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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by Cynthiagarden

  1. Actually, I was hit hard by these scammers. Without thinking through it, I lost money and time because I thought my computer was infected, and after contacting my service provider, I found out I was scammed. Not a good feeling. But...a lesson learned!
  2. Focus on What (the ultimate goal)....the What is the thing you are trying to achieve...that you want. I realize that this may be a simplistic response to a more complicated problem, but sometimes, trying to fix the broken things is just not worth the time. You have to decide for yourself, when it’s time to formulate a new plan. Moving forward, you may do better with a more learner-friendly platform. Good luck!
  3. Excellent topic, with eye opening information, I have been blogging for years, adding valuable, free content with the products tjat I market in my sidebar. Over time, this becomes easier & more rewarding,
  4. The best? Talk to people. Interact. Be genuine in your conversation. Always have a business card handy. Keep your website current, invitng, & exciting. Then, use your link in relevant TE’s, safelists, SEO optimization with trending keywords, tags & labels, offer valuable content & build relationships on Social Meda sites. But the best way to get traffic, is personal, human, old fashion interaction.
  5. That’s fantastc news! As someone noted, everything helps! I just opened a new Shopify store last month, & today I was clicking around, looking for a fresh source of advertising. MC is one of the most innovative & progressive platforms there is. As the world of E-commerce & digital communication grows, & a huge, younger generation ...’generation Z’...embraces its use, this is awesome news to draw their ‘parents’ into whatever you are offering on MC.
  6. Surfing with the sound off allows me to focus and glide through the websites. Audio messages, of course, tend to grab my attention, but it also slows me down. I have a blog that targets the music-loving audience, but it ‘invites’ the visitor to listen, instead of intruding on the visitor’s ‘quiet space,’...http://www.cgmarket.site.
  7. I enjoy using my blog to share valuable information about earning residual income, while at the same time, advertising my affiliate business & products! It’s also a learning vehicle, because it forces me to read and research information in order to stay fresh and current.
  8. About the issue of change, approach it with an optimistic mind. Consider this: this: If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. Hope is free.
  9. I find that offline advertising gets traffic. You will have to nerwork,talk to people, share flyers or business cards, and create interest with lively conversation. As for online advertising...Also, if you are offering products or services along-side your (relevant) articles, try posting links for them acrossthe Internet.
  10. Spelling and grammar are very important for sharing information. No one is perfect, but if your goal is to add value to to the marketplace, regardless of your niche or target market, you want to be compelling & appear pofessional. I’m all about self-improvement. So, whatever it takes to improve, try your best to achieve that.
  11. In my experience, I choose a website-host first. The ease with which to design a website is the determining factor when choosing a host, not merely the price. This means that I had to shop around to find a host that provides all the elements I needed. I’ve changed hosts twice. But now that I’ve found one that meets (most of) my requirements, I’m loyal to it, because I’ve become comfortable with it. No hosting platform is perfect. But, like a marraige, once you find a template that you like, visual elements that help you be creative, a price you can afford, you’re on your way!
  12. Hi Terry, welcome! Have a Look-around & read stuff, discuss stuff, share your thoughts on stuff...This site is awesome. Hope you enjoy it.
  13. I keep myself motivated with meditation...not necessarily that structured kind..but.just listening to nature-sounds in the yard or park, while focusing on positive things, people, events, images...& so forth. Also, I pray a lot. I talk to God as though He were my live-in friend. I sing, play piano to relax, read fiction or watch a good movie. All these things help me to focus on reaching my goals, because these things keep me in an upbeat state-of-mind.
  14. Hello, hello. I’m from New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s a party city, but has a rich culture to share with the world! Visit me at http://flintinthemix.com!
  15. Simplified and specific...just the way I like it. Thank you, sir!
  16. I enjoyed interacting with people from around the country wth Pre-Paid Legal Services 15 years ago. Then, I joined Herbalife. http://SaintAndrewProductions.net ~ Keep singing while you work!
  17. Take your time & research the opportunity before you spend any money with it. Look for an opportunity that will hold your interest. But you have to be motivated to build a business, not merely to join something that promises to do the work for you. Nothing easy is worthwhile or lasting. http://massivewin.net
  18. The most important thing is consistence. In order to succeed with any Affiliate platform, first, find a program that you trust, one that you can commit to, and then stick with it. Hopping around from one program to another will never earn any lasting success. But if you’re committed to one, good, solid, highly-rated program, (research it before you commit), you’ll be able to become knowledgeable, and increasingly effective in marketing and recruiting! This soon will turn into leveraged income. Building a business takes time. So, stick with it in order to see cash-results.
  19. “When we harness the forces of harmony, joy & love, we create success.” Deepak Chopra
  20. Hello Everyone at Marketing Checkpoint! My name is LaJuan and my childhood nickname is LilWin. I've been working to make money using my computer since 2005, but seriously dedicated only since 2012. Since that time, I've interacted with people from around the world, and I earn a little cash every month. I look forward to quadrupling this income in the coming years of my retirement!
  21. Building a business online takes time, just like opening a franchise or other "offline" business. I've been trying to make money with Internet Marketing since 2010. This year is the first year that I was able to devote more than a few hours a week. Now, I'm earning roughly $75.00 a month. Soon, that amount will double, then triple, depending on how much time and capital I am able to invest. The Key: Never Quit!
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