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Everything posted by blueunicorn2

  1. John Bell is a scammer - I have added him to my list of known scammers. I have also listed all his sites as scams - due to zubee zone. I rarely misjudge someone. I truely believed he was honest. You can read my previous posts in this thread where I defended him. With great sadness, I must admit I was wrong about John Bell. I am rarely wrong. The last time I was wrong about someone was Jon Olsen when his nerdbux.com became a scam. How long ago was that?
  2. Welcome to: stellarhits.com This Web page is parked for FREE, courtesy of GoDaddy.com.
  3. Thanks for the info.
  4. There are many places on the internet that do not say good things about KaratBars Intl. Before you invest you should read http://ethanvanderbuilt.com/2014/09/11/karatbars-scam-yes-it-is-in-my-opinion/ http://www.getbig.com/boards/index.php?topic=476435.0 http://factsaboutinternetmarketing.com/karatbars-international-scam-review-not-all-that-glitters-is-gold
  5. If any of those 3 start scamming, then its time to stop trying to make money online and just go watch tv.
  6. clixsense.com, neobux.com and instagc.com are the best.
  7. Some PTC sites are good and some are bad, just like everything else. I suggest clixsense and neobux.
  8. Since when does "I consider it money lost". NOT equal SCAM!
  9. Phyllis, I know absolutely nothing about 12 second commute except what you and mrclean0325 wrote. But that is all I need to know, that is more than enough to declare the site a SCAM. How many memberships do you need in one website? You have a "Life membership" and a "Best Charter Account" and it that does not cover everything the site has to offer now and in the future, it is a SCAM. Like how many memberships do you need to buy on one website?
  10. Thanks Monica, great post.
  11. Here is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1086714404774681/
  12. I did not know this. I know you are a reliable person. THANKS for the info!
  13. Hi: Sorry to hear of your loss. Thanks for sharing with us. Two rules I live by. 1. I never do business on the phone, unless I do the calling. 2. I never click on any link in email, unless I just requested it from a website.
  14. Thank you Monika!
  15. Some people have to be told the same thing several times and they still don't beleive it. Jon Olson said "Fast forward to the drama of the past few weeks. PayPal has pulled the plug on an entire industry because we got lumped into the same category as certain programs that used a traffic exchange front for their online ‘opportunity’." Really sounds like he is talking about Traffic Monsoon to me. http://www.hitexchangenews.com/news/traffic-exchanges-need-to-die/
  16. Correct, and most people chase after the scams, so honest sites struggle. Another way to tell a scam, they say on the front page thy have 4 cent clicks, you join and and find no links over $.0003
  17. The first post here was on July 16, 2016, that was four months ago. I am still looking for a payment proof!
  18. WOW! Thanks Clare for the awesome posts!
  19. You are wrong, this thread is about psarpit being stupid and creating this thread. Easyhits.com has now been limited as well. Someone is going to say it is because they have a 5 level downline. Nope - paypal approved that many years ago! Why is Paypal even looking at traffic exchanges that they have previously approved? Why? Because of Traffic Monsoon. Traffic Monsoon said it was a traffic exchange. Paypal processed their money. Then the government said Traffic Monsoon was a Ponzi. Paypal stopped processing their money. Now Paypal thinks traffic exchanges and related businesses are Ponzis. Don't think so, ask any of the traffic exchange owners that have talked to paypal, what Paypal told them. Kris Rogers says "I got an email saying they don't support its business model. I asked for more info and they said they assume r4s is a Ponzi, pyramid, mlm get rich quick scheme." If you think my explanation of Paypals behavior is wrong, then you explain it. How come all of a sudden, after many years of doing business with them, did Paypal decide traffic exchanges are Ponzis and decide to limit their accounts?
  20. Really! Then why is it posted here? in "Scams - Rip-offs and More" if that is NOT what he intended? Yes they are all affected, and yes it all started with Traffic Monsoon! Let me educate you! I have been involved with GPT sites for more than 13 years. I know about Paypal first hand. I know how they think and how they operate. Go read http://kurthilliard.com/how-many-traffic-exchange-owners-lost-paypal/ Read what Kris Rogers says "I got an email saying they don't support its business model. I asked for more info and they said they assume r4s is a Ponzi, pyramid, mlm get rich quick scheme." That is exactly what other traffic exchange owners say they were told as well. Now, why would PayPal think a Traffic Exchange is a Ponzi, pyramid, mlm get rich quick scheme? Why? Because Traffic Monsoon told Paypal it was a Traffic Exchange. The government later told Paypal that Traffic Monsoon was really a Ponzi. PayPal is know to be stupid, so the only obvious answer is they can't tell the difference between a Traffic Exchange and a Ponzi, so now Paypal assumes all Traffic Exchanges are Ponzis because Traffic Monsoon was.
  21. I have not posted here is several days, I was so mad at finding this thread here a few days ago. I am going to explain this for everyone that does NOT know what this is all about, Traffic Monsson was a ponzi! Traffic Monsson got Paypal in trouble with the government for allowing the ponzi. Paypal does not understand why Traffic Monsson was a ponzi. Since Paypal does not understand why Traffic Monsson was a ponzi, they don't understand why traffic exchanges are not Ponzis because Traffic Monsson claimed to be a traffic exchange. JB is a leader and not a follower. He has NOT followed the traffic exchange owner herd to Payza. Why? I am not in his head, but he might have lost some money, when Payza lost all USA customers money a few years ago. Or he might have read the recent warnings issued about Payza by Clixsense. "Payza is again having issues with accepting USA deposits as well. We've also been told that Payza is unable to process any ACH (bank withdrawal) or Payza is unable to send checks to USA customers". There is NO Zubee Zone payment crisis! Zubee Zone is NOT a scam! JB is NOT a scammer! Zubee Zone payments will resume when JB finds a suitable payment processor. And shame on you psarpit for opening this thread and posting this garbage!
  22. You are right Cristinz! This whole thread should have never been posted in "Scams, Rip-offs, and More", as all it does is put doubt in the mind of someone that has no clue about zubeezone and JB, and everyone here knows better or should know better.
  23. I have confidence that JB will come up with a long term solution and not just follow the pack to payza. Payza has issues as well Clixsense said today Members, as many of you are aware there have been issues that are out of our control with some of the payment processors we're using for cashouts. Neteller has stopped accepting any deposits from USA customers and Payza is again having issues with accepting USA deposits as well. We've also been told that Payza is unable to process any ACH (bank withdrawal) or Payza is unable to send checks to USA customers. This makes it nearly impossible for us to pay via these methods when we cannot deposit money to them. For those of you who use Tango Card there have been intermittent issues with the bitcoin processor they use (Snapcard) and frequently they run out of bitcoin. Hopefully this situation will get better with time. Paypal seems to be the most solid option right now so we're requesting if any of you have a Paypal account and are able to use it to please do so. We want to make sure you're paid. In the meantime we've been searching for replacements for Neteller and Payza and have contacted Skrill and Payoneer. We're also considering adding a bitcoin processor so you can cashout directly to bitcoin. This does not effect the monthly checks that we send. This will continue as it should. We will keep you updated on this as we move forward
  24. They owe me money for several years. I see I can not log in and password reset not working.
  25. This proves recyclix.com is a scam.
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