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Marketing Checkpoint


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MathiewBurkett last won the day on March 30 2018

MathiewBurkett had the most liked content!

About MathiewBurkett

  • Birthday 09/21/1971

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    Waco Texas
  • Interests
    Make Money Online Reviews

    Mathiew Burkett

MathiewBurkett's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi, Clickbank.com has a good Affiliate Program that you could try. Goodluck, Mathiew Burkett
  2. Hi, The Worldprofit Script sounds like a really good idea. The link below is to a post that was made about it at blogspot.com http://www.mathiewburkett.com/offers/world-profit-script-post/?t=marketing-checkpoint-post Goodluck, Mathiew Burkett
  3. I think that the majority of the Safelist Mailers have really good Solo Ads that you can buy. Profit Hoopla list the top Safelist Mailers - http://trck.me/460025/marketing-checkpoint-top-safelist-mailer-rankings
  4. Safelist Marketing Safelists are the best way that I have found to learn how to do Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Solo Ads, Banner Ads and Text Ads. Just about all of the Safelist have Affiliate Programs built in and you can start learning how to do Affiliate Marketing by Promoting there Affiliate Products. Safelist are a really good way to practice Email Marketing and Solo Ads also, All of the Email Swipes (Email Ads) are written for you so that all you will need to do is copy and paste the email swipe into an email and add the Affiliate link and then click send and that is basically all that there is to a Solo Ad. Safelist are also the best way that I have found to learn how to Advertise with Solo Ads, Banner Ads and Text Ads.
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