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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. What is Traffic Token?
  2. Well I guess we will just have to wait until 29 March to see.
  3. Do you know what the new stuff is/will be?
  4. Since about 1999 (might have been earlier), so that's about 18 years
  5. It is rare for them to get that big. I think the previous ponzi that got big before it crashed and burned was 12 Daily Pro, which was a few years ago (2006). That one took in about $50 million.
  6. There is "if" about it. TM was a ponzi. Not sure what MPA and MPCA are, but if MPA is My Paying Ads and MPCA is My Paying Crypto Ads then I don't know much about them, but they both look like ponzis as well.
  7. The whole $10 to get someone to sign up to a free site looks like a red flag. So does the $300 pay out level.
  8. Prefer PayPal. Would prefer to keep using PayPal for as long as they will let me.
  9. To answer the original question, there is a real incentive to collect zubees - even if it is just to exchange them for advertising. The issue is whether it is worth going out of your way to look for them, or whether to just collect the ones you come across in your normal surfing routine.
  10. I have some surf promos with Stellar Hits for my sites over the next couple of months.
  11. From the limited information here, it looks like a scam. How exactly is it supposed to work? Also, you said you invested $50. Where could I find their prospectus?
  12. I wouldn't class Donkey Mails as a TE.
  13. I suspect there was probably more to it than that. But you're right, it was probably the PayPal situation that tipped his sites over the edge.
  14. Possibly. It may work out that way, or maybe not.
  15. The promised updates every Friday this month only seemed to last for one Friday. Unless I missed something there hasn't been anything since the changes to the marketplace.
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