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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by kurosivo

  1. TrafficD , I understood what you meant.. but my experience, although admittedly not as big as yours, is telling me otherwise..or perhaps i just got extraordinarily lucky! I have also hard time believing that people are surfing EasyHits4U for the .30 cents they get after a thousand sites! (I have searched and found your program and it looks very interesting ..i bookmarked it ... i also suspect that i may belong to one of your safelists)
  2. Hi everybody, my name is Christos Apostolides (kurosivo) I come from the Mediterranean island of Cyprus and I am what you might call an experienced newbie! I was quite involved with internet marketing 13 years ago, at the time when Traffic Exchanges were at their peak. I had managed to build great downlines to a lot of the popular ones of that time and I was making a good supplement to my regular income. At 2007-ish, for personal reasons, I had to abandon my online efforts and concentrate completely offline. Beginning of this year i decided to start again. The environment is completely different but the principles are still the same! If I may put my 2 cents in, set fixed hours to work and stick by them, and get the proper tools and training to manage your promotions.
  3. I am really surprised to hear this..my experience is quite the opposite. Perhaps your tracker is counting also the hits that are using their rotator but are actually occurring somewhere else!
  4. I don't know how they handle their payments, never had one, but you can still use Paypal to buy traffic and/or upgrade. I have uploaded a relevant print screen here
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