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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by pf4edward

  1. In the past when i used Windows, & MacOS, it happened and i was a victim with my data held hostage by a virus (and it didn't matter how i got infected). i played the "whack-a-mole" version of using anti-viral software... and avoiding other anti-viral solutions ... and lost good and meaningful data in the futile exercise. But the scam warnings others have experienced and shared, the knee jerk reaction of one killing power to the computer possibly damaging the hard drive itself, and the incomplete protection tips left by yet another member all screamed VICTIMIZED by design from the proprietary operating systems that runs the computer at the lowest level. That's why i posted the missing solution/tip of changing the OS software to the free/libre ones that nips such problems "in the bud", by design. Currently, no, my computer does not receive viruses unawares. and changing the OS was the solution i found to be most effective.
  2. Greetings. If you are using Windows, MacOS, and even Ubuntu operating systems, your computer is getting hacked on every day. Do your computing in a GNU/Linux OS environment that puts your freedom as a user in the #1 spot of priority. The list of gratis OSs you can sample without ruining your installed OS are here: gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html i bet this problem won't be an issue as it NEVER was with me. I recommend PureOS or Trisquel. FWIW.
  3. Thank you for sharing your blog & insights.
  4. yes! please share! i'm in it if it's fun.
  5. Cool! Thank you for the insight here. Any recommendations on how to make money with this program?
  6. Can you clarify this?
  7. Hello there! Has there been anything catching your interest?
  8. Very well. That's good to hear about the new ownership.
  9. and thank you Clare.
  10. Yes Tommy, please explain why you don't recommend any investment of money. Unfortunately such a statement brings up quite a number of questions that i hope you're prepared to answer with evidence...
  11. bok! bok - bok!
  12. So, after all this, any recommendations to sign up with stellar hits, or should i wait, or?
  13. yeah, it's a shame. i do hope we hear from him... in fact, anyone has?
  14. Actually, on the contrary, hacks are great when it benefits others to freedom... freedom to not sin. :-)
  15. So, help me understand: + you clicked the link and it began generating bitcoin, 1.15BtC? + Then it asked you for 0.07BtC in order for them to give it to you the 1.15BtC hacked? (Suspicion #1) What about in your BtC wallet, was there a transaction log entry recorded? (Suspicion #2 if there was none) Does the wallet balance coincide with the amt promised you? (Suspicion #3 if it didn't) Finally, was it a scam all along, since you paid the 0.07BtC? (Suspicion #4 -- Why can't they deduct the 0.07BtC from the hack and give you the 1.07BtC instead? They pocket the 0.07BtC "hack fee:, and you get the difference. If Bitcoin is NOT a Bitcoin, then i understand the scam. If a Bitcoin IS a Bitcoin whether it's hacked or not, i don't understand the "fee") Questions questions.
  16. as long as the contribution CONTRIBUTES!
  17. Thanks for the reminder. On that site, it's easy to X out the notices after it displays once. I may have gone overboard X'ing things out i missed this one.
  18. That is correct: it has absolutely NOTHING to do with coinbase.Yet CoinChimp is more secure and keeps your privacy at its premium. Coinbase will audit your account and report your earnings to the IRS or its equivalent in whatever country you reside... and they'll get paid for it, too! I have been paid to my PayPal account the equivalent of the BtC to USD price at the time of exchange when i requested it.
  19. If you use my recommended, they'll send the funds to your PayPal account. It's all on their main page.
  20. as far as bitcoin wallets go, i'll still recommend THEY won't report your income to the IRS...
  21. Good news. Keep 'em coming.
  22. Welcome welcome! Anything that catches your eye while you're here?
  23. Heh, remain free, use the services AND warn others to not put "skin in the game". 8-D
  24. i hate to ask this, but what about it that's keeping you to "take the plunge" and go for it?
  25. i'll check it out (My Paying Crypto Ads). Thanks for the find!
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