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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by leiana777

  1. The site is having some isues recently, sometimes even redirect to other place, but now is workin ok
  2. Also a good way to do this is read biographys and watch documentals for those persons that achieve your goals, or similar goals that you want.
  3. focus on the clients, instead of your own opinion. make custom advices depending on the people you want to atract
  4. This site is runing by some workers on the old TMS, hope with the no pp aded they could at least pay their members. pp Frozen money is the most risky scenario on this kind of business.
  5. Thanks for the warning Clare. Best wishes with the team =)
  6. Very good mailer, speed on this site is really good, mails loads really fast. THXS
  7. Cash balances are paid in the meanwhile another payments processor will implemented, balance will shows no balance. hope it get solved soon
  8. John say this recently about payza. Nov 6th, 4:46 PM Payza for the short term, am looking at long term solutions. hope it get ready soon
  9. I use this processor and has a good security sistem. also the usage of an username instead a mail could prevent your mail to not be showed to everyone. Also the referral system and verification are realy good.
  10. zubee collect is increasing in popularity. Even with some isues with payment procesors the site will stay strong =) Keep zubing =P
  11. More efective thansplash pages is the country targetting options. Splash pages work if you use a common atractive language for the reader. =)
  12. The problems on the TEs is the pp limitation. when pp frozen the funds of some sites the admin cant even pay the bills and tohse sites have lots of problems.
  13. Ptcs are good if you have referrals and upgrade your account and get some rents ref too. dont upgrade if you only will use rented refs.You need both, direct and rented
  14. I use Te comando post to surf the Tezak, dragon surf, traffic swirl , and traffic splash to get extra credits. There is also a lot of other sites to get extra credits.Its really usefull.
  15. zubees are really fun to collect, and those mistery prizes are like a gamble machine. =)
  16. Its a good site, the script they use is really good.A promosing site =)
  17. Bitcoin mining earnings was moderated a few months. the mining is less efective to earn bitcoin like months ago. I personally dont recomend the new minig sites, usually dies soon.
  18. its a really good site. Neko has lots of promos codes, etc.Very recomended
  19. ITs presented as a TE no a revshare. so invest mainly to buy traffic. most revshare will end soon or alter
  20. You are welcome =P
  21. the site is doing good right now, theres lots of ways to make money and get refferrals. a really complete program.
  22. This is the official site for manually instalation on firefox. should remove the actual version(export your bookmarks) then download the version you want acording to your SO (windows, mac,etc).. you should download an put the actualizations set on manually or non perfom actualizations. https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ Some extensions like link readers, snapspro , etc, get bug on firefox 49, so downgrade will help. Enjoy =)
  23. You should use cccleaner or tune up programs, also disable some 2ndary programs that run in background. If the problem is the browser, downgrade manually to firefox 48 and set to no perform the automatic actualizations. firefox 49 is still new, so its natural that random bugs appear.
  24. PTC are unestable in financial therms. TE are more sustainable and trusted. Just a few PTC could live in long therms, because of lots of people doign task and micro jobs surveys, etc.. The most of the ptc end cause financial problems. the most of the users just use the trusted ptc and the new ones get with just a few users, and those new ptc have really hard times to pay their costs.
  25. leiana777


    Open lots of prize cache and if you are lucky you´ll get a money jackpot or random money.
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