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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. List building is not that complicated . There are are lots of videos and tutorials on youtube. You have to plan to spend time to learn how to do it. It is a learning curve and takes time, effort and some investment. You have to be willing to invest some money. I recommend you do a budget on time and money, follow that plan. Find the time when there are not any distractions and learn how to do it. I also recommend that you find someone who will teach, coach and help you how to create a Lead Capture Page and how to use an auto responder.. You can the advertise a page or blog with a subscribe form so people can subscribe to your list. Offer something of value. It does not happen overnight. There are a lot of marketers who mislead you and tell you can make a fortune overnight which in most cases is not truth. Beware of those shiny objects Allow yourself time to learn how. I have a Facebook page that I share with information that may help you
  2. Are you using free wordpress? Do you have a domain and hosting? Once you log into Wordpress you can go to plugins There should be a list. Find the one that suits your needs. You may want to go to youtube and search for wordpress plugins Pick a domain like rpsmith.com or rpsmithclassifieldabvertising.com or similar. Wordpress will give you a few ideas, You will have to purchase an autoresponder and Learn how to use it. With an autoresponder you will be able to build your list of clients by installing a subscribe form on your wordpress site There are a couple of free ones list wire is a popular one. Autoresponders may cost you anywhere from 9 dollars to 50 dollars a month, maybe more depending which one you go with. Again you can use youtube there are videos that show you how to set up autoresponder List Wire youtube Much success Randy
  3. You have to track your hits and where you are getting sign ups. There are a lot of free and paid advertising sites out there. Some are garbage . Sometimes its a matter of changing the title or text in the body of your email or advertisement. When you find a good mailer or safelist and getting signups look at what they offer. It may be worthwhile. You have to be consistent and test.
  4. Good Morning. Gmail mail or web site email are the best to use. Some sites have a spam filter which insures a high rate of delivery. You can do a search on Google for Spam Filters and what words not to use in your messages. That will definitely help your deliver rate
  5. When you use gmail you should always white list,create labels and filters for your important emails. Also it would be a good idea to use spam filters. Otherwise a percentage of your emails will go to spam.
  6. Hi John. Marketing online is a huge learning curve. It takes time persistent and consistence. There is some much to learn and always something new to to learn. Find a business that you like or a passion a product or service that you enjoy. Find what works for you and use it One step at a time
  7. I agree safe lists are a great place to promote your business. You have to be consistent in your advertising. You also have to track which ones work well for you.
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