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Marketing Checkpoint

Allen Tan

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Everything posted by Allen Tan

  1. Allen Tan

    New Here

    Welcome to the forum Jeff and Annie. Its a great site and hoping you will like it.
  2. Yes she is untrustworthy-starting from hitbooster. My downline bought a year upgrade at hitbooster and after 3 months she suspended him and he couldn't get refund from dispute. He did nothing wrong and she never responded to his tickets. I too deleted my account there because I feel that she is a thief.
  3. Agree with you Clare it's hard to get enough zubee for the wanted items.
  4. Allen Tan

    New Here

    Hi netbiz, welcome to the forum.
  5. Bitcoin wallet from and that is not from coinbase right? How much have you been paid to your PayPal account if I may ask.?
  6. We have many friends here that we can learn from about bitcoins. Just to take the opportunity to learn, collect and to cash wnen we could. And more thanks to MCP for allowing us to discuss about it here.
  7. I had an account at coinbase. The problem is that it always sent message "Authorize New Device. It looks like you're signing in to Coinbase from a computer or device we haven't seen before, or for some time. Please click the confirmation link in the email we just sent you. This is a process that protects the security of your account." I am using the same computer and after received email then another note " Country Not Supported" Coinbase does not currently support buys in your country. Subscribe to our blog to be notified when we add support for your country! I had open many times and the same emails repeating. And for that reason I am not working on any bitcoin collections.seriously, I may waste my time and maybe will not be paid. Its hard to trust people that we do not know. online. Thank you so much for your info Aditya. Its good to collect as much info doing a little collection as a process of learning.
  8. How do you cash from the bitcoinwallet to your pocket?
  9. Smart phone is the choice of people for all walks of life for its versatility which info is immediate.
  10. I will never upgrade to lifetime anymore.. I had upgraded to 8 of them but all the sites had gone.
  11. Ok now I know and positive it comes from Bonus bitcoin Because it is the only site that I had log in.
  12. http://ultrabitcoinminer.online/sessionId/=iskbO9h+TkWyHvM3uUC%5EXrhNhG0AV~noPN.php?# This is the url.
  13. This site http://ultrabitcoinminer.online/sessionId/=iskbO9h+TkWyHvM3uUC%5EXrhNhG0AV~noPN.php%C2'> came to my browser but I do not know where it come from. I checked it on http://www.badbitcoin.org can't find anything on it. I am just wondering if anyone had encounter with this one. This is about it. Who we are We are a team of crackers who are very interested in the innovative digital currency - Bitcoin and strongly believe in it's future. We do not like the fact that in the Bitcoin client exists a security flaw and we hope that our website will help to fix this security issue. What we do We find bugs in different mining pools and use them for our own purposes. We found a security flaw and we hope that our website will share some wealth to others. Is this tool free Yes. Try it for yourself. No download required. Why share this for free Because the Bitcoin developers have neglected our security concerns and we decided to release this to public so they can take action NOW! OK. But why not use this only for yourself? We have plenty of Bitcoins, thank you for your concern. Our mission is greater than that! We wish for the bankers to fall on their knees and free Humanity from financial slavery. That's why it's needed for as many people as possible to have Bitcoins. In Bitcoin we see the Revolution! Yesterday out of curious I try it and my security device did not stop me so I guess its ok and it seem that it made me 1.55bitcoin and it requested for 0.07..... I forgot the exact amount to be paid to them before it deliver into my account.. I had not enough fund so I did not pay.. Along the line yesterday had 15.74 (my currency) and today its left with 11.67 and I am not sure if it has something to do with it (mining from my account lol) Now its coming back again I am trying it again to see what happen next. Its message box looks suspicious too adds more curiousity only 3 people at the time . I wrote something and it was not posted Please share your experience.if you have.
  14. How much profit have you cash out?
  15. Welcome to the forum.
  16. Allen Tan


    And tokens for advertising and short upgrade at Traffic swirl.
  17. Agree with you. I use gmail for verification but not for reading emails.
  18. It's a great TE and fantastic advertiser. It allows members to review sites. It also allows members to request for for connections and its up to us to allow or not. I usually allow. Its interesting to communicate with others on the programs they join. I used it for promoting sites and I get good payment from the sites I promote. To me there are a lot of good things here. Its depending on our knowledge to use it. I never pay for upgrade, I use the available commissions to upgrade on the day I wish to surf and to get 1 or more credits per surfing. What I love most is on and off features on the advertising. When I surf to save credits I will only open a few sites for advertise and turn off the others. I wilii saved more than 10k inorder to get good payment for promoting.
  19. Thanks for the link.
  20. Lol it reminds me of someone who advised me to do the same as you suggested but it turned out he is being scammed by the reviewer. It seem that he had to pay for various upgrades before he could earn big which he had never reached. By the time he dispute at paypal he is unable to get his money back because its 4 months back. Maybe we can trust the reviewer if the reviewer is an established person who had no invested interest but really qualified to review.
  21. Me too. I had been paid 7 times of $15. Lately my subscription is cancelled and I can understand with paypal situation. I can't understand that my ads are suspended. Two tickets more than 48 hours are never responded.
  22. Well scam is not only on bitcoins. It goes for every programs available. The only thing is we are lucky that we can share information with friends at forums that is available to us. So we can just follow the success link.
  23. Anybody had problem with qualitypageviews?
  24. Cut and past is not showing. Zendesk stated that it looks like the help center that you are trying to reach no longer exist.
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