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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by Fitzoboy

  1. There's always pros and cons for every situation. I feel more confident dealing with a face than none or even just some obscure image. I would want to believe that most people would also. Then again, there's no guaranty that this is your actual face. But branding yourself requires consistency, so if you're aiming to be successful, your image must follow you around the internet.
  2. Hi, Fitzgerald Brudey from the Island of Dominica in the Caribbean . I've been dabbling in online marketing for about three years now with little success. This has not daunted my spirits none. Unfortunately a lot of the programs that caught my attention in the start were the get rich quick schemes that only took money but never gave back none. Eventually I settled to trying to get into programs that required no cash, since my money had ran out. These, I realized generated leads who are looking for the same thing that I was,freebies. So sales have been slow and tedious. I have learned the hard way that you can't make a profit without any investment. So now I'm ready to turn my online business into something that I can talk about and feel proud of my achievements. Hopefully I can make some valuable contribution to this Forum and gain some helpful insight and techniques here..
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