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About aussiegold

  • Birthday 11/05/1953

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    Helping people understand the true value of gold as a currency, and converting paper mone to real gold...one gram at a time!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. As we are all well aware, most businesses, especially offline, use the traditional business card as a means to market and share their details with clients. These do have a few limitations though, like: They can't be edited once printed. You can't add an active link to your website. You can't add links to your social media sites. You can't include embedded videos. You can't use it to announce a new product/special. However, all this and more can be done with a VBC (virtual business card). Formatted for best display on a mobile device, and easily shared via SMS or email, this product gives you maximum opportunity for direct connection with your prospect. It will be my No1 tool for 2019. See mine at http://its2ezy.net Also new this year is the soon to be released (March 30) K-Phone, the worlds first blockchain based smartphone! The satellite version will work globally, WITHOUT the need for a service provider. Exclusive to KaratBars, the phone will include built-in app to operate their global gold-backed currency. No pricing available yet....I will certainly share that when available.
  2. In my limited experience with cryptos, I now consider "mining" old hat! Consider the ICO (initial coin offering) of the KBC earlier this year. 12 billion coins, of which 7.2 billion were made available for sale/distribution. It sold out in 4 months! Not one of those coins were "mined", yet they are backed by gold bullion. The funds raised (close to $100million) have been used to open the worlds first registered crypto dedicated bank in Miami, Florida. (Opened July 4), secure control of a gold mine in Madagascar with audited resources of over $900million to be mined. This gold will be used to further increase the backing of the coin, thus increasing its value. Other developments include dedicated mobile app developed in conjunction with Sony, the banks own exchange and ATMs globally, plus a far superior blockchain technology which will rival Visa and Mastercard for speed, ease of use and security. Rather than play around with supposed mining projects, search for KBC on most major exchanges, and grab yourself a bargain!
  3. 105 sales and 90+ new members on my team in the last month! KaratBars is gaining global attention....are you ready to become a gold saver? Open your free acct at: www.its2ezy.com
  4. For those who like to take a punt on a new coin, KaratBank Coin is expected to go on exchanges Feb 15.Week 1 price will be 1 euro cent. KaratBank was established in 2015 and is based in Singapore. It's purpose is to manage the physical and digital payment system for KaratBars cashgold. Cashgold is a physical note with 999.9 gold bullion embedded, giving it real value. KaratPay is the mobile app that will facilitate the digital transfer. KaratBars affiliates are currently earning bonus tokens (to be converted to coins once on exchanges) for the purchase and sale of select gold products from the KaratBars range. KaratBars is free to join as a customer or affiliate. -aff link removed by admin- If you wish to purchase KaratBank coins once available on exchanges, please keep an eye on www.karatbank.sg White paper will be available on the site soon.
  5. Hi Iorkaha, sounds like you are just getting started and haven't found a legitimate business to work yet. If that is so, may I suggest you watch ALL of the video at: thismightbeofinterest.com/its2ezy then PM me with any questions. Cheers.
  6. I am guessing we have travelled a very similar road my friend :-) For more years than I care to admit, I chased the elusive "passive" income programs. Revshares, HYIPS, etc all amounted to nothing, financially at least! It was a lesson in ethics and patience tho. I had forgotten the powerful words I heard during my first ever direct selling experience back in the '80s. It was this; "If you were the last person on earth to join this company, would you be happy with your purchase?" Worth keeping in mind when considering a product-based business! With the business I am now fully focused on, the answer to that question is an emphatic yes!! Disregarding the business package that is so often the first thing presented by promoters, you MUST have a passion for the product, and be a regular consumer, in order to build a long-term successful business. I have tried far too many businesses where the focus was on the marketing plan, and the product was something I had little need for or interest in. I don't need to lose weight, or gain a bigger penis, so that eliminates about 50% of direct selling companies! Digital products are another I steer clear of, as they can be superseded by the next best thing before I have sponsored anybody :-( Whether the presentation you are being pitched is honest or fair requires further investigation on an individual basis. Even my current business did have unscrupulous marketers who presented the business the wrong way, raising expectations of new members by focusing on the marketing rather than the product. That issue has now been eliminated as best it can be by company policy, however not everybody reads all the fine print! So, my summary is, find a product you can be passionate about, then set about sharing the good news. Your business side will take care of itself :-) Cheers from Downunder.
  7. Had my car serviced and rego checked yesterday. When I went to pick it up, I had my recently delivered package of cashgold 1st selection and 6gms gold cards. My mechanic went through the invoice with me, explaining what I was paying $212.30 for. I then asked him, do you want plastic for that, or real gold money, as I opened the box and handed him a folder containing 3x1gm cards. Lots of questions about the authenticity etc, then he asked if I was looking to actually pay the invoice with gold! That wasn't really my intention...perhaps I need to refine my opening line! Anyway, after I told him each card was $85au in gold, he said he would accept 3gms and give me $30 in change. Deal done! He also has my $50 drop card, with web addy and my contact details. I suggested he watch the vid to learn more about the company and products. My bet is he is showing those cards to everyone over the Easter break. Will he sign up? Who knows, but I just proved gold, especially KaratBar gold, is real tradeable currency! Good news is, you can now exchange Bitcoin for KaratBars gold. Join free now via: www.its2ezy.com
  8. Hi Sue, a group of 17k+ is an awesome achievement...congrats! Of course, getting your message to them all is similar to emailing a list, and facebooks algorithm probably means only a small percentage get your message :-( I know that the amount I receive daily makes it impossible to catch every message before it is scrolled into oblivion! Can you tell us, why did you start the group, and have you achieved that goal? Has it been worth the effort, financially? I will check your profile for a link to it. Would love to see what you may be promoting :-) Cheers, Phil (aussiegold)
  9. This one's long gone Donald. Check the link. Hope you weren't seriously thinking of "investing" in such rubbish
  10. Should the above information still prove insufficient to convince you of the legitimacy of KaratBars, please consider the following. Would these global entities even consider doing business with a scam site/ponzi? Fedex Mastercard The Vatican Real Madrid FC Moto GP Monica Puig-Olympic gold medallist 2016 Hollywood (movie director) Plus many high-profile individuals over the past 6 years. Don't bother doing due diligence on KaratBars....the legal teams representing those mentioned above have already done it for you! Just join now at: www.its2ezy.com and start accumulating best quality physical gold :-)
  11. I will attempt to address the issues raised by the above post, starting with the claims that Canada stopped KaratBars doing business there, claiming it was selling investments. Please note, KaratBars never has and never will, promote their gold products as investments, regardless of what you may hear from individual afiliates who are breaching the ToS of KaratBars. This recent release regarding the situation that arose in Quebec will clarify the current standing of KaratBars in Canada and elsewhere. Dear Affiliates and valued customers of Karatbars, So, Montreal, Québec…cold city, warm hearts. COMPLIANCE: Karatbars International GmbH urges affiliates to refrain from speculation, editorialization, or other inflammatory comments and to refer to the Company compliance policies as well as the current Terms and Conditions when discussing the following information. HISTORY: On March 20, 2014, the Autorité des marchés financiers ("AMF"), which is the regulatory and oversight body for the financial sector in the province of Québec, Canada, urged Québec investors to be cautious when purchasing marketing packages from Karatbars, taking the position that they consisted in investment products sold by a company that is not a reported issuer. On April 17, 2014, at the request of the AMF, the Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers (“Tribunal”) issued orders prohibiting Karatbars and its affiliates from selling its marketing packages in the province of Québec. These orders were issued ex parte, which means that they were issued without warning to Karatbars, who was not present at the hearing to make representations to demonstrate that its marketing packages are not investment contracts and that their sale is not prohibited by the Québec Securities Act. Although Karatbars disagreed with the order, it scrupulously complied with it. In parallel, Karatbars immediately issued a challenge of the ex parte order. Its challenge was heard over a period of 10 days split between November 2015 and February 2016, where Karatbars’ legal counsel, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP (“Davies”) https://www.dwpv.com/en/, sought to inform the Tribunal about Karatbars and its business, products, activities and marketing initiatives, but also about referral marketing and network marketing in general. PRESENT: The result? Karatbars has prevailed on all points but one. The Tribunal reversed its conclusion on the ex parte order and confirmed, in a very lengthy judgment available here (in French): http://canlii.ca/t/gvl90 , that the Karatbars marketing plan is not an investment contract, and therefore, that Karatbars can sell same without the need of being a registered issuer. In particular, the Tribunal decided that Karatbars affiliates are not passive investors, but rather, are the sales force of Karatbars. The Tribunal further found that the money paid by affiliates for purchasing the marketing plan does not consist in an investment in the company, but rather, is paid in order to obtain marketing materials which are important for their daily work. The only exception to this conclusion concerns the Karatbars World Pool, which was no longer offered after November 2015. Therefore, this point is moot, as is recognized by the Tribunal in its decision. Finally, the Tribunal commended various aspects of the Karatbars business model, finding that the evidence showed that Karatbars sold its gold at a competitive price, that Karatbars stocked gold without cost and delivered its gold at competitive prices, that Karatbars has sufficient gold to fulfill all its orders, that its gold was of first rate quality, etc. Considering the foregoing, we expect to resume business in the province of Québec by January 15th, 2017 but have some reprogramming to complete. All affiliate activity in Quebec will, of course, continue to be monitored for compliance with the Company’s policies and procedures. We remind you, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, that affiliates may not promote Karatbars products or hold public meetings or act in a manner which is not consistent with the Terms and Conditions. Affiliates are reminded that they may not hold hotel meetings and must only use Karatbars materials in their presentations. For information about Karatbars International GmbH, please see https://www.karatbars.com The Autorité des marchés financiers ("AMF") is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector. http://www.lautorite.qc.ca/en/index.html The Tribunal exercises its functions in respect of the various market participants to ensure that investors and clients are protected and to promote efficiency in the markets. http://www.tmf.gouv.qc.ca/en/
  12. My NY resolution is to help as many people as possible rediscover the art of saving. In todays' consumerism society, many consider grabbing that discounted "bargain" as saving money, but did you really save, or did you get further into debt by making that purchase on credit? Credit card debt, if not kept in check, can quickly erode any perceived saving. KaratBars offers a very simple way to save regularly, with your deposits held as pure 999.9 gold bullion! But why save in gold? What can I do with my saved gold? Saving with KaratBars is fee-free and inflation-proof. With the coming launch of the KaratPay moile app, you will be able to spend your gold digitally at a growing database of retail outlets that now accept KaratBars gold as payment. You can transfer between accounts, or convert back to cash. You can also request delivery of your physical gold at any time. KaratBar gold cards make awesome gifts that will be treasured forever :-) I am already committed to saving 55 euro per month. Anyone who joins me and commits to 10 conseutive deposits (monthly or weekly) will be rewarded with one of our new global gold currency CashGold notes. These are a world first, with gold bullion embedded within the note, and contain several very sophisticated security features never seen before in any currency. Reply if you want to join me, and make next Christmas a truly golden one :-) May your New Year be even more prosperous than 2016!
  13. All part of the fake money payments mate. You allegedly earn 20 bucks for getting one of your friends to set up a profile. Sever all ties to these clowns asap!
  14. Only two weeks left to secure a lifetime truly passive income with KaratBars. Do you like the idea of a monthly pool share payment, without having to do anything at all? This unique offer expires Dec 31, so if the idea of pasive income inspires you, please watch the video below ASAP. http://thismightbeofinterest.com/premium/ Sign up link: www.its2ezy.com
  15. Thanks for sharing your experience Michael. I had a feeling that might be the case......too many freebie seekers not wanting to work a real business. I don't think it is the place to promote my karatbars business. One other question mate. Are you getting much in the way of offers from all those above you, and if so, what sort of programs/businesses are being offered? Cheers from Downunder
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