcoins directly from the processor. Bitcoin will start to rock soon those next years by now.
  16. Mark fox close his sites, also magical mailer, rockstar mailer , and a few others. Maybe pp freeze his funds.
  17. More than a thousand sites a day. sometimes when i have a free day more than 5k =)
  18. All his sites are gone... thats bad... Hi didnot send any msgs or mails to advice.
  19. Popups sometimes are really perturbing, especialy those that have sounds or music.
  20. Thanks for share this info. personally for sucess is needed a lot of patience and knoledge. participate in forums like this is really usefull. Read recent artiles and "formulas" is necesary too. but you need to actualize the knowledge. Dont stay with just old articles, things change every day.
  21. I hope that the payments return soon.I was paying some bills with that money =(
  22. Clixsense , neobux and ayuwage. on first line then gptplannet , scarletclix,buxp,
  23. They have a Cryptocoin intant exchange, you could convert your doge, etherium, etc into bitcoins instantly.. in a couple of years when the cryptocoins grab lots of more users and people start talking about this scheme as a normal Real life conversation those kind of sites will start being utilizedfor millions users. its just matter of time.
  24. Its a good site, one of the most trusted TE. it has zubees, and other games that add more value to the surfers.
  25. Pp cant claim a site as a ponzy just as a presumption. Call a site as a ponzy is call the owner/admin as a criminal. PP is really overdoing that.
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