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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by felgall

  1. It is something fun to do while trying to advertise your own pages.
  2. What do you think? Are some social media better at helping you make sales than others? Which ones work in which circumstances?
  3. I can still remember some of the heroes of the 4th 9/11 plane being mentioned on a blog I was following hours before anything made any of the regular news services.
  4. Thanks - there are a few things you mentioned that I'd never have thought of.
  5. You need to start a new thread.
  6. I have a membership site designed for hobby type clubs to keep track of who their members are and to allow the club membership officer to process renewals. I am offering it to clubs as a hosted solution so that they will get all of the updates installed for them automatically along with regular backups of their membership info. What is the best way to advertise this so that other clubs that might benefit from this can find out that it exists?
  7. It seems that some TEs haven't been properly tested across different browsers. One I was trying to access today doesn't display the images you need to click on to get to the second page. Have you ever come across TEs that don't work in your favourite browser?
  8. I haven;t had much success with any of them - yet.
  9. It still isn't showing as available for me.
  10. How long after posting in the forum does the diamond become available?
  11. I have daily blog posts on each of my blogs (they are evergreen topics so some days it is simply reminding people of pages added some time ago so not always about new content. I also regularly visit forums on related topics and answer posts there.
  12. They are installed now - a separate tab at the top of the page.
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