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Marketing Checkpoint


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whwarner's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. We have a way so you can get into our program for absolutely free… It’s a simple process and we will be sharing it with you NOW $50 in XLM) and you can use it to get free bitcoin learn more go here https://doubleupcrypto.com/whwarner
  2. First Of Its Kind! SOMETHING U HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE AND YOU WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN 'A Handcrafted Custom Oriented Script Payplan Designed For Everyone To Win No Matter When You Join' 'You Will be AMAZED Even Before You Signup Someone You Will Have Bitcoin Hitting Your Wallet'. DoubleUp Crypto 2 Pass Up / 2X8 Reverse Company Pool Income! Join NOW: https://doubleupcrypto.com/whwarner ** EVERYONE WINS NO MATTER WHEN YOU BEGIN! 2 PASS UP FORCED MATRIX (Infinite Levels): The First Earning Structure is 4 Wide Forced Matrix. You will Pass Your 2nd and 4th Sale and You will Keep Your 1st and 3rd Sale! Your 5th, 6th, 7th Sale will be Placed Under Your 1st and 3rd and so on… You can Potentially Receive Unlimited Pass-Ups from Above and Below 2 x 8 REVERSE COMPANY POOL FORCED MATRIX (10 Levels Deep - Fills from bottom to top) Whatever Level You Land in the Reverse Structure, You will Share the Pool Donations with Everyone Else on the Same Level as you. After the Payouts are Done in our Reverse Structure, it Clears and is Again Filled with Our New Donators Immediately. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND - WIN WIN FOR ALL! AFFORDABLE – LOW COST ENTRY – AUTO UPGRADES! $25, $50, $100, $200, $400, $800, $1600, $3200, $6400, $12,800! Auto Deduction Entry into Next Level From Earnings! $10 Sponsor Bonus! $37.50 One Time / Bitcoin ACCEPTED! JOIN HERE https://doubleupcrypto.com/whwarner
  3. This program is working members are cycling everyday ang getting paid
  4. Global2x2 has a hybrid spillover system in place. Members are not placed into the matrix until they purchase a package, so every member can have unlimited referrals, that count as personal direct referrals, and will follow you after every cycle. Once you purchase a package, you are given a position in the matrix. A cycle is counted any time your position has 6 total members. 2 on the first level, and 2 each below them. When a matrix is complete and a cycle is counted, you receive the payout amount to your account, and you are given a new FREE position in the matrix where appropriate. (Either under your sponsor if you have one, OR in the first available position. Join my link here CLICK BANNER JOIN
  5. Just launched 4 x 1 matrix pays member to member..cost .01 btc.you can get paid .01 payments over and over again ..after you receive 4 x .01 payments, you can renew to your same uplines to get to receive more payments..Lot's of spillover in this program. You can also earn as a free member with the offer wall to join click here Minicashpool.com
  6. Hey guys!! GOOD NEWS! ADMIN FEE HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR 2 WEEKS!! Get your teams in, advertise as much as you can to take advantage of this.
  7. Joined this one at level 2
  8. Junk not working
  9. Yes its scam bad traffic
  10. Work hard to earn not get any money bad scam
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