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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by leiana777

  1. The most trustables sites are the most olds, some TE exist for more than 10 years, like Easihits4u. The Age of the site reveals their sustainability, that make it trustable. =)
  2. its a good TE, its really complete, it has marketplace, ptsu task, video likes, facebook likes, reteewt taskt, etc.. a full advertising plataform
  3. "The most profitable business scenario is the one that make you really happy" _Me_
  4. Rotate4all ptp is a really good option. it pays for promote and also for manually surfing.You could earn 0.16 in just minutes surfing and Is accepted on most of the sites, even on TE and some mailers. http://www.rotate4all.com/ptp/promote-5576
  5. on trafffic swirl the most i suefed was 7k. theres no other t.e that i surfed more than 1k.
  6. Hi the customer support is really important to create a colaborative environment between the customer/user and the seller/admin. Both are beneficied by the suport comtact , for,one side the user get the informarion or help and the seller/admin get info of how to improve his own business.
  7. Traffic exchanges for me are for medium - long therm downline build. you need to create a good referral lists with promoting sites and then participate on contest, like referral contest, promoting contests, points ,jackpots, etc... but is for medium long term.
  8. Im listen the news on the radio while surfing. also rock music and grunge.
  9. its sad to see pp stops to make bussines that they previus accepted. Its totally arbitrary the way they make their business. their risk apartment seems to not have a good knowledge in some online business.
  10. Hmm thats seems serius. im dropbox user since 4-5 years ago.. thanks for sharing that info
  11. those sites sooner or later collapse, when new investor stop to arrive the site starts to die. use the revshares carrefully.
  12. thanks for the forum updates.
  13. really good thanks for explain
  14. Hello everyone. Im Claudio, im live on southamerica. im a starter on the online money making sites, i hope everyone here have a good eraning thoose days. Greetings.
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