List building is not that complicated . There are are lots of videos and tutorials on youtube. You have to plan to spend time to learn how to do it. It is a learning curve and takes time, effort and some investment. You have to be willing to invest some money. I recommend you do a budget on time and money, follow that plan. Find the time when there are not any distractions and learn how to do it. I also recommend that you find someone who will teach, coach and help you how to create a Lead Capture Page and how to use an auto responder.. You can the advertise a page or blog with a subscribe form so people can subscribe to your list. Offer something of value. It does not happen overnight. There are a lot of marketers who mislead you and tell you can make a fortune overnight which in most cases is not truth. Beware of those shiny objects Allow yourself time to learn how. I have a Facebook page that I share with information that may help you